hi marty, eliz, bizarre, purplemonkey, and all the rest of the regular gang and newbies also

.... Bet I stumped ya's with a different user name. well that because I am having some trouble with mine, and well quite honestly... I dont care at the moment.
I am disappointed with how someone acted here with deliberately posting wrong information to mislead others. This I thought was a place to help popple out.... not deliberately give misleading information so they submit the wrong answer... this isn't the first time this has happened either.... I am just glad that I only come here to help others, 99% of the time, because my stepdad is a math professor at the university...so when I do get stumped he helps me out. I have not missed a mystery pic or a lenny for the past 2 years since I started playing.... sad that others cant help everyone else who may need help instead of having a burr up their butt.... If this message get posted.... anyone who looks at this board, please dent judge the rest of us by the way one or two people act. And please remember this is only a game on neopets.... you lost nothing if you submitted the wrong answer. Hopefully later today I can log in with my original account and if not, as long as I didn't get banned, I will be back in later. Have fun everyone

Now....Mzthing is stepping down from her soap box!