Catalonia wants out; Spain says no

Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2022 01:00 pm
Your problem is you can't think outside of yourself.

Everything has to be a version of something American.

Catalonia has **** all to do with New York.

The dynamic is all of their own, but you're too full of yourself to see that.

People like you are the reason the phrase "Stupid American" has such parlance.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2022 06:04 am
A special report in today's The Observer


Is Catalonia still dreaming of independence from Spain?
Five years after the showdown with Madrid, the region remains split over secession – and even those who back it are divided on how to achieve it. Do the people still have the will to go it alone?

Despite being one of the few national days that commemorates a calamitous defeat – in this case the fall of Barcelona during the war of the Spanish Succession in 1714 – Catalonia’s Diada is seldom a sombre affair.

Each 11 September for the past 10 years, hundreds of thousands of pro-independence Catalans have turned out, often in family gaggles and with flag-trailing pushchairs and dogs, to show their strength and to issue a peaceful call for a split from the rest of Spain.

This year’s Diada, however, was different. Five years after the regional government’s headlong rush towards independence resulted in an illegal referendum, a unilateral declaration of independence and Spain’s worst constitutional crisis in 40 years, the secessionist movement is in a different, more despondent place. The crowd of 1.5 million that took to the streets of Barcelona a decade ago gave way to about 150,000 people, according to local police, though organisers put attendance at 700,000.

The Diada T-shirts, usually in the red and yellow colours of the Catalan flag, were a funereal black, and a splenetic placard articulated the sentiments of many pro-independence Catalans towards the regional leaders who have failed to deliver on their promises: “Botifler, no te votaré,” it read – “Traitor, you don’t get my vote.”

Much of the anger of hardcore independentistas is focused on the Catalan regional president, Pere Aragonès, for his willingness to find a negotiated solution to the political impasse. Aragonès was notably absent from the Diada march organised by the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), the powerful and influential grassroots group that has pushed relentlessly for independence in recent years.

Montse Planas, who had come to the Diada from the village of Caldes de Montbui, an hour’s drive north of the Catalan capital, said she felt let down by politicians in Catalonia and Madrid. “We’re carrying the fight on,” she said. “The politicians aren’t but we are. There’s no point negotiating with Madrid – we have to fight this ourselves and we will.”

There were no such complaints on 1 October 2017, when Catalonia’s then president, Carles Puigdemont, defied Spain’s government and courts by staging the unilateral referendum.

The sole enemy back then was the Spanish state, as embodied by the conservative government of former prime minister Mariano Rajoy, which insisted the referendum would never take place, and by the thousands of Spanish police officers, whose heavy-handed and violent attempts to stop the vote ended up on newspaper front pages around the world the following day.

For longstanding independentistas, and indeed for many of the less convinced, the police’s raiding of polling stations, beating of voters and firing of rubber bullets was unequivocal proof of the need to break away.

Hence the fleeting joy 26 days later when secessionist Catalan MPs voted to establish an independent republic – fleeting because it prompted Rajoy’s government to sack Puigdemont and his cabinet , assume direct control of Catalonia and order a fresh regional election.

To avoid arrest, Puigdemont fled to Belgium – where he remains to this day – while other pro-independence figures stayed behind to face the consequences, which, for nine of them, included prison.

Although Puigdemont and his lieutenants proved unable to deliver the new republic, they did succeed in attracting the world’s attention and forcing the issue to the top of Spain’s political agenda. What they comprehensively and consistently failed to do, however, was listen to the majority of Catalans who oppose independence.

As pro-independence Catalan MPs voted to proclaim independence on 27 October 2017, one centre-right local lawmaker turned to Puigdemont and asked: “How can you imagine you can impose independence like this without a majority in favour … and with this simulacrum of a referendum?”

Five years on, the question of validity still hangs in the autumn air. At the height of the crisis in October 2017, a survey by the Catalan government’s Centre for Opinion Studies found that 48.7% of Catalans supported independence, while 43.6% did not. According to a survey conducted this summer by the same centre, 52% of Catalans now oppose independence, while 41% are in favour.

Others point out that almost a fifth of the region’s population is made up of immigrants who are not eligible to vote in regional or general elections, while in Barcelona those born abroad comprise nearly 25% of the population.

Personality clashes and ever-widening splits on the best way forward have riven the Catalan government and the region’s three pro-independence parties: Aragonès’s Catalan Republican Left party (ERC); Puigdemont’s centre-right Together for Catalonia party (Junts) and the hard-left Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP). The three share the common goal of Catalan independence – but little else.

