WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 06:45 am
Judy Canova
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Judy Canova (born November 20, 1913 - died August 5, 1983) was an American comedienne, actress, singer, and radio personality.

Born Juliette Canova in Waldo, Florida, she began a career in entertainment doing a vaudeville act with her sister Annie and brother Zeke that took them from theaters in Florida to a club in a New York City. Calling themselves the "Three Georgia Crackers", Canova sang, yodeled, and played guitar. The standout in the family, she developed her persona as a wide-eyed likeable country bumpkin often wearing her hair in braids and sometimes topped with a straw hat. After seeing her perform, bandleader Rudy Vallee offered Canova a guest spot on his radio show that opened the door to a career that spanned more than five decades.

The popularity of the Canova family led to numerous performances on radio in the 1930s and made a Broadway debut in the revue, Calling All Stars. An offer from Warner Bros. saw her appear in several bit parts until signing to star with Republic Pictures. During her career she would appear in more than two dozen Hollywood films and make numerous records on the RCA Victor label. In 1943 she got her own radio show that lasted for a dozen years. During World War II, she closed her show with the song "Good Night Soldier" and used her free time to sell U.S. War Bonds. When her radio program ended in 1955, Canova did comedic work on Broadway, television, and in Las Vegas nightclubs through the early 1970s.

Judy Canova died from cancer at 69 in 1983 and was buried in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California. Her daughter, Diana Canova, is also an actress who is best known for her role on the ABC television sitcom, Soap.

Judy Canova has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contribution to the motion picture industry at 6821 Hollywood Blvd. and a second star for her work in radio at 6777 Hollywood Blvd.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 06:47 am
Jim Garrison
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Earling Carothers Garrison (November 20, 1921 - October 21, 1992) -- who changed his first name to simply Jim in the early '60s -- was District Attorney of New Orleans, Louisiana from 1962 to 1973; he is best known for his investigations into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Garrison remains a controversial figure; opinions differ as to whether he uncovered the actual conspiracy behind the John F. Kennedy assassination but was blocked from successful prosecution by Federal government coverup, whether he bungled his chance to uncover the truth of the conspiracy, or whether the entire case was a wild goose chase motivated by Garrison's alleged desire for publicity.


Earling Carothers Garrison was born in Knoxville, Iowa. His family moved to New Orleans in his childhood. He served in the United States Army in World War II, then got a law degree from Tulane University. He briefly worked for the FBI, then went into private law practice. He served as New Orleans' assistant District Attorney from 1954 to 1958. In 1961 he ran for District Attorney, succeeding in the race despite lack of major political backing, and took office in May of the following year. In 1973 he lost the office to Harry Connick, Sr.. He was elected a State of Louisiana Appeals Circuit Court Judge, serving from 1978 to his death in 1992.

After the Clay Shaw trial, Garrison wrote three books about the Kennedy assassination, A Heritage of Stone (1970), The Star Spangled Contract, and the best selling book, On the Trail of the Assassins (1988). During the Shaw trial, Garrison attempted to connect Shaw to the CIA. At the time, no hard evidence could be produced regarding any such connection. Subsequently, in 1979, Richard Helms (former director of the CIA) gave sworn testimony in a civil deposition which confirmed Shaw's contact with the CIA prior to the Shaw trial. In addition, it has been discovered, through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests that Clay Shaw had access to and clearance from the CIA to a CIA program called QKENCHANT. To date, there is no unclassified information concerning what the QKENCHANT program was about. However, whether in fact this CIA connection tied Shaw to the Kennedy assassination is an unresolved and contested issue even to date. The controversy surrounding Clay Shaw's now apparent CIA activities will not be conclusively resolved until the scope and purpose of the QKENCHANT program are fully revealed.

The 1991 Oliver Stone motion picture JFK was largely based on Garrison's book. Kevin Costner played a fictionalized version of Garrison in the movie. Garrison himself had a small on-screen role in the film, playing United States Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren.

Garrison was able to subpoena the Zapruder film and show it in public for the first time. Until the trial, the film had not been seen by the public, and bootleg copies made by assassination investigators working with Garrison led to the film being widely distributed.


