binnyboy wrote:Beats me... I don't know that much about him
Anybody else know... for instance... who appointed him? (or care to look it up)
But these judges are appointed by the executives... for life. And that's just bad business. We should let the professors of the country vote for the judges! That would be a step in the right direction, I think
And norway might be cool
What kinds of jobs do people have there? I kind of like japan... lots of high tech jobs and they are geared toward the future.
Our main industries are offshore oil and gass, fish and fishfarming, and energy-intensive chemical industries remaining from the days when Norway had an exess of cheap hydropower. (Fools in government are looking into the prospects of building expensive gassplants instead of cheap dams.) We also have some wood industries, like furniture and such. Industry doesn't account for much of the labour though. Industries in Norway tend to be highly automated, as we have the highest cost of labour in Europe bar some city states.
We're also "exporting knowhow", oil companies headquartered in norway are active all around the world, and norwegian offshore technology is cutting edge. We're currently pioneering the use of subsea automated oilwells intended to make offshore platforms obsolete. Research and development takes place in Norway. Other industries has research and development in Norway as well, like a lot of chemical industries. We don't have a whole lot of robotics, which was probably what attracted you to Japan.
Other kinds of industrial research goes on as well. And then you have the various service industries that can be found in all countries. Oh, and we've some mines and some metal processing.
What exactly would you be interested in?