Thankyou. I was raised as a christian who went to sunday school and said prayers at night. Once i got to about ten it was like not believing in santa anymore, i'd simply outgrown believing in god, which makes sense in relation to your points.
Some here place much importance in how one is raised, whether they are brain washed into relligion or had no religious schooling at all.
What is left out here is we have to spend (usually not more than "a season" in self-examination. That is, examining what we hold on our brainwaves by writing it, speaking it to a counselor or whomever. Otherwise, we remain stuck in the past, hung up on our mother's apronstrings, or dad's hero-worship. Or, of course, psychological madness that comes with abusive parents or caregivers.
It was the philosopher, Rene Descarte, who described this process -- dumping the garbage from our minds left there by parents, teachers, any part of one's environment. How else can we mature?