We demand a ******* Nonce too!!!!

Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 08:56 pm
Pffft! It was warm on new years day!
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Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 06:31 pm
Yep, it was a warm New Year's hereabouts, too, lil K ... 64, in fact.

Christmas day, on t'other hand, it was 11 below and we had two feet of snow, making for a 64 +11 = 75-degree warm up during the week. That put paid to the snow PDQ, I'm delighted to QED.

Ah well, anon, ance mair
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Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 06:36 pm
MY god - can he be back for real!!!!!!
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Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 07:25 pm
I would so love that. (Not to derail the possibility...)

75 degree difference, shee!

When I visited in New York last year, an epic event for me, the temperature plummeted in a devil may care way, some (let's say) 35 degrees. But 75? That is trying to a body.
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Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 07:28 pm
Yes it is trying to one's body!
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Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 07:36 pm
75 degrees of change in as many hours ain't all that newsworthy around here. That's why all the time I clomp about in wellies, long-hannels and a pith helmet.

Always for real, Deb, just not always bavk.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 09:41 pm
Do they have things like weather reports in Indiana?
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Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 10:11 pm
Nah - they use groundhogs for that.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 10:12 pm
It figures.
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 05:11 pm
Groundhogs?!! You guys must be in exotic climbs, indeed. Folks round here can't begin to afford groundhog - ruther we are great reliars on possums. We can reckon on boxcar loads of the critters on fair weather days. And durin' the odd cold snap we have blue tits.
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 05:16 pm
Heehee - "exotic climbs"!

The blue tits figure, Debbickle, don't they.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 07:52 pm
Sorry t'hear you've got pigmentation probs wif yr pectorals, Deback, ole pal. Or were you referrin' to that wee avian creature which just so happens to be the official state bird of the Commonwealth of Taxachusetts? Hereabouts we call 'em chickadees.
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 08:11 pm
we'd all have blue tits if it were that cold!
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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 02:52 pm
But it isn't, is it Margo - so we must make do with the flashing blues of our superb fairy wren, instead...

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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 03:19 pm
Lost, dazed and confused...lmao
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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 05:29 pm
Lost, dazed and confused ... all excellent qualities.

Very nice birdie, Deb ... it is sorta shaped like a wren, isn't it?

Once upon a time, there was an open shoebox which had sat all winter on the seat our riding mower, out in the garage. Early next spring, a wren crept in, built a nest in the box and deposited six eggs, all of which turned into itty bitty birdlings in due course. Mama Wren wasn't at all bothered by our all the time messing about in the garage while she fed and watered the youngin's. And I was far from bothered with her as a squatter, since it lengthened the time I didn't have to mow the bloomin' lawn.

But all good things come to an end, and eventually the whole herd flew off. I'd figgered the little ones would just go walkabout in the garage once they'd departed the nest, but no, they all flew to the bottom of the garden and -- swish! -- just like that they were gone.
Say la vee, what?

<How goes it, margo? -- still swatting away at the tennis?>
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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 08:25 pm
G'day Mr D....

Still swotting, swatting and sweating! (unpleasantly hot and humid these days!)
Thanks for asking Smile
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