In last year’s regional election, pro-independence parties won an overall majority of the popular vote for the first time – 51% – but the party that took the biggest share of the vote was the Catalan branch of the unionist Catalan Socialist party (PSC), led by the former Spanish health minister Salvador Illa.

Aragonès eventually became president but with only grudging support from his Junts coalition partners.

In the grand medieval surroundings of the Palau de Generalitat, the seat of the Catalan government, Aragonès defends his party’s decision to share the negotiating table with the socialist government of the prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, despite repeated criticism from the other two pro-independence parties.

Sitting in a wood-panelled room, Aragonès chooses his words carefully. Unlike Puigdemont and his successor, Quim Torra, the incumbent president has opted to tone down the rhetoric. But his more pragmatic approach has not been helped by revelations, first reported by the Guardian and El País, that Catalan independence leaders have been targeted using the NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware.

“There’s a part of the independence movement that doesn’t agree with this process of negotiation but I believe it’s necessary,” he said. “When there’s conflict in a democracy, you have to negotiate. There’s no alternative. People who oppose this will see in the future that this is the best way to arrive at a democratic solution.”

He recognises that his supporters are disillusioned and, while he demurs at former Catalan president Artur Mas’s suggestion that the movement went too far, too fast, he cautions patience. “We have to go on building a majority while faced with a state that doesn’t recognise this right [to self-determination], in order to attain a majority above 51%,” he said.

Although it has more in common with the leftwing PSC on social and economic issues, the ERC has consistently formed coalitions with centre-right parties.

“It’s impossible to reach agreement with the Catalan Socialist party because they don’t accept the principle of the right to decide,” said Aragonès. “At present, the Catalan Socialist party is the leading representative of Catalonia’s financial elite, who don’t want us to have sovereignty.”

For the regional president, social policy remains inextricably linked to sovereignty. “We can only carry out ambitious social policies such as a more equal distribution of wealth, equality of opportunity and the provision of better public services if we have the legislative and economic capacity to decide,” he added.

Altogether starker claims were made during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, when a spokesperson for the regional government claimed there would have been fewer death and infections in an independent Catalonia.

Across town in an office close to the still rising, still unfinished hulk of the Sagrada Família basilica, sits Jordi Turull, a deeply committed independentista with a dry sense of humour.

The secretary general of Junts, a party once labelled “the Catalan independence party of the right” by its coalition partners, has few warm words for Aragonès or his policies.

Turull takes the view that the ERC reneged on the agreement that the pro-independence movement as a whole, including unelected pro-independence groups such as the ANC and Òmnium Cultural, would participate in the talks in Madrid and not just the main political parties.

“This is why we’re considering our position in the government, because this wasn’t the agreement,” he said. “But we have to think carefully about this, because if we bring down the government, this affects everyone. That’s why we will do everything we can to improve what’s on offer. The Spanish state, whether the government is of the right or the left, has to prepare a roadmap towards a declaration of independence.”

In 2017, Turull was the spokesperson for Puigdemont’s government, which was dissolved when direct rule was imposed. Turull was re-elected as an MP in the election held in December that year.

In March 2018 he was proposed as president, but failed to win a first-round overall majority and before he could go for a simple majority in the second round he was imprisoned. “There were votes at the investiture on Thursday and Saturday, and on the Friday they put me in jail,” he said wryly. He was eventually sentenced to 12 years on charges of sedition and misuse of public funds, before being pardoned in 2021.

Turull puts little faith in the negotiations and believes the Spanish state will never allow Catalonia to become independent. “Let’s indulge in some science fiction,” he said. “Sánchez agrees to a referendum on Catalan independence but will it take place? No, because the top level of the judiciary won’t have it. Unlike other countries with fascist regimes, the judiciary was not reformed during the transition to democracy. The future of Catalonia won’t be decided at the ballot box but by the judges.”

While the independence movement is not habitually given to self-criticism, both Turull and Aragonès acknowledge they underestimated the Rajoy government’s response. The inevitable question is: what next?

“The people who were pro-independence in 2017 haven’t changed their minds but the movement is divided between those who want action and those who think there’s an opportunity to see if the Spanish state is willing to come up with a proposal about Catalonia,” said Turull.

Meanwhile, the talking continues. Aragonès says the goal is a government-approved referendum – something Sánchez is on record as saying he will never offer.

Also at this year’s Diada was PSC leader Illa, whose calm, bespectacled face became familiar to people across Spain through his regular press conferences as the country’s health minister during the pandemic.

Illa, who describes the 11 September gathering as “one of the thermometers” for measuring the Catalan situation, argues that while the turnout may have been lower, tempers were not. “There were fewer people this year than there have been in previous years – but there was still an important crowd and not just a handful of people,” he said.