* "Fascism will come to America in the guise of National Security" - Jim Garrison [unknown. (unknown)]

* "You know, Tennyson once said that, "authority forgets a dying king." This was never more true than in the murder of John Kennedy. The strange and deceptive conduct of the government after his murder began while his body was warm, and has continued for five years. You have seen in this courtroom indications of the interest of part of the government power structure in keeping the truth down, in keeping the grave closed." - Jim Garrison [Closing Argument at Clay Shaw Trial in New Orleans. (1968)]

* "This is not the first time I've charged a person before I've made the case." - Jim Garrison [James Phelan, Scandals, Scamps, and Scoundrels (New York: Random House, 1982), p. 155.]

* "Most of the time you marshal your facts, then deduce your theories. But Garrison deduced a theory, then he marshaled the facts. And if the facts didn't fit he'd say they had been altered by the CIA." - Charles Ward, former assistant to Garrison [Patricia Lambert, False Witness (New York: M. Evans and Co., 1998), p. 228.]

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 06:52 am
Robert F. Kennedy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, also called "RFK" (November 20, 1925 - June 6, 1968) was one of two younger brothers of President John F. Kennedy, and was appointed by his brother as Attorney General for his administration. He worked closely with President Kennedy during the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. In 1964, after his brother's death, Kennedy was elected to the US Senate from the state of New York. In 1968, he was assassinated during his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Early life

Born on November 20, 1925, Robert Kennedy was the seventh child of Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Kennedy. In his childhood, he was raised amidst the competitive yet loyal Kennedy family culture. Robert was combative, aggressive and emotional, but also very loyal to his father and elder brothers, even though he was very young by difference in age.

After a brief service in the Navy and officer training (V-12) at Bates College, Kennedy went on to attend Harvard. He became a three-year letterman for the Harvard University football team and graduated in 1948. He then enrolled at the University of Virginia School of Law, and earned his degree in 1951. Following law school, Kennedy managed his brother John's successful 1952 Senate campaign. He was then hired as a Junior Counsel for the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations by Senator Joseph McCarthy. Kennedy soon moved to the staff of the Labor and Rackets Committee.

Kennedy soon made a name for himself as the chief counsel of the Senate Labor Rackets Committee hearings, which began in 1956. In a dramatic scene, Kennedy squared off against Jimmy Hoffa during the antagonistic argument that marked Hoffa's testimony. Kennedy left the Rackets Committee in 1959 in order to run his brother John's successful Presidential campaign.

Working for JFK

President Kennedy rewarded his younger brother's efforts by naming him to his Cabinet as Attorney General of the United States.

During the Kennedy Administration, "Bobby" played a key advisory role for President Kennedy. Among the weighty issues they faced were the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis 18 months later, the escalation of military action in Vietnam and the widening spread of the Civil Rights Movement and its retaliatory violence. Robert was his brother's most trusted advisor and political enforcer, outflanking Lyndon Johnson, JFK's vice president and most Cabinet secretaries.

RFK was at the head of a coterie of young, inexperienced but well-educated White House officials who were loyal to JFK and his vision, and were viewed with scorn and suspicion from the bureaucracy, establishment politicians and the military's top officers. Robert was especially noted, and often criticized for cronyism, arrogance and combativeness and suspicion and rivalry with establishment figures in the Cabinet and the Democratic party, and several unsubstantiated charges of corruption and abuse of power. But all of Robert Kennedy's work, attitude, thought and conduct revolved around his loyalty to his brother and the future of his administration. Kennedy was a source of reliability and emotional strength to the President.

Robert Kennedy's appointment was criticized for nepotism from his brother, and for being relatively inexperienced and young for the job. He was also criticized for being less an Attorney General, than a co-president, exerting influence and power to an unprecedented degree on all aspects and branches of the U.S. government. However, Kennedy began a nation-wide campaign against organized crime, mob violence and labor rackets, building on his work as Senate counsel. It is not clear if he gave J. Edgar Hoover permission to wiretap Martin Luther King, though it is certain that the FBI was required to ask the Attorney General for such permission.

