He will not change. He has no reason to.
It will only keep getting worse.
He'll break an arm. He'll poke out an eye. He'll try to choke you. He'll knock your teeth out.
I ain't kiddin'.
I urge you to seek a way out. This means moving out if you live together. It means breaking up (yes,
please; you'll see how he does not love you, because people who love you do not do these sorts of things to you).
If you have family, contact them, even if you last contacted them years ago and even if your last communication with them ended on bad terms. Tell them what's going on. Ask for help, including a place to live, at least temporarily. Apologize a thousand times if you must - so long as you are not going into a different abusive relationship, then it will be better than what you are going through now.
If you don't have family, or if going to them would just mean more abuse, then go to friends or coworkers. I don't know how old you are, but if you are in school, then go to teachers or professors. If not, then your boss or coworkers. Friends. Neighbors, even. You need a way out. They probably can't or won't bankroll you, but they can give you temporary help and they can be your sanity check.
If you are completely isolated, then call the cops. Have them get you into a women's shelter.
If you have pets or children, take them with you. Take your ID, any cash that you can, and pack an overnight bag (with overnight clothes for kids, if applicable).
If you are injured again, call the cops. If that's too difficult or if you will be beaten for that, go to the Emergency Room and tell them honestly and completely what happened and why you were injured, and they will call the cops for you.
It will not get any better. You are not doing yourself any favors by staying.
Leave before it becomes impossible to leave, and for God's sake, don't get pregnant.