“This group, or sector of society, is frustrated with its political leaders because they laid out a timeframe that was, in my view, impossible to achieve – or impossible to achieve in the way they said they would. That’s created frustration, and that predictable frustration gave rise to them calling them ‘liars’ and ‘traitors’.”

Illa, a measured and analytical politician who ran on a pledge to heal a divided Catalonia, offers three main explanations for the independence movement’s stalling momentum: the pandemic, Europe’s anxious focus on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and, moreover, the Sánchez government’s controversial decision to pardon Turull and the eight other Catalan leaders convicted over their roles in the independence vote.

“In my opinion, the most important thing that’s changed is the context,” he said. Illa also counsels that events in Catalonia in the past should not be seen in isolation.

“For me, what happened in Catalonia was in line with what’s happened all over the west in this second decade of the 21st century,” he said.

“And the fundamental factor behind all that – if not the only one – is the economic recession of 2008 and the populist movements it produced. You had Brexit in the UK, Donald Trump in the US and Syriza in Greece. And in Spain, we had Podemos, Vox and the Catalan independence movement: magic solutions to complicated problems. But that failed in 2017. And while I see it as a collective failure, those who pushed for it bear the most responsibility. Since then, you can understand Catalan politics – and to a large degree, Spanish politics too – as a collective digestion of that failure.”

Illa sees evidence of a depoliticisation of public spaces in Catalonia and says people in the region are more likely to talk about the cost of living crisis than the question of independence. He also noted that Aragonès is “a political professional”, unlike his predecessor Torra, whom Illa described as “an activist who did politics”.

Torra, a man with a long history of bitterly anti-Spanish pronouncements, was eventually barred from office by Spain’s supreme court for displaying pro-independence symbols on public buildings during a general election campaign.

Torra is not the only strident voice in the movement to have been taken to task for inflammatory comments. In February 2020, the American Jewish Committee accused the Catalan MEP Clara Ponsatí of trivialising the Holocaust and making “unacceptable” remarks after her speech in the European parliament compared Spain’s expulsion of the Jews in 1492 with its treatment of the “Catalan minority” and suggested the mass banishment had inspired Hitler.

Still, warns Illa, the current global and economic context and the cooler, calmer direction of travel under Aragonès does not mean the movement is totally enervated. In other words, no one should mistake the current splutterings for death throes.

“Whoever says this is over is mistaken,” he said. “We need to carry on paying attention and focusing, as the Spanish government is, and others here are, on looking for agreements and offering dialogue as the best solution.”

Ana Sofía Cardenal, a political scientist at Catalonia’s Open University, agrees that external events – the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the energy and cost of living crises – have displaced the independence question in the lives and minds of people in Catalonia.

“But the response to this movement had also led to an awareness of the difficulties in achieving its aims,” she said. “And the farther away the goal gets, the more people lose heart and demobilise. We’re also seeing the consequences of that despondency in all the divisions within the movement and within its parties.”

But, like Illa, Cardenal said that while the issue of Catalan independence is unlikely to rise to the top of the agenda in the short to medium term, “that doesn’t mean it won’t resurface in the future because the fundamental problems are still there”.

And so the wait goes on for those still set on Catalan independence. Martí Pont, 25, was among those occupying the Ramon Llull school in central Barcelona when it was stormed by Spanish police on 1 October 2017.

Despite seeing police beating people and dragging them out by their hair, he and his fellow independentistas felt a turning point had been reached that turbulent day.

“We were very hopeful but nothing was clear,” he recalled. “We just knew that this time it was different. People were really angry with Spain and I think we were closer than ever to getting independence, but it was thanks to popular power, not thanks to politicians.”

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2022 05:42 am
The Catalan government collapsed on Friday evening after its junior partner, Junts, exited the cabinet after a majority of its members decided to leave in an internal vote – yet this is far from meaning that a snap election will be called.

The Catalan president, Pere Aragonès, ruled out the possibility of calling an early vote by saying that he will appoint new ministers in the coming days "to last the rest of the term".

Catalan regional coalition breaks down as hardline party quits
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2023 07:46 am
Sunday's election results in Spain turn everything upside down:
there is a winner, the conservative Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who will probably not be able to govern. And a runner-up who may be able to scrape together a majority. This means Pedro Sánchez, who would, however, have to rely on even more controversial regional parties than before.
And that, too, is a curiosity: in Catalonia, the pro-independence camp has lost massive numbers of votes - and yet the separatists are tipping the scales. The future of the whole of Spain could now depend on it.

