@Fil Albuquerque,
Dear readers here, this morning - it is in my place as I write this post at this point in time, Sunday, July 30, 2017, 04:42 AM, eight hours in advance of Greenwich.
Now, at this stage of my sojourn in a2k, it is my routine to look up the page of Forums >> Popular, to pick up a post to contribute my thought on the topic of the thread, by reacting to the last post there.
And the post I have chosen this morning to contribute my thinking on the thread housing the post, it is the following from Fil Alb:
Quote:3 Are humans a rational species?
Question by think rethink
Posted 07/23/17 7:08 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 225
Last Post by Fil Albuquerque
on 07/26/17 8:46 AM NEW
See next post for my thought on the post the last one to date from Fil Albuquerque, in the thread: Are humans a rational species?
But you know what, I have exchanged thoughts with Fil Alb, and I can't recall now what kind of a poster Fil is, atheist or not atheist.
If he is atheist, then I know that he is as with all internet atheists, into nothing but inanity, vacuity, stupidity, insanity, i.e. into unremitting evasiveness, in their cult of what I call Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.
You can't have any connected dialogue with them at all.