Mon 27 Dec, 2004 09:12 pm
I am going to bed. Please inform all the global services. Thank you.
Good night and God bless.
I've also alerted local media.
I'm just rolling out of bed. G'night, Bear.
I'll take over now.
ah yes..the changing of the guards...keep a weather eye on the heartlander with the foul smelling cigar...he looks like an interloper..... :wink:
Afternoon. I had a lovely lunch! Public Holiday here - proclamation day - the day the colony got proclaimed - 180 years ago.
It is just after nine here...but due to the fact that our piece of **** dog has kept me awake half the night and awakened me early with her constant barking...even with a shock collar..... that I am exhausted. I have taken a little medication and I need a good nights sleep. Starting tomorrow I am busy 24/7 until Jan 4th.
So good night you princes and princesses of A2K.....
Watch those cheap shock collars. The go off unpredictably - you'd bark too.
Gustav - don't pee in his letter box again, alright?
dlowan wrote:Afternoon. I had a lovely lunch! Public Holiday here - proclamation day - the day the colony got proclaimed - 180 years ago.
Deb - don't proclaim any new colonies again, alright?
I 'hear' dlowan as an exclaimer and declaimer, rather than as a proclaimer.
Night night kids.
I'm just wakin' up after a looong, well-deserved afternoon's nap. Rarin' to go. Why's everybody napping off all of a suddink? Checking the 'new posts', this one's the only one with any attraction for me, though. Maybe I'll go read a book instead. Dlowan, just finished rading Martin Cruz Smith's Havana Bay. Delightful. Was it you who suggested Red Square? I haven't got that yet.