Quote: When is the seventh day?
When you read the bible, if you read it, you will find the part of the Mabul (the deluge)
In this part, Noah got into an ark and with his family and lots of pets, stayed over there for months.
When the rain was over, and Noah was tired of smelling the lion's poo poo, Noah sent a bird to check if the waters receded already so they can get out and live on ground.
No luck the first time.
Then, Noah waited SEVEN DAYS and sent the bird outside again.
And he repeated the same sending of the bird every SEVEN DAYS until a bird returned back with a small branch of a plant.
Noah inherited the counting of days which started with Adam.
Adam learned the counting of days from God.
After Noah, his children also continued with the same counting of SEVEN DAYS after SEVEN DAYS.
When the children of the children of the sons of Noah populated the planet, they started to put names to everything, including to each one of the days. At the beginning the days were just "the first, the second, the third, and so forth"
The new generations replaced the numerical naming of days by the names of planets.
Still, the day seventh was also the day of rest for the ones who kept the doctrine given by God to Adam and transmitted to Noah, Abraham, etc...