Together, Catalonia's independence parties, the CUP, ERC and Junts, now only have 27 per cent of the vote after this election. In the 2019 election, they still won 43 per cent in Catalonia. But it is the party of former Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont, Junts per Catalunya, that all eyes are now focused on after the general election in Spain. Junts will be crucial if Pedro Sánchez wants to be elected prime minister again. His previous left-wing minority government had already had to rely on the votes of the Catalan left-wing republicans, ERC.

But the neoliberal Junts party not only has a different economic and social policy project from Sánchez's left-wing coalition in Madrid. Unlike ERC, Junts still advocates Catalonia's secession from Spain. The party, whose founder Carles Puigdemont is still hiding from the Spanish justice system in exile in Belgium, is unlikely to make it easy for Sánchez should he consider working with it. "We will not make Sánchez prime minister for nothing," said Miriam Nogueras, the Junts' top candidate, on election night in Barcelona.

(Translated Süddeutsche Zeitung report)
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2023 08:36 am
Spain grants Basque, Catalan and Galician languages parliamentary status
Spanish MPs have been able to address congress in Basque, Catalan and Galician for the first time after the country’s Socialist-led caretaker government agreed to smaller parties’ demands for the the three regional languages to be granted official parliamentary status.

The change – which is intended to help the chamber “progress along the path of linguistic plurality” – was requested by the Catalan pro-independence parties on whose support the acting prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, is relying to form a new government after July’s general election resulted in a hung parliament.

The move, which will be the subject of a formal vote on Thursday, has been welcomed by some parties but criticised by the conservative People’s party (PP) and the far-right Vox party. MPs from the latter party signalled their displeasure by leaving their newly issued earpieces on Sánchez’s seat – the acting prime minister is attending UN meetings in New York – and marching out of the chamber.

Galician was the first newly co-official language to be spoken on Tuesday morning, when the Socialist MP José Ramón Besteiro, who comes from the north-western city of Lugo, told fellow lawmakers it was a “double honour” to be debuting the system and celebrating Spain’s “cultural and linguistic riches”.

According to official Spanish figures, 9.1 million people speak Catalan, while 2.6 million and 1.1 million speak Galician and Basque respectively.

Hardline Catalan separatists, led by the self-exiled former regional president Carles Puigdemont, are seeking to extract maximum gains from Sánchez in return for helping him form a new government.

This month Puigdemont – who fled Spain six years ago to avoid arrest over his role in the failed unilateral bid for regional independence in October 2017 – made his support conditional on the granting of an amnesty for all those wanted by Spanish courts in relation to the secessionist push.

The PP has criticised Sánchez and his partners for even entertaining the notion of an amnesty and has called a rally in Madrid on Sunday to protest against the possibility.

Puigdemont also wants Catalan to be made an official EU language.

Sánchez has taken advantage of Spain’s EU presidency to push for Catalan, Basque and Galician to be accepted as official languages in the bloc, but his efforts met with a cool response at a European ministers’ meeting in Brussels on Tuesday.

The EU has 24 official languages, although there are about 60 minority and regional languages in the 27-nation bloc. Many in Brussels worry that acceding to Spain’s request could encourage others to follow suit.

Ministers called for more time to study Spain’s proposal. “It’s too early to say,” the Swedish EU affairs minister, Jessika Roswall, told reporters.

“There are many minority languages within the European Union that are not official languages,” she added, suggesting others could follow with similar demands.

France’s minister in charge of European affairs, Laurence Boone, said: “We will request a legal study to see how we can accommodate Spain on this subject.”

Spain says it will cover the costs linked to simultaneous translation but has not provided detailed figures.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2023 11:07 am
About 7,000 demonstrated against deal plan for Catalan separatists with 30 police and others hurt in violence.

Dozens injured in protests at Spanish socialist party’s Madrid headquarters
Thirty-nine people, including 30 police officers, have been injured outside the Madrid headquarters of Spain’s ruling socialist party amid angry demonstrations against the party’s plans to offer an agreement deal to Catalan separatists to help it secure another term in government.

About 7,000 people gathered outside the offices of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ party (PSOE) on Calle de Ferraz on Tuesday night to protest against the proposed agreement. The demonstration, which was attended by members of the far-right Vox party and by fascist and neo-fascist groups, led to skirmishes between protesters and riot police, who responded with teargas and baton charges.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 14 Mar, 2024 08:00 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Spain's lower house of parliament has passed a bill that would grant amnesty to people involved in Catalonia's 2017 independence bid. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez relied on Catalan parties to form government.

