I did enjoy being girly while it lasted. Mr S thought it too cute as well. He's doing psychology now and said peoples choice of avatar would make an interesting project. He likes the chilli though, he went into all the possible 'psychological' reasons as to why I chose a chilli. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was my 10th choice......but couldn't get the rest to download! My friend scanned and emailed me a potocopy of my breasts (pissed at work).......tried for ages to get that one to be my new avatar. But
they probably wouldn't allow........I thought it was funny, Mr S said 'don't you dare!'
Ticomaya, you still with your girlfriend from that time?
McTag and Walter: I watched this programme recently on BBC4, it's being repeated on 2..... New Years Eve, 9.40....The Story of Bohemian Rhapsody......"More than just a tale of a poor boy from a smal fam-il-ie. This is the record that rock music peaked with and The Darkness will spend their entire career trying to ape. Roger Taylor, Brian May and Brian May's hair

travel back to the studio where the deed was done, and a group of Oxford professors try to decipher the nonesensical lyrics. Good live footage too!"
Try to warch/tape it was a great programme. :wink: