Do I get abrandy now, Li'l k?
Actually - I am just not that into brandy...
Yeah, they're not just work, they're my little niece and nephew. I see them when I'm off, but not that often. I haven't seen them since thursday.
I was trying to figure out what work had to do with Debacle, one of my all time favorite posters ever ever.
oh, end of last page, the bunny was bemoaning her return to work.
We digressed! How could we!
Has it become digressia non grata????
More like a digressia sarcasticum.
Loco seems a LITTLE harsh!
Anyway, it looks like Debacle was here only for the nonce.
Setting burps, gasps and other asides aside, you folks are most kind ... brought a lump to me froat, you did.
Me, too, osso, re your blythe spirited posts -- thoughtless things, they never wert ... art ... whatevah.
Anyway, anon for the nonce, y'all. <I do peep in time-ta-time.>
Oh BTW, Andy, I looked for ya in the TV news clip what showed all those stalwart dippers aplunging into Boston Harbor on New Years Day. Saw a lot of goose bumps, blue bums, etc., but nary a red nose among the lot. You were cheering 'em on inside the sportsbar, I figgered.
Yes, M. deB. Lovely little pub roight at the end of L Street in So. Boston, not far from the beach ay-tall. But they cheated this year. Not sure exactly what the temp was on the 1st but today it was 51F in Boston. Couldn't have been that much colder Saturday. All I know is what I read in the papers, as someone or other from Oklahoma is said to have once said. And I read in the papers that some New Yorkers have joined the madness of late, a-skinny dippin' in the Atlantic at Coney Island on the Feast of the Circumcision. It's amazin' what lengths some people will go to just for attention.