Oh sun lover, welcome to A2K... dont be scared.
Catholic, baptist, protestant, jewish, muslim, satanists, mormon..
blah blah blah..
they can all kiss my arse.
( how is that?? Does that convince you that you dont have to be scared here? )
no disrespect intended. .. to any religious groups.
Just making a point. ;-)
On topic,
I would agree with you on the question boom.
I do think that the moral majority is made up of the 70s teens/twentys.
BUT.. that is because they are now old enough to make thier voice heard in BIGGER ways then sitting on the corner screaming at passers-by.
They are now old enough , educated enough to hold political positions in our society, work in the stations, newspapers, magazine offices.. as editors and what not.
My generation ( x-ers) are next. Those of us between 25-35 , give or take a few years in the age range, are going to take over the positions that the 70's kids now have. When that happens, we will be the moral majority and again, society will take another turn.
The hollow christianity I have heard referred to in this thread really gets me hot under the collar also.
I am not christian , but I am very religious. I believe with every fiber of my being, you need to pratice what you preach. If you are a christian BE ONE. If you are catholic BE ONE. If you are muslim BE ONE. Religion is a private choice that is personal and not a badge of honor. Your religion should work to make you a better person, not be what makes you a person. ( make sence?)
Too many people use religion to excuse thier behaviors, give them stones to throw , and something to pray to when they need help. And that is it. They dont honor thier creator ( who ever they may choose) They dont honor other people, they dont respect themselves and they dont give back to the society they constantly take from.
If everyone lived as thier religions said to... to the T... I think humans would be a much nicer race to live among. ( :LOL: )
> ug... my soap box is a little slippery this morning with out my coffee.. if I sound like I am babbling... it is because i am.. I am going to go sulk, pout, drink coffee and talk to myself and the little people in my head <