In my early twenties I belonged to a faith teaching Christian ministry and we went door to door, taught the Bible to people in laundromats, parks, universities, malls, airports etc... I went almost daily and spoke the Bible to people for forty hours a week. On one occasion I was in a large mall in Boston Mass and I met a Hindu woman from China she had a small gift shop in the mall and I just came into her shop to teach her the the word... She seemed overwhelmed by joy and happiness that I had come into her shop teaching the Bible. I was full of wonder as to what her story was. When I was a minister in my youth I was often the one who was taught by others around me. So this woman seemed like a gentile but outspoken and universally friendly person. I was a perfect stranger to her and I was out on a limb by witnessing in the city, I was just passing through Boston by bus for the day.
Well this Chinese woman made it her point to tell me her story... she said, "monotheism"... then she said, I am so glad I am living here in the west! She explained that when she was back in China she was made to worship many gods. She said it is much better here in the west. She had the biggest smile saying this.
Here there is freedom to worship one God! She said that is so much "better"! She said, "when you have many gods they are always fighting amongst each other and it is all chaos." There is no peace in many Gods... She seemed so placated by the comfort that she had escaped China and the grips of a life of mandatory polytheism.
Comment: I understand that polytheism is more of the idea that God is inside of everything but Christianity differs that yes it does have an element that God is omnipresent but it also teaches that God is outside of his creation. Where polytheism denies creationism. I think that multitheism is different than polytheism. Polytheism implies that there is an alternative to God. Multitheism implies there are other powers that be but they are not necessarily a viable alternative to the true God. When we have the stark contrast of the Bible's message, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me".
When I think about China imposing polytheism on it citizens then that is certainly a hardship and it makes one think that if it is just an arbitrary combination of two things and not more the nature of polytheism. It is a thing of logic I suppose. True it is possible that the invisible spiritual kingdom be comprised of a group or groups of factions that all are at a constant warring in that there is a balance somehow reached out of opposition. This seems to only muddle the face of the creator/true God. To try and impose a type of cycle of life over top of God rather than see that God is the creator of life in the universe. That "life" as we see it is "physical" but the God that we have is the subject/object of the image of our own "spiritual" life.
This truth of Abraham continues to free souls from spiritual tyranny even today. I am not saying that Christianity has not in the past been "imposed" upon people too because it has, but today Christianity is "not" imposed upon people but it is allowed to flourish by a free will choice. Christianity maintains the most diverse body of people and they are also the most unified body of people. They are "unified" mainly because they have "one" God. Unity in diversity...