Kennedy is perhaps most remembered for his work on civil rights, namely the integration of the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi (whose first black student was James Meredith), and his support of the civil rights bill that passed in 1964. After the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, Robert Kennedy remained the attorney general, though his relationship with President Lyndon Johnson was reported to be very distant.

The Assassination of JFK

The murder of President Kennedy was a brutal shock to the world, the whole nation, the Kennedy family, but especially for Robert, which happened 2 days after his 38th birthday. He never overcame the shock and personal grief of those days in 1963 for the rest of his short life. Robert mourned John's youthful death and the fact that so much of the Kennedy vision and promise was left tragically and ultimately unfulfilled.

During the days following the assassination, but just before the funeral, Kennedy wrote to his two eldest children, Kathleen, and Joseph II, telling them about the tragedy and to follow what their uncle started.

At the 1964 Democratic National Convention, Kennedy was due to give a speech before the viewing of a memorial film dedicated to the late President. As Kennedy was introduced, tens of thousands of delegates, party workers, young members, observing journalists and others broke into thunderous applause and an outroar of support for the nervous and emotionally fragile Robert, standing at the podium. He broke down and began to cry. Despite repeated appeals by him and the chairman of the convention, the audience did not stop their fantastic display of support for Robert and mourning for their common loss. The applause continued for almost an hour.

Robert Kennedy mustered enough strength to deliver the speech, but broke down into tears backstage. He would remain personally devastated for many months, but his elder brother's death meant that he was now the eldest living son of Joseph Kennedy, and the head of not only his own large family, but of his sisters, the children of his brothers and sisters, and the young Ted Kennedy. A man who had been the backbone of Joseph and John Kennedy, was now the young patriarch of the Kennedy family, which had been wracked by tragedies.

Senator from New York

Soon after President John F. Kennedy's assassination, Robert Kennedy left the Cabinet to run for a seat in the United States Senate representing New York. Even though Kennedy was his nemesis, Johnson helped him campaign, as he was later to recall in his memoir of the White House years. In the 1964 race, against Republican incumbent Kenneth Keating, Keating was initially able to portray Kennedy as an arrogant carpetbagger, but Kennedy gradually gained popularity during the campaign and emerged victorious in November.

During his three and a half years as a US Senator, Kennedy visited Apartheid-ruled South Africa, helped to start a successful redevelopment project in poverty stricken Bedford-Stuyvesant in New York City, visited the Mississippi Delta as a member of the Senate committee reviewing the effectiveness of War on Poverty programs and, reversing his prior stance, called for a halt in further escalation of the Vietnam War.

As Senator, Robert endeared himself to the issues of African Americans, and of other minorities such as Native Americans and immigrant groups. He spoke forcefully, and tied himself with leaders of the civil rights struggle, and led the Democratic party to pursue a more aggressive agenda to eliminate discrimination on all levels. Kennedy supported busing, integration of all public facilities, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and anti-poverty social programs to increase education, offer opportunities for employment and provide health care for millions of disenfranchised and despairing colored Americans.

Kennedy also embraced opposition to the Vietnam War in 1968. Making this decision was difficult for him, for he knew that President Kennedy had increased military support for South Vietnam, and had envisioned a major U.S. commitment, if not exactly as it turned out during President Johnson's administration, to defending South East Asia and the Indochina region from Communist aggression. Many critics allege that Kennedy's switch in position was to reap advantage during the hotly contested Democratic primaries, and while this is true, it had more to do with Kennedy's own understanding of the war than merely a tactic to muster support for his candidacy.

Kennedy's presidential campaign was powered by an aggressive vision for civil freedom and justice, the expansion of social development programs beyond Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs, active minority participation in American politics and outright opposition to the conservative attitudes of the American South and the aloof attitude of many Americans to serious social problems like poverty and racism.

Here Kennedy was at a remarkable contrast to his brother. JFK had been thwarted in his effort to pacify yet persuade the politicians of the Southern states to accept civil rights legislation, and his unwillingness to steamroll or appear arrogant to southern Americans. JFK had introduced a major tax-cut legislation to propel the economy, and had trimmed and transformed the workings of the U.S. government. His agenda was not half as committed to a major expansion of government institutions as RFK's social program was. And JFK backed U.S. involvement in South East Asia and other parts of the world against Soviet-sponsored communist aggression, while Robert ultimately committed himself against the war in Vietnam.

