Sat 11 Dec, 2004 06:42 pm
Mark 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
^^Estimate the time on a watch that that saying is pointing to and tell us what you get.
And remember what "at" means.
Good luck :wink:
*leaves the post after giving authority to figure something out to fellow members*
Can only work with even, midnight, cockcrowing, and morning.
"even" would be 12:00pm (which is also noon) to 11:59pm.
"midnight" would be 12:00am.
"morning" would be 12:00am (which is also midnight) to 11:59am.
"cockcrowing" would be several times soon after midnight.
At even is morning (which is before it) and midnight (which is after it).
At midnight is even (which is before it) and the cockcrowing (which is several times soon after midnight). But midnight is also in the morning.
So the answer would be in the morning some time at midnight, but after the cockcrowing which leaves us inside the 12:20am to 12:59am bracket.
The exact time could be where the minute part adds up to 9. The "9" happens to be a significant symbol (which I could explain later, but for now what is the 9th letter of the alphabet? Then look that letter up in a dictionary for a sure clue).
And since it concerns a "he" in which the master of the house is coming (yeah, more so than in the rest of all here), the time zone would be the time zone pertaining to the area of his birth.
His birth date: 3-9-78
His birth place: Detroit, MI, USA (which puts his birth in the eastern time zone.)
But the coming of what event in particular are you all concerned with? Other than that birth date (which put all the inhabitants of the earth in the 3rd era concerning "Destroy this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up") there is more to come event wise that indeed links to him and his birth date. One event coming soon is when certain souls shall be taken out from this world.
Mark 13:35 concerns calculation.
I and he are one. And anyone as the kind of mankind he represents is in his name (a name which doesnt matter in the specific sense you may normally go by).
This whole world we're in is the Father's true source. But parts of the Father be sleeping.
Mark 13:36 Lest coming suddenly he (who is as the master of the house) find you (the world here of the true source of the Father--that you) sleeping.
Yes, certain souls will leave the Father. And the prince of this world is the devil in general which says alot about the Father. Hint: Mark 13: 14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,)...
^^Why else did Jesus say "I and my Father are one"? And certain of you mistakenly believe that means a good thing? But while we're here it's all natural.
And when it's all over with (concerning the raise) the only part of the Father that will not be asleep will be in a star such as the sun. Yes, you all have seen hell at it's finest.
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
Indeed all that ever came before me are theives and robbers.
It's two kinds of man to me. Those as me are as theives and robbers coming "before" the other kind that be the devils. And the other kind (the devils) are as theives and robbers "before" those as me. So since two sides are here in the now the thief in general is present.
The devils may believe they come out from God, but that is false since they be each sealed as God.
When Dogmatists babble, the audience thins perceptibly.
So... exactly HOW many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?