@think rethink,
Dear rethink, is there something I can learn from you at all?
Suppose I ask you to tell me in not more than 50 words, what thing you care to share with me?
Dear readers here. it seems altogether impossible to ever get to discuss anything at all, from which parties in a discussion come out all winners, because they have learned something of cognitive profit from and among themselves.
Now, I notice that think and Fresco are shall I say very cozy with each other.
Tell me, dear think and Fresco, what is the basis of your both cozy contentment with each other?
Okay, dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to learn from think and Fresco, how they ever got to become so cozy with each other; in this way we will in particular yours truly get to learn how to get cozy with posters like for examples: Fresco, Layman, Maxcondana, in short everyone here.