By these comparisons, it is easier to portray Robert Kennedy, instead of President John F. Kennedy, as a real icon of American liberalism and the modern political agenda of the United States Democratic Party.

Presidential candidacy and assassination

Originally Kennedy had denied speculation that he was going to run for the Democratic nomination in 1968 against President Lyndon Johnson (The 22nd Amendment didn't disqualify LBJ from running for a second term because he served less than half of JFK's four-year term). Along with doubts of his ability to win the nomination, Kennedy feared that his candidacy would appear to be a product of a personal feud with Johnson. After Johnson won only a very narrow victory in the New Hampshire primary on March 12, 1968 against Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota, an anti-war candidate, Kennedy too declared his candidacy for the Presidency on March 16. On March 31, Johnson appeared on television to state that he was no longer a candidate for re-election.

On April 4, during a campaign stop in Indianapolis, Kennedy learned of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. During a heartfelt, impromptu speech in Indianapolis' inner city, Kennedy called for a reconciliation between the races. In the aftermath of King's murder, thousands of people were injured and 43 were killed in riots throughout the United States, but Indianapolis remained quiet. Kennedy's campaign relied largely on his ability to run an emotional and intensely personal campaign. Kennedy challenged students on the "hypocrisy" of draft deferments, visited numerous small towns, and made himself available to the masses, by participating in long motorcades and street-corner stump speeches (often in troubled inner-cities). Kennedy made urban poverty a chief concern of his campaign, which in part lead to enormous crowds that would attend his events in poor urban areas or rural parts of Appalachia.

Kennedy won the Indiana and Nebraska Democratic primaries, but lost the Oregon primary. On June 4, 1968 Kennedy scored a major victory in his drive toward the Democratic presidential nomination when he won primaries in South Dakota and in California. After Kennedy addressed his supporters in the early morning hours of June 5 in a ballroom at the Ambassador Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, he left the ballroom through a service area to greet supporters working in the hotel's kitchen. In a crowded kitchen passageway, Sirhan B. Sirhan, a 24-year-old Los Angeles resident of Palestinian ancestry, fired a .22 caliber revolver directly into the crowd surrounding Kennedy. Several people were wounded, including Kennedy, who was shot in the head at close range. Kennedy never regained consciousness and died in the early morning hours of June 6, 1968 at the age of 42. A funeral mass was held at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City on June 8, during which his brother, Massachusetts Senator Edward M. Kennedy famously eulogized him with the words, "My brother need not be idolized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life. Be remembered simply as a good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it." Following the mass, Kennedy's body was transported by train to Washington, DC where he was buried near his brother, John, in Arlington National Cemetery.

Sirhan confessed to the shooting, and is currently serving a life prison sentence for the crime although to this day he claims he has absolutely no memory of shooting at Kennedy. It is generally believed that Sirhan fired the shots that hit Kennedy. As with his elder brother John's death, however, many have suggested the official account of RFK's murder is inconsistent or incomplete, and that his death was the result of a conspiracy.

Personal life

In 1950, he married Ethel Skakel, who would eventually give birth to 11 children. The last child, Rory Kennedy, was born after her father's assassination. In contrast to his father's marriage, and the celebrated marriage of John and Jackie Kennedy, Robert and Ethel kept their life and family out of the public eye, and were comparatively very private and conservative.

Kennedy was always a loyal son, brother and family man. Despite the fact that his father's most ambitious dreams centered around his elder brothers, Robert was fiercely loyal to Joseph, Joe Jr. and John. His competitiveness was admired by his father and elder brothers, while his loyalty bound them affectionately close to each other than most brothers are. Working on the campaigns of John Kennedy, Robert was more involved, passionate and tenacious than the candidate himself, obsessed with every detail, fighting out every battle and taking workers to task.

