WA2K Radio is now on the air

detano inipo
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 05:59 pm
There once was a monk in Siberia
whose life became drearier and drearier
until one day with a yell
he broke from his cell
and eloped with the Mother Superior
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:02 pm
seeing as it's french night and a new canuck may be coming aboard

a little canadian ditty en francais

Un Canadien Errant

Written after the Mackenzie-Papineau rebellion of 1837, when several rebels were hanged, exiled, or fled to the U.S.

Un canadien errant
Banni de ses foyers
Un canadien errant
Banni de ses foyers
Parcourait en pleurant
Des pays étrangers
Parcourait en pleurant
Des pays étrangers

Un jour triste et pensif
Assis au bord des flots
Au courant fugitif
Il adressa ces mots

Si tu vois mon pays
Mon pays malheureux
Va, dis a mes amis
Que je me souviens d'eux

O jours si pleins d'appas
Vous êtes disparus
Et ma patrie, hélas, je ne la verrai plus

Non, mais en expirant
O mon cher Canada
Mon regard languissant
Vers toi se portera
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:04 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:05 pm
Well, he's here, dj, right above you with a limerick, and that song can be his welcoming song. <smile>

Welcome to our studio, detano.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:10 pm
right above our Mr. Turtle, that is.

Well, Yit. That reminds me that we do need a sports update:

Virginia Tech kicks Marcus Vick off football team

By HANK KURZ Jr., AP Sports Writer
January 6, 2006

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Virginia Tech quarterback Marcus Vick was dismissed from the team Friday, the result of numerous legal transgressions and his unsportsmanlike conduct in the Gator Bowl.

University president Charles Steger announced the dismissal on the same day that coach Frank Beamer met with Vick and his mother in their Hampton Roads home, the school said in a statement. Beamer informed them of the decision during the meeting.

Vick, the younger brother of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick, was suspended from school in 2004 for several legal problems. The junior came under new and intense scrutiny this week after replays showed he stomped on the left calf of Louisville All-American defensive end Elvis Dumervil during the Jan. 2 bowl.

No penalty was called on the play and Vick claimed its was accidental. He further hurt his cause by claiming to have apologized to Dumervil, but the Louisville player said no such apology was ever offered.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:22 pm

I met her in Venezuela
With a basket on her head
And if she loved others she didn't say
But I knew she do, to pass away the time in Venezuela
Pass away the time in Venezuela

I gave her a sash of blue
A beautiful sash of blue
Because I knew that she could do with all the tricks, I knew she knew
To pass away the time in Venezuela

And when the wind was out to sea, the wind was out to sea
And she was taking leave of me
I said sheer up there'll always be
Sailors on shore on leave in Venezuela

Her linger was changed but the thought of her beautiful smile
The thought of her beautiful smile
Will haunt me and taunt me for many a mile
She was my gal and she did the wale
To pass a time in Venezuela
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:32 pm
Judy Drownded

Judy's mama send her to market,
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded
Told her not to linger so she won't forget
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded

Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded
Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded

Judy took the short cut 'cross the water
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded
When she look around, the stream had caught her
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded

Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded
Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded

Judy was carried down the stream, oh
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded
Takin' her last breath, it did seem, oh
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded

Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded
Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded

Judy reach out with her hand, oh
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded
Lucky she grasp a branch on land, oh
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded

Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded
Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded

So I went up to Judy's mother's shed,
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded
But Judy no drownded, Judy lie in bed,
Ev'ry body bawl out Judy drownded

Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded
Judy drownded, Judy drownded
Wa'yo Judy drownded
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:41 pm
Well, my goodness, folks. There's a Texan singing Spanish.

Thanks, edgar. A nice complement for the other languages.

detano loves jazz, so let's do one for him:


"The Look Of Love"

The look of love is in your eyes
A look your smile can't disguise
The look of love is saying so much more than just words could ever say
And what my heart has heard, well it takes my breath away

I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you, now that I have found you

You've got the
Look of love, it's on your face
A look that time can't erase
Be mine tonight, let this be just the start of so many nights like this
Let's take a lover's vow and then seal it with a kiss

I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you, now that I have found you
Don't ever go
Don't ever go
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 06:58 pm
French night, eh?

Get Drunk - Charles Baudelaire

One should always be drunk. That's the great thing; the only question. Not to feel the horrible burden of Time weighing on your shoulders and bowing you to the earth, you should be drunk without respite.

Drunk with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you please. But get drunk.

And if sometimes you should happen to awake, on the stairs of a palace, on the green grass of a ditch, in the dreary solitude of your own room, and find that your drunkenness is ebbing or has vanished, ask the wind and the wave, ask star, bird, or clock, ask everything that flies, everything that moans, everything that speaks, ask them the time; and the wind, the wave, the star, the bird and the clock will all reply: "It is Time to get drunk! If you are not to be the martyred slaves of Time, be perpetually drunk! With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you please."
0 Replies
detano inipo
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:10 pm
When an early autumn walks the land and chills the breeze
And touches with her hand the summer trees,
Perhaps you'll understand what memories I own.
There's a dance pavilion in the rain all shuttered down,
A winding country lane all russet brown,
A frosty window pane shows me a town grown lonely.
That spring of ours that started so April-hearted,
Seemed made for just a boy and girl.
I never dreamed, did you, any fall would come in view
So early, early.
Darling if you care, please, let me know,
I'll meet you anywhere, I miss you so.
Let's never have to share another early autumn.

