Ive onli had about 2 hrs 2 look at this(holiday), but Im already confused. I dont get how this riddle works & there are a few answers going around, which 1s the rite 1!!!?
im not sure but it has something to do with graphing
x3_smore wrote:im not sure but it has something to do with graphing

previous pages.... solution and answer(s) already posted.
yea..im hoping i made the top 250, cause i was here the minute they let it out and posted around the time that the solution was found
anybody know why they extended it for another week?
so the answer is the GIANT OMELETTE[size=8][/size], not Tyrannia. right?
They normally extend it when there weren't enough correct answers.
then they must of gotten alot of different answers...
Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 175). You have won 964 NP!
Because you were in the first 250 to guess correctly, you also have been awarded a My Weekend With Lennies, and receive a trophy and the Lenny Conundrum avatar!
I finally got one right thanks to you peeps
I didnt ge the avvie yet
i got the avie and a 2nd place trophy for lenny connundrum plus the book worth around 9.5k
I believe the bronze trophy is awarded for posting within the first 250.
Silver & gold trophies are awarded for posting within the first 11/7 entries. (Or maybe it is only 7/3 entries.)
High scores? 1 point for each gold trophy you win.
So unless you won a gold trophy, no high score for you.
Unless you were within the first few to reply, no new trophy.
Oh - avatar also is awarded for being within the first 250 entries.
And contest was two weeks long from day one. (Read the puzzle description) because the Lenny Puzzle maker was away... Maybe at the Hong Kong Mall thing? (Lutari Island/cell phone quiz...)
A - Grundo (20 minutes)
B - Gnorbu (16 minutes)
C - Gelert (8 minutes)
D - Grarrl (4 Minutes)
AD > 20 minutes
D < 4 minutes
BD > 16 minutes
D < 4 minutes
CD > 8 minutes
20+4+16+4+8 = 52 minutes
i goted 28 minutes :wink:
CD 8m
D 4m
AB 20m
C 8m
CD 8m
8+4+20+8+8 = 48min.
Anyone can get less?
I got 48 minutes as well
a+b --> 8 mins
<b> 20 mins
<a> 8 mins
TOTAL 48 mins