Spanish lawmakers pass amnesty bill for Catalan separatists
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 15 Mar, 2024 07:33 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Catalan leader hails ‘new stage’ in quest for independence after amnesty vote
Pere Aragonès says vote validated his decision to pursue political negotiations with Pedro Sánchez

Catalonia’s president has hailed a “new stage” in the quest for regional self-determination after a vote by MPs backing the Spanish government’s deeply divisive amnesty law, and vowed to continue pushing for a mutually agreed referendum if he wins another term in May’s snap election.

Pere Aragonès, who has led the regional government for the past three years, told the Guardian that the amnesty – demanded by Catalan separatist parties in return for helping Spain’s Socialist-led coalition back into power after last year’s election – had validated his decision to pursue political negotiations with the prime minister, Pedro Sánchez.

“I think Catalonia is looking forwards now, and it’s looking forwards so it can open a new stage following the amnesty,” Aragonès said. “That new stage needs to be based on bringing about a jointly agreed referendum. And those best placed to stand up for an agreed referendum are those of us who’ve banked on dialogue and negotiation in an honest way.”

Aragonès, a member of the Catalan Republican Left party (ERC), has taken a more moderate and pragmatic approach to the issue of independence than his predecessor, Carles Puigdemont, leader of the hardline Junts per Catalunya (Together for Catalonia) party. Puigdemont opted for a strategy of open confrontation with the Spanish state, staging an illegal, unilateral independence referendum in October 2017 and subsequently issuing a declaration of independence before fleeing to Belgium to avoid arrest.

Aragonès said the amnesty, which will be put before Spain’s senate, had helped put an end to what he called years of “political repression” by the Spanish state.

Sánchez, while continuing to firmly rule out any prospect of the jointly agreed referendum sought by Aragonès, has favoured a markedly more conciliatory approach to the issue of Catalan independence than the conservative People’s party (PP) did when in government at the time of Puigdemont’s push for independence.

It sent thousands of police officers to Catalonia to stop people voting, then sacked Puigdemont and his cabinet and used constitutional powers to take control of Catalonia and call a new election.

Sánchez took the unpopular decision three years ago to pardon nine independence leaders jailed for their roles in the push to secede. The move eventually paid off and helped significantly reduce tensions, but the amnesty is a far bigger political gamble.

A poll in mid-September showed that 70% of voters, including 59% of the people who voted for Sánchez’s PSOE in last year’s inconclusive general election, opposed the measure, and the issue has brought hundreds of thousands of people out on to the streets to protest in recent months.

Sánchez argues that the amnesty, which he had previously opposed, will help Spain move on and usher in “a new period of coexistence and prosperity in Catalonia”.

His opponents, however, accused him of putting his own political survival before the country’s interests after the PP emerged as the largest party in July’s election but was unable to form a coalition.

The PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has called the amnesty “the greatest affront to dignity, equality and the separation of powers seen in a western democracy”.

Aragonès said the PP was playing politics with the amnesty issue, adding: “The Spanish right and far right have always used Catalonia to win votes in the rest of the state. So this is just another chapter as far as they’re concerned.”

But he acknowledged that many PSOE voters had found the amnesty unpalatable. “There was a path that allowed us to get to the amnesty,” he said. “First, there were the pardons that freed the political prisoners, then the penal code was reformed to get rid of the crime of sedition, and now we have the amnesty, which is the path that’s led to the end of the repression.

“The Socialist party will need to explain all those reasons to its voters but I’m convinced that time will also prove to a part of the Spanish left that this law was the right thing to do.”

Aragonès, who on Wednesday called a snap election in Catalonia after opposition parties voted against his budget, said his government had reduced unemployment, promoted economic growth and strengthened the regional welfare state. He also pointed out that his tenure had been bookended by the pardons and the amnesty.

Asked whether the amnesty meant he and his party had ruled out a return to unilateral efforts to pursue independence, he said: “My priority is a jointly agreed referendum. I think that’s the way to do it and I think there’s now the possibility of dialogue. We’ll see what alternatives to a referendum the Spanish government puts forward.”

He added that while he would never renounce “any democratic means of achieving an independent Catalonia”, he recognised that the current circumstances were very different to those of 2017.

A poll published last November by the Catalan government’s Centre for Opinion Studies suggested that the PSC, the Catalan branch of the Spanish Socialist party, would once again take the most votes in the May election. It put the PSC on 39-45 seats, the ERC on 29-34 and Junts on 19-24.

After the last election in February 2021, where the PSC took the most votes, the ERC and Junts went on to form a joint government that lasted until the latter party abandoned the coalition in October 2022.

“They reached a deal with us but they left the government because they thought there was no need to negotiate with Pedro Sánchez,” Aragonès said. “A year on, they’re negotiating with Pedro Sánchez, so there we are.”

He said there would be no coalition deals with the PSC. “On a socioeconomic agenda, it’s no different to Junts per Catalunya, which is a party from the Catalan conservative tradition,” he said.