Kennedy owned a home at the well-known Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts on Cape Cod but spent most of his time at his estate in Virginia, known as Hickory Hill, located just outside Washington, DC. His widow, Ethel, and his children continued to live at Hickory Hill after his death in 1968. Ethel Kennedy now lives full time at the family's vacation home in Hyannis Port.

His pallbearers included Robert McNamara, John Glenn, Averell Harriman, C. Douglas Dillon, Kirk Lemoyne Billings (schoolmate of John F. Kennedy), Stephen Smith (husband to Jean Ann Kennedy), David Hackett, Jim Whittaker, John Seigenthaler Sr., and Lord Harlech.

Actress Marilyn Monroe allegedly had affairs with both Robert and John Kennedy during the 1960s.


D.C. Stadium in Washington, D.C. was renamed Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in 1969.

In 1998, the United States Mint released a special dollar coin that featured Kennedy on the obverse and the emblems of the United States Department of Justice and the United States Senate on the reverse.

In Washington, DC on November 20, 2001, US President George W. Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft dedicated the Department of Justice headquarters building as the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building, honoring RFK on what would have been his 76th birthday. They both spoke during the ceremony, as did Kennedy's eldest son, Joseph II, who made reference to his uncle John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Profiles in Courage, when he said to the president as he spoke: "Mr. President, your strength since September 11 has been a profile in leadership."

Numerous roads, public schools and other facilities across the United States were named in memory of Robert F. Kennedy in the months and years after his death. Each honor for him has also been an honor for his widow, Ethel.


Considered an eloquent speaker generally, RFK also wrote extensively on politics and issues confronting his generation:

* Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis (1969)
* To Seek a Newer World (1969).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 06:54 am
Maya Plisetskaya
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya (Russian: Майя Михайловна Плисецкая; November 20, 1925 - ) is a Russian ballet dancer, frequently cited as the greatest ballerina of modern times.

Early life

Maya Plisetskaya was born in Moscow into a prominent family of Jewish artists. She went to school in Spitzbergen, where her father worked as an engineer. In 1938 he was executed during the Stalinist purges, while her mother, a silent-film actress, was deported to Kazakhstan.

Thereupon Maya was adopted by her maternal aunt, the ballerina Sulamith Messerer (1908-2004), who later founded the Tokyo Ballet (1960), defected to the West (1980), and received the highest civilan honours of Great Britain and Japan.

Maya studied under the great ballerina of imperial school, Elizaveta Gerdt. She first performed at the Bolshoi Theatre when she had just turned 11 years of age. In 1943, she graduated from the choreographic school and joined the Bolshoi Ballet, where she would perform until 1990.


Maya's most acclaimed roles included Odette-Odilia in Swan Lake (1947) and Aurora in Sleeping Beauty (1961). In 1958, she was honoured with the title of the People's Artist of the USSR and married the young composer Rodion Shchedrin, in whose subsequent fame she shared.

After Galina Ulanova left the stage in 1960, Maya Plisetskaya was proclaimed the prima ballerina assoluta of the Bolshoi Theatre. In the Soviet screen version of Anna Karenina, she played Princess Tverskaya. In 1971, her husband wrote a ballet on the same subject, where she would play the leading role. Anna Karenina was also her first attempt at choreography. Other choreographers who created ballets for her include Yury Grigorovich, Roland Petit, Alberto Alonso, and Maurice Bejart.

In the 1980s, Plisetskaya and Shchedrin spent much time abroad, where she worked as the artistic director of the Rome Opera Ballet and the Spanish National Ballet of Madrid. At the age of 65, she finally retired from the Bolshoi as a soloist. Since 1994, she has been presiding over the annual international ballet competitions called Maya.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 07:16 am
Letty wrote:
what is bunker oil?

it's a heavy black oil, described ans aresidual oil, that is used as a fuel for boilers and furnaces, at work it runs the boilers that supply hot water used to heat the greenhouses
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 07:19 am
Good morning, Bio Bob. So Kismet it is. <smile>

Well, listeners, we approach the anniversary of John Kennedy's assassination, so that particular background touches the nerve of America. Thanks, Boston for your information.

