Get thee to a noncery!
Nunsence, they don't keep hamsters there!
Sure they do, for electricity.
There are generators hooked up to the hamster wheels.
The hamsters run nonce-stop.
Waiting, I suppose, for the annunceation...
ack! I mean the annonceation.
Is refusing to stimulate Mr. De Kere going to cause problems?
Hasn't so far - as far as I know.
What do you know?
I never stimulate him, s'far as I know.
But I seem to be allowed to be here, she says, smiling.
Er, not to count on that.
A slightly belated Anoncement ...
Happy New Year!!!
My Gawd!! A Debacle sighting!!!
Surrounding Debacle with nonces galore!!!
! Will Debacle be staying with us this time?!?!
Doubt it - damn his beastly - and sorely missed - hide.
I guess he's just not that into us........waaaaaaaaaaaah.....
<passes tissues to the bunny>
And to make it worse - I hafta go back to work tomorrow......WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Me too. But, I kind of miss work.