Acquiunk wrote:
This is the key "if we are correct about the equation". A contradiction is information we do not understand. It suggests that is our equation inadequately describes the universe. If that is the case, than the equation must be reconfigured or replaced. That is standard science. This experiment would seem to me to suggest a contradiction, although it's resolution will probably not create a world of interstellar transportation (or what ever).
Einstein will ultimately be replaced just as Einstein replaced Newton. One of the functions of science is to challenge received wisdom. Eienstine is now, after 100 years, received wisdom so this challenge should not be unexpected.
Acquiunk, I thought I phrased that well.
I agree with you that it is possible that current physicists are wrong when they say that FTL travel of matter and "information" (again this is a oversimplification of the theory but we believe there is a real prohibition).
But, you must admit that perhaps modern scientists are right. There is a possibility that the prohibition against FTL travel really reflects a rock hard fact of the Universe.
If we want talk about how likely it is that we FTL is a real mathematical limit that will forever be unbreakable, we need to talk about the math, the experiments and the reasoning. If you would like to do this, it is an interesting story. It turns out that there are very good reasons for physicists to be pretty confident about he FTL limit.
The Newton and Einstein analogy is often cited in this type of discussion. The point you are trying to make is that science is not infallable and that it is very likely that some later genius is going to make dramatic new discoveries in the future.
However it is incorrect to say the Einstein "replaced" Newton. Einstein's theory of Special relativity are compatible with Newton's laws... Every physics major needs to do this math in their second year. Actually, Newton's laws turn out to be a special case of Einsteins more general theory.
OK, I am generalizing a bit, Einstein directly contradicted Newton in one major area... the relativity of time. Newton said directly that time was absolute (one of the few statements he made without testing).
But, no one knows the future. We all know that it is possible, and perhaps probable that some one will come along in 20 years and upset all of science. Of course this new theory will need to explain the phenomina that we have been studying for hundreds of years at least as well as our current theory. As Einstein and Newton and Galilleo before him, it is probable (at least if history is a guide) that any new theory will encompass the current theories.
But all of our current theories... which are quite successful at explaining phenomina, making predictions and meeting any current experiments that we can think of...are the best we have yet. They all indicate that the FTL prohibition is a real stone cold fact of the universe.
Who knows if we are right? Perhaps our great grandchildren can have this discussion with a bit more insight.