Abraham, Martin, and John
Sung by: Dion
Words and Music by Richard Holler

Anybody here seen my old friend Abraham?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lotta people but it seems the good they die young
You know I just looked around and he's gone

Anybody here seen my old friend John?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lotta people but it seems the good they die young
I just looked around and he's gone

(brief instrumental interlude-organ)

Anybody here seen my old friend Martin?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lotta people but it seems the good they die young
I just looked around and he's gone

Didn't you love the things that they stood for?
Didn't they try to find some good for you and me?
And we'll be free
Some day soon, it's gonna be one day

Anybody here seen my old friend Bobby?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
I thought I saw him walkin' up over the hill
With Abraham, Martin, and John
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 07:27 am
one for the conspiracy crowd, an odd tune by a odd little band

11 Mph (Abe Zapp Ruder Version)
Was (Not Was)

Lee Harvey O. didn't have no daddy
He never caught a break, he never drove a Caddy
Joined the Marines to learn a skill
And that he did, he learned how to kill

At eleven miles an hour
Such a deadly speed
Eleven miles an hour
At the time and place agreed
They pulled their limousine
Down Elm Street slow and clean
Lead fell like a shower
At eleven miles an hour

JFK went down to Dallas
To cool some heels in the oil palace
Unfriendly country, but he was not afraid
He would wave to the people
From a passing motorcade

At eleven miles an hour
Such a deadly speed
Eleven miles an hour
At the time and place agreed
They pulled their limousine
Down Elm Street slow and clean
Lead fell like a shower
At eleven miles an hour

JFK told Kruschev I'll leave Castro alone
If you take away those missles
They're too damn close to home
The CIA, the Cubans and the underworld bosses
Decided that was it, they had to cut their losses

At eleven miles an hour
Such a deadly speed
Eleven miles an hour
At the time and place agreed
They pulled their limousine
Down Elm Street slow and clean
Lead fell like a shower
At eleven miles an hour

Lee Harvey O. was made to order
A radical nut, a drifter and a boarder
Earl Warren got a version out fast
America was happy, the patsy had been cast

At eleven miles an hour
Such a deadly speed
Eleven miles an hour
At the time and place agreed
They pulled their limousine
Down Elm Street slow and clean
Lead fell like a shower
At eleven miles an hour
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 07:28 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 07:59 am
WOW! dj. That was a great song, buddy, and a brief and concise study in American history and conspiracy.

Well, listeners, you hear it all on WA2K radio. Don't touch that dial.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 08:00 am
Good Morning to all.

Today's birthdays: Awfully short list compared to the others. Wonder what it is about November 20.