Junts is hoping the amnesty will allow Puigdemont to return to Spain to run as its candidate in May.

Asked whether Puigdemont was as relevant a figure in Catalan politics as before, Aragonès said: “He was president in 2017, which was a very important year in the recent history of Catalonia. But I think Catalonia is looking forwards now, and it’s looking forwards so it can open a new stage following the amnesty.”
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 10 May, 2024 10:26 am
Socialist frontrunner says region ready to unite, rather than focus on divisive politics that has plunged country into crisis

Catalan election gives voters chance to leave ‘lost decade’, says Salvador Illa
[...]Salvador Illa, a former central government health minister who leads the Catalan branch of Spain’s ruling socialist party, said the region was ready for change almost seven years after the failed, unilateral bid to secede plunged the country into political crisis.

“This election could – and should – open a new era in Catalonia that I’d define in two words: the verbs ‘unite’ and ‘serve’,” Illa told the Guardian in an interview ahead of Sunday’s vote.

“‘Unite’ because we need to stop focusing, as we have over the past few years, on issues that divide Catalan society and which try to put it on either side of a line. We need to underline and emphasise the common bonds – regardless of our ideas, our language, our background or our feelings – that we have as Catalans.

“And ‘serve’ because we need to underline that public services, such as education, healthcare, housing, transport and safety, will be the chief priority of the regional government.”

The snap election was called in March by the Catalan president, Pere Aragonès, a member of the moderate pro-independence Catalan Republican Left party (ERC), after opposition parties voted down the budget proposed by his minority government.

The ERC had governed in coalition with Junts per Catalunya, the centre-right, hardline pro-independence party led by the self-exiled former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, until festering disagreements led the latter to abandon the government in October 2022.

Polls suggest Illa’s Catalan Socialist party (PSC) is on course for a comfortable win – taking about 28.5% of the vote and about 40 seats in the 135-seat regional parliament – but will need the support of other parties to form a government.

Junts looks set to finish second with 21.2% of the vote and 34 seats, followed by the ERC, with 16.7% and 26 seats. The conservative People’s party (PP) and the far-right Vox are in a tight race for fourth place, respectively polling 8.7% and 12 seats, and 7.6% and 10 seats.

Behind them are the leftwing Comuns Sumar alliance, the far-left Popular Unity Candidacy, and the new, far-right Aliança Catalana party.

Despite its regional nature, Sunday’s election could have serious national ramifications as Spain’s socialist prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, relies on the ERC and Junts to back his minority government in congress.

Puigdemont – who fled to Belgium to avoid arrest over his role in masterminding the illegal push to secede in 2017 – is the most high-profile beneficiary of the controversial amnesty law that Sánchez introduced to secure the support of the ERC and Junts.

He is planning to return home soon but has warned Junts may ditch its support for Sánchez if it doesn’t like the makeup of a PSC-led government.

Despite Junts’s resurgence in the polls, Illa said Catalonia had changed dramatically over the past few years, adding the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and worries about the state of public services had all diminished the importance of independence as a political issue.

Illa acknowledged some people remained unconvinced by the amnesty – which the PP and others have decried as a cynical piece of political manoeuvring – but said the move and other conciliatory gestures had greatly reduced tensions.

He also accused the ERC and Junts of being too preoccupied with independence to improve Catalonia’s declining public services or to prepare for the drought the region has suffered for the past three years.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 May, 2024 10:40 am
izzythepush wrote:

Then they had Brexit forced upon them along with the biggest joke of a prime minister in history.

It took less than a year for this to date badly.

I wrote this before Liz Truss was PM.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 13 May, 2024 12:46 am
Spain's Socialists won the largest share of the vote in Catalan elections, as separatist parties are set to lose their majority after more than a decade in power in the region.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 13 May, 2024 10:54 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Catalan parties face coalition talks after socialists fall short of majority
Catalonia is braced for rounds of tense negotiations on forming a government after the victorious socialists fell well short of an absolute majority in Sunday’s election and the fugitive former regional president Carles Puigdemont vowed to try to forge a separatist minority administration despite a punishing night for the Catalan independence movement.

The snap election, which was called in March by the Catalan president, Pere Aragonès, after opposition parties voted down the budget proposed by his minority government, proved costly for separatist parties, who lost their parliamentary majority.

The Catalan Socialist party (PSC) finished first, winning 42 seats in the 135-seat regional parliament and taking 28% of the vote.

The three biggest Catalan pro-independence parties – Aragonès’s pragmatic, moderate ERC, Puigdemont’s hardline, centre-right Together for Catalonia (Junts), and the far-left Popular Unity Candidacy – lost their majority, dropping from 74 seats at the last election to 59, with 39.4% of the vote.

