Thu 16 Dec, 2004 10:56 am
Here's Bib's latest Word Challenge for all you logogogues out there.
Make as many words as you can, with the same letter count, as the original word size:
e.g. if you have a three-letter word, see how many different three-letter words can be made form it; if you have a four-letter word, see how many different four-letter words can be made form it, etc.
1. All words must be found in the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary or the Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary.
2. Words with dashes or hyphens do not count.
3. Acronyms do not count.
4. Prefixes or Suffixes do not count.
5. All other word forms, including Names, Places and Plurals are eligible.
Who can make the greatest number of jumbled words from any of the following categories:
1. 3-letter word
2. 4-letter word
3. 5-letter word
4. 6-letter word
5. 7-letter word
6. 8-letter word
7. 9-letter word
8. Anything larger than a 9-letter word
Have fun, and happy Jumbling!
Here is an example for Challenge #2:
Word Jumble is SPOT, which gives > opts, post, pots, spot, stop, tops.
SIX 4-letter words from a 4-letter word.
Here is an example for Challenge #1:
Word Jumble is EAT, which gives > aet, ate, eat, eta, tae, tea.
SIX 3-letter words from a 3-letter word.
5 for 5
mates > mates, steam, teams, tames, meats
6 for six (and more) : petals
Any more offers - keep them coming.
7 for 5
paste pates peats septa spate tapes tepas
11 for 6
alerts alters artels estral laster ratels salter slater staler stelar talers
11 for 5
least salet setal slate stale steal stela taels tales teals tesla
7 for 4
elat late leat tael tale teal tela
8 for 4
ates east eats etas sate seat seta teas
Nice work Mark, keep them coming.
Anymore suggestions?
What about the bigger words?
What about this lot?:
elaps, lapse, leaps, lepas, pales, peals, pelas, pleas, salep, saple, sepal, slape, spale, speal.
14 from 5
They are all listed in the Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary.
There is also:
apers, apres, asper, aspre, pares, parse, pears, prase, presa, rapes, reaps, spare, spear.
13 from 5.
All listed in MWUD.
10 for 6 - all in MWUD:
armets, martes, master, maters, matres, metras, ramets, stream, tamers, tremas.
Having a go at the larger words...
5 from 7 - all in MWUD:
imarets, maestri, maister, mirates, smarties.
3 from 8 - all in MWUD:
lamister, marliest, marlites.
2 from 9 - all in MWUD:
materiels, salimeter.
3 from 8 - all in MWUD:
reachers, research, searcher
3 from 9 - all in MWUD:
reastiest, sestertia, treatises