1602 - Otto von Guericke, German physicist and inventor (d. 1686)
1620 - Peregrine White, first English child born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony (d. 1704)
1621 - Avvakum, Russian priest and writer (d. 1682)
1625 - Paulus Potter, Dutch painter (d. 1654)
1660 - Daniel Ernst Jablonski, German theologian (d. 1741)
1761 - Pope Pius VIII (d. 1830)
1762 - Pierre André Latreille, French entomologist (d. 1833)
1765 - Sir Thomas Fremantle, British naval captain and politician (d. 1819)
1841 - Wilfrid Laurier, seventh Prime Minister of Canada (d. 1919)
1858 - Selma Lagerlöf, Swedish author, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1940)
1864 - Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Swedish writer (d. 1931)
1866 - Kenesaw Mountain Landis, American judge and first baseball commissioner (d. 1944)
1884 - Norman Thomas, American social reformer (d. 1968)
1889 - Edwin Hubble, American astronomer (d. 1953)
1903 - Alexandra Danilova, Russian ballerina (d. 1997)
1904 - Yevgenia Ginzburg, Russian writer (d. 1977)
1908 - Alistair Cooke, British-born journalist (d. 2004)
1912 - Otto von Habsburg, German head of the Austrian imperial family
1913 - Judy Canova, American actress (d. 1983)
1914 - Emilio Pucci, Italian fashion designer (d. 1992)
1917 - Robert Byrd, U.S. Senator from West Virginia
1917 - Bobby Locke, South African golfer (d. 1987)
1919 - Evelyn Keyes, American actress
1921 - Jim Garrison, American detective, author, and politician (d. 1992)
1923 - Nadine Gordimer, South African writer, Nobel Prize laureate
1924 - Benoît Mandelbrot, Polish-born mathematician
1925 - Robert F. Kennedy, U.S. Attorney General (d. 1968)
1925 - Maya Plisetskaya, Russian ballet dancer
1927 - Estelle Parsons, American actress
1928 - Aleksey Batalov, Russian actor
1932 - Richard Dawson, British actor and game show host
1936 - Don DeLillo, American author
1937 - René Kollo, German tenor
1939 - Dick Smothers, American comedian
1942 - Joseph Biden, U.S. Senator from Delaware
1942 - Super Dave Osborne, American actor
1946 - Duane Allman, American guitarist (d. 1971)
1946 - Greg Cook, American football player
1947 - Joe Walsh, American musician
1948 - John R. Bolton, U.S. Ambassador to the UN
1948 - Barbara Hendricks, American-born soprano
1949 - Thelma Drake, U.S. Congresswoman from Virginia
1951 - David Walters, Governor of Oklahoma
1956 - Bo Derek, American actress
1957 - Margaret Spellings, U.S. Secretary of Education
1959 - Sean Young, American actress
1959 - James P. McGovern, U.S. Congressman from Massachusetts
1960 - Cathy Moriarty, American actress
1963 - Timothy Gowers, British mathematician
1963 - Ming-Na Wen, Macau-born actress
1965 - Mike D, American musician (Beastie Boys)
1966 - Kevin Gilbert, American musician
1970 - Matt Blunt, Governor of Missouri
1970 - Delia Gonzalez, American boxer
1975 - Dierks Bentley, American singer
1975 - Timea Vagvoelgyi, Hungarian model

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 08:02 am
Bo, c'est beau!
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 08:08 am
Photos of Timea Vagvoelgyi would be more derekly ('Model' is a nicer term than 'porn star', what she actually is). :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 08:18 am
I've nothing against porn stars, Walter, neither derekly nor inderekly Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 08:21 am
There's our Raggedy, listeners. Thanks, PA, for the celeb updates.

My, my. You just made our Francis sit up and take notice.

Bo, a perfect "dix". <smile>
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 08:28 am
Missed your porn star remark, Walter, and Francis' punny reply.

Just recalled Cavfancier's funny remark:

Chef by day; porn star by night.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 08:48 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 09:07 am
Good morning, edgar. Hmmmm, listeners, does that sound like Belafonte?

Whether or not, here's a note of another kind, Texas:

Harry Belafonte has been honored for his work. He received the National Medal of the Arts in 1994 and the Grammy Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2000. Now in his seventies, Belafonte is still singing, acting, and working for good causes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 09:19 am
He certainly is. His work with UNICEF and in the arena of civil rights goes on unabated.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 10:15 am
it pains me to admit this, but this time in '59, billboard number one was a song by the Fleetwoods i do not know Sad

Our guardian star lost all its glow
The day that I lost you
It lost all its glitter the day you said no
And its grey skies turned to blue

Like him I am doubtful
That your love is true
So if you decide to call on me
Ask for Mr. Blue

I'm Mr. Blue
When you say you love me
Then prove it by goin' out on the sly
Provin' your love is untrue
Call me Mr. Blue

I'm Mr. Blue
When you say you're sorry
Then turn around headed for the lights of town
Hurtin' me through and through
Call me Mr. Blue

I sleep alone each night
Wait by the phone each night
But you don't call
And I won't hurt my pride
Call me mister

I won't tell you
When you paint the town
A bright red to turn it upside down
I'm painting it too
But I'm painting it blue

I sleep alone each night
Wait by the phone each night
But you don't call
And I won't hurt my pride
Call me mister

I won't tell you
When you paint the town
A bright red to turn it upside down
I'm painting it too
But I'm painting it blue
Call me Mr. Blue
Call me mister
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 10:24 am
Mr Blue had terrible lyrics, but the group sang it beautifully. I like the record very much.
0 Replies

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