The lyrics to my favourite orchestral jazz piece
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:31 pm
Well, there's paddy back and justifying the need for passion in whatever we do.

Yes, Irish. Baudelaire spoke of commitment in whatever we do. The problem becomes how to UN-commit, often.

detano, that song is haunting. The modulation and spiraling progress in a minor key resolving to major is fantastic. The jazz ballads are and should be a fundamental part of music.
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detano inipo
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:36 pm
letty, be careful. The way you talk is going to make me fall in love with you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:49 pm
detano, what a lovely thing to say. I feel wanted, now. <smile>Believe it, Canada. That means a lot to me at this moment.

Here's one from old blue eyes, listeners:

Frank Sinatra - I Concentrate on You Lyrics

Whenever skies look gray to me and trouble begins to brew
Whenever the winter winds become too strong
I concentrate on you

When fortune cries "nay, nay" to me
And people declare "you?re through"
Whenever the blues become my only songs
I concentrate on you

On your smile, so sweet, so tender
When at first my kiss you do decline
On the light in your eyes when you surrender
And once again our arms intertwine

And so when wise men say to me
That love?s young dream never comes true
To prove that even the wise men can be wrong
I concentrate on you

<instrumental to end>
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:52 pm
Detano, you might as well give up right now; our Letty is a lovely siren to all the men who visit WA2K radio and she also has a way of charming the women--no envy on WA2K--just good friendship.

Irresistible, beautiful Letty.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 07:59 pm
Ah, the lady Diane. Thank you, honey.

Well, in spite of it all, one must eat, so this siren is going to have Italian with a Greek salad.

Station break:
This is cyberspace, WA2K radio.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:05 pm
Bon appetit, madame.

Djjd, "Return of the grievous angel" is an apt description of Dys. You see more deeply than many folk here on a2k.

Here is my tribute to France, written by Joni Mitchell:

Album : The Hissing of Summer Lawns - 1975
Joni Mitchell

My darling dimestore thief
In the War of Independence
Rock 'n Roll rang sweet as victory
Under neon signs
A girl was in bloom
And a woman was fading
In a suburban room
I said, "Take me to the dance"
"Do you want to dance?"
"I love to dance"
And I told him, "They don't take chances
They seem so removed from romance"
"They've been broken in churches and schools
And molded to middle class circumstance"
And we were rolling, rolling, rock n' rolling

The dance halls and cafes
Feel so wild you could break somebody's heart
Just doing the latest dance craze
Gail and Louise
In those push-up brassieres
Tight dresses and rhinestone rings
Drinking up the band's beers
Young love was kissing under bridges
Kissing in cars, kissing in cafes
And we were walking down Main Street
Kisses like bright flags hung on holidays
"In France they kiss on Main Street"
"Amour, mama, not cheap display"
And we were rolling, rolling, rock n' rolling

In the pinball arcade
With his head full of pool hall pitches
And songs from the hit parade
He'd be singing "Bye, Bye, Love"
While he's racking up his free play
Let those rock 'n roll choir boys
Come and carry us away
Sometimes Chickie had the car
Or Ron had a car
Or Lead Foot Melvin with his hot-wire head
We'd all go looking for a party
Looking to raise Jesus up from the dead
And I'd be kissing in the back seat
Thrilling to the Brando-like things that he said
And we'd be rolling, rolling, rock n' rolling
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:25 pm
Diane wrote:
Djjd, "Return of the grievous angel" is an apt description of Dys. You see more deeply than many folk here on a2k.

he comes across as an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a puzzle

and speaking of seeing, i'm not sure my eyes are as good as pete's, but i see what i see

I Can See For Miles
The Who

I know you've deceived me, now here's a surprise
I know that you have 'cause there's magic in my eyes

I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
Oh yeah

If you think that I don't know about the little tricks you play
And never see you when deliberately you put things in my way

Well, here's a poke at you
You're gonna choke on it too
You're gonna lose that smile
Beacuse all the while

I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
Oh yeah

You took advantage of my trust in you when I was so far away
I saw you holding lots of other guys and now you've got the nerve to say

That you still want me
Well, that's as may be
But you gotta stand trial
Because all the while

I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
Oh yeah

I know you've deceived me, now here's a surprise
I know that you have 'cause there's magic in my eyes

I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
Oh yeah

The Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal are mine to see on clear days
You thought that I would need a crystal ball to see right through the haze

Well, here's a poke at you
You're gonna choke on it too
You're gonna lose that smile
Beacuse all the while

I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles
and miles and miles and miles and miles

I can see for miles and miles*

*(sung 9 times, fading)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:28 pm
You know, Diane. I always get Joni Mitchell and Joan Biaz confused, but I know that song, gal.

Well, Miss Letty is fat and full, and I guess it's time for me to say Goodnight, listeners.

In any language, my friends, we shall always be together.

From Letty with love, blowing all of you a kiss.
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detano inipo
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:29 pm
Diane, you look al ot like the Mother Superior who eloped a few post earlier.
I know that Letty is a tease, and why not? She can tease me anytime. I will not stop her.
I love mature women, they do something to me.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2006 08:37 pm
Detano, it is refreshing to know a young man can appreciate mature women.

Letty is timeless.
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