Despite failing to get close to the 68 seats needed for an absolute majority, the PSC hailed its victory as the beginning of a new era in Catalan politics and society – and a definitive break with the turmoil triggered by Puigdemont’s unilateral and illegal push to secede in 2017.

“Catalonia has decided to open a new era,” the PSC’s leader, Salvador Illa, told supporters at his party headquarters on Sunday night. “Catalan voters have decided that the Socialist party will lead this new era, and it is my intention to become Catalonia’s next president.”

Illa, a close ally of Spain’s socialist prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, had campaigned on a promise to unite the region and improve its public services. Sánchez’s government hailed the PSC’s result as proof that its conciliatory approach to the so-called Catalan question – not least the introduction of a controversial amnesty for Puigdemont and others involved in the independence push – had paid off well.

“Salvador Illa’s triumph means the end of the independence process, thanks to the policy of harmony, dialogue and coexistence undertaken by the prime minister, Pedro Sánchez,” said a government source. “Catalans have backed that with their votes. In this election, Catalonia has decided to open a new stage.”

Puigdemont shrugged off Illa’s win and said he intended to attempt to put together a pro-independence minority government.

“We can put together a coherent majority – not an absolute one, but it would be bigger than Illa’s,” said Puigdemont, who has been campaigning in France while he waits for the amnesty to become law. “The main thing is to ensure Catalonia has a government that can work and that can stand up to Madrid. The second thing it to avoid a repeat election, [which] would be very bad news for Catalonia, for stability and for the people of Catalonia.”

Puigdemont acknowledged the independence movement’s poor showing, saying Sunday’s results demanded a “deep reflection” on the splits within the movement and on why so many voters had stayed at home.

The results led Aragonès to announce he was stepping down as an MP. He said the formation of the next Catalan government was a matter for the PSC and Junts.

“We’ve decided to respect the decision of the people and we have to move to become the opposition,” he said.

Sunday’s election is likely to lead to days and weeks of deal-making and horse-trading as both blocs attempt to forge a governing alliance to propose to regional MPs.

A left-leaning coalition of the PSC, the ERC and the leftwing Comuns Sumar alliance would deliver the 68 seats needed for a majority. But Aragonès, who became Catalan president almost exactly three years ago, has repeatedly ruled out any mooted ERC deals with the PSC on ideological grounds. Speaking on Monday, he once again said his party would not “facilitate the PSC’s investiture”.

A Puigdemont-led pro-independence coalition, which would probably exclude the new far-right Aliança Catalana party, which won two seats, would deliver 59 seats.

The situation is further complicated by the national political picture. Not only did Sánchez have to perform a U-turn and promise the ERC and Junts the amnesty in return for their support in helping him back into office after last summer’s inconclusive general election, he also continues to rely on their backing to get his minority government’s legislation through congress.

The conservative People’s party (PP), which has called the amnesty “the greatest affront to dignity, equality and the separation of powers seen in a western democracy”, came fourth in Sunday’s election, with its seat count rising from three to 15.

The PP’s leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, described the results as “extraordinary and well above our expectations”. The liberal Citizens party, which finished first in the 2017 Catalan regional election and which was once the great hope of the Spanish centre-right, had another death-knell result, losing all six of its seats.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 30 May, 2024 05:01 am
Spain's parliament has finally approved a disputed amnesty bill for Catalan separatists involved in an unsuccessful 2017 secession bid.

The 177-172 vote, which overturned a veto by the upper house, could mean that former Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont, who is a fugitive from Spanish law in Belgium, can return home without fear of punishment.

Some experts have maintained that the law is unconstitutional because it favors some Spanish citizens over others.

The amnesty law has, however, been endorsed by the Council of Europe, a non-EU institution that promotes human rights.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2024 10:28 am
Carles Puigdemont, who fled the country after organizing an illegal independence referendum seven years ago, says he will return home on Thursday.
Facing an arrest warrant, it is unclear how he intends to do it.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2024 03:13 am
@Walter Hinteler,
This morning, ex-Catalonia leader Carles Puigdemont has returned to Spain for the first time since fleeing the country after his 2017 independence ballot.
State broadcaster TV3 said Catalan police had launched an operation to find and arrest the former Catalan president.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2024 07:23 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Puigdemont returns to Barcelona from exile, gives a short speech - and immediately disappears again.
So far, the police have only been able to arrest one other person in their manhunt, codenamed "Cage".
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 9 Aug, 2024 03:25 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The Catalan independence leader managed to slip into Barcelona, give a speech, and flee. A Spanish judge has accused local police of collusion.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 9 Aug, 2024 07:19 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Carles Puigdemont’s escape antics may look comic. But he is Spain’s version of Donald Trump

