Dear sus.
I read your view a few times and thought about it as encouraged,
and here is the effect.
Humans are Functional by design and do not have the capacity to be dysfunctional at all.
But what is considered functional?
This depends on the objective.
The human body and mind is like a territory which multiple forces are attempting to control and are fighting over it, and the territory keeps changing hands constantly.
Each kingdom occupying the territory, have their own unique version of survival which shapes their respective agendas accordingly.
It wouldn't be functional for a fish to leave the ocean,
And it wouldn't be functional for a rabbit to enter the ocean.
Each design decrees what's functional or dysfunctional.
I would categorize the forces which are one at a time occupying the mind as follows.
Existence and survival.
Survival divides in two contradicting directions.
1 the survival of existence.
2 the survival of survival on the expense of existence.
I would also illustrate existence as bliss,
and survival as either suffering or happiness but not Joy.
I would also describe suffering and happiness as the very same energy but processed differently depending on surrounding circumstances.
Now, what's functional to survival of existence is dysfunctional to survival of Survival, because the objective of existence is life, and the objective of survival is conterfaight and synthetic life which is actually worse than death.
War has a function to destroy, darken, and torture.
All this drama is considered action, excitement, and vibrance.
Substituting for the natural vibration and constant activity that actual life consists of, but the conterfaight imitation cannot supply.
Even when the territory is ruled by this energy,
There are tremendous obstacles in its way limiting severely its space to operate.
Drama requires resentment, which requires conflict and friction.
There has to be a good guy fighting the bad guy to produce the desired commodity.
Also the bad guy needs to be aware of his evil nature.
Otherwise, who is resenting?
Who is suffering?
This agenda, looking for trouble needs to stage a non existent fight.
It claims conschiosly that it's looking for freedom.
It is subconsciously pursuing trauma and perpetuating it.
The subconscious perpetrator is then crying victim and blaming everyone in the external environment for the suffering in order to comfulage "both actions",
Blaming others gives the impression of sincere intentions to be free.
It also diverting the focus away from the culprit and is providing excuses and explanation as to how the person was forced to lose self control (but truthfully there is no such thing as being in control enough to produce precision, but not being in control at all not to produce the the action to begin with).