Foxfyre wrote:I would like to ask Frank how use of any phrase is an 'establishment of religion' which infers a state mandated or sanctioned religion?
Because that is the way it works with laws...and articles from the constitution.
In fact...and I hope this does not come as a big surprise...the Supreme Court is often asked to decide if various activities violate the "estblishment of religion" clause.
You see, Fox, it is not so clear cut.
Sometimes, violations of the intent of the framers, is subtle.
In my opinion, putting the words "...under god..."...or as it is usually written "...under God..."...IS ESTABLISHING A RELIGION.
The "religion" may be general...but it is a religion in any case.
From the dictionary: Religion: The service and worship of God or the supernatural...commitment or devotion to faith or observance. proclaiming that we are a nation "under God"...the government IS establishing a religion. Not much of one...but I gotta be honest with ya, Fox. None of 'em are!