The former Catalan president staged a dramatic flight from Barcelona – but his charade could fuel extremism in the region and beyond

An egotistical and polarising rightwing election loser addresses his adoring supporters in a speech, casting himself as a victim and questioning democracy, just hours before parliament is set to vote for the formal investiture of the actual winner. The crowd hold aloft pictures of the loser’s face, chanting that he is their rightful president, and then turn their anger on the media, harassing reporters who are covering the event. Chaos ensues as some of the leader’s supporters attempt to assault the parliament building. Sound familiar?

Carles Puigdemont, the fugitive former president of Catalonia and the leader of the Catalan separatist party Junts, who fled Spain to avoid prosecution after organising an unlawful independence referendum in 2017, staged a dramatic reappearance on a Barcelona stage on Thursday.

His show ended up being more of a charade than a coup, but it had definite Trumpian vibes. The loyal supporters he addressed were a small group and posed no serious threat to the Catalan parliament, but Puigdemont once again demonstrated his unwillingness to accept electoral defeat, his belief that he is above the law and his self-centred need for the spotlight.

From his self-imposed exile in Brussels, Puidgemont was defeated in regional elections in May. Salvador Illa, the mild-mannered leader of the Socialist party in Catalonia, emerged the clear winner. Junts had focused its campaign around Puigdemont, even renaming the party after him in the ballot, but voters were unconvinced.

For the first time in decades, most Catalan voters supported non-separatist parties, in line with the decline in support for independence since 2017.

While Puigdemont benefited from an amnesty law pushed through by Pedro Sánchez to enable the formation of a government with the support of pro-independence parties, the former Catalan president is still wanted on charges, which he denies, of embezzlement of public funds. He could have been detained to appear in court. But the Catalan police, who have full authority in the region, seemingly allowed him to hold his rally undisturbed. Puigdemont then vanished again instead of heading to vote in parliament, as he had claimed he would. Two officers were later arrested on suspicion that they assisted Puigdemont’s flight.

After hours in which police conducted a manhunt and the city was locked down, memes and parody videos flooded social media, and satire got into news reports. “Could Carles Puigdemont smuggle himself into the Catalan parliament dressed as a lion? Probably not, but police in Barcelona are taking no chances,” Aitor Hernández-Morales wrote in Politico about the decision to lock down the city zoo. Amid rumours that Puigdemont had escaped in a car, police encircled the city, setting up roadblocks to search car boots. While his lawyer bragged about how the evasion of arrest had gone to plan “perfectly”, some on X compared Puigdemont to Lupin, the fictional French gentleman thief who always gives police the slip.

It was a day that underscored how deeply Catalans identify political discontent as the biggest problem in public life. This was the finding of a July survey by the Catalan government’s polling institute. Up to 70% of citizens are concerned about how democracy works, and most believe politicians should prioritise socioeconomic issues and the climate crisis over independence. They think the new government should focus on reducing poverty and inequality, boosting economic growth, protecting law and order, and fighting against the climate emergency and the ongoing drought. Reviewing Catalonia’s relationship with the rest of Spain ranks only fifth in importance. The same poll shows Puigdemont as an unpopular leader, trailing behind Illa, the new Catalan president, and the outgoing president, Pere Aragonès.

Puigdemont’s political future appears unpromising, and it may take time for his party to return to power. But his impact on eroding trust in politicians and institutions could outlast his personal ambitions. The Sánchez government is already paying a price for securing Junts’ support by making concessions to an unreliable partner that recently aligned with the national far right on migration and other issues.

Puigdemont has made it clear that he has never cared about the stability of Spain’s centre-left government, but he also seems intent on preventing any such stability in Catalonia. His main target is ERC, the separatist party on the left that has helped Illa secure a majority in the Catalan parliament and be elected president. Puigdemont’s behaviour may be seen as verging on comedy, but it has the potential to fuel the rise of extremists inside and outside Catalonia.

Illa, a welcome exception in a Spanish public sphere often driven by insults and animosity, delivered a speech in parliament that focused on everyday concerns for Catalans. He spoke about housing, drought and trains. To please his allies, he also advocated for the swift implementation of the amnesty law and supported a federal Spain. “Catalonia must look forward, can’t lose time, and must include everyone,” he said.

Illa’s election could signal a new political era. The road ahead will be paved with his good intentions, but also with the threat of a vocal, xenophobic minority still led by Puigdemont, out of power and out of touch, but still eager for one final curtain call.
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