Letty wrote:
"Our country is still ruled from somewhere else," he said, referring to the British parliament. "It's time the leaders in Scotland woke up and listened to what the people want."
Opinion polls in recent years suggest between a quarter and a half of Scotland's 5 million people want the same independence from London which Wallace fought for seven centuries ago.
Scotland and England were rival feudal nations for years until first their monarchies and then their political systems were melded together between the 17th and 18th centuries.
A Scottish parliament was established in Edinburgh in 1999 but the nation remains within the United Kingdom.
Fiddledeesticks and twaddle!
Our present Queen is a direct descendant from James the First of Scotland (hence all the Royal Families kilt wearing), our present Prime Minister, the leader of the UK, was born in Scotland, our Chancellor (the man with the real power, and likely next Prime Minister) IS Scottish through and through, and there are so many Scottish MP's represententing English constituencies, the British Parliament is often referred to as the Scottish Mafia.
Scotland has its own monetary budget, which can only be voted on by SCOTTISH MP's, so consequently they have things like free welfare for the elderly, and free University placements for their students.
The ENGLISH budget however, is voted on by ALL parties, including the Scots, and our English students have to pay their own way through University, leaving them with debts from Government "Student loans" averaging over £12000 when they have qualified.
Now....how can the Scots manage to put their Students through education for free, you ask.....it is because a very large proportion of English taxes goes directly to Scotland. Scotland is very heavily subsidised by England, and without this subsidy (even if they took all the North sea oil money and kept it) they would be in a worse state than they are today.
The Scottish people were given the chance to vote on independence in recent times, and they voted a resounding "No".
The population of the South East of England outnumbers the population of Scotland, and if we became independent tomorrow, keeping all our taxes to ourselves and sending none to Scotland, we would also be able to afford free education for our students, like they do today.
Splitting up the UK will serve no use to anyone but the English. We are always being hammered for what happened three or four hundred years ago, by dewy eyed romantics who dont really live in the real, modern world.
Scotland already has its independence......its MP's have more direct power over their Country than our MP's have over ours....and at this moment in time, their lot ARE ruling the UK Parliament.
I suggest that this Wallace enthusiast gets a life. My son (English) has just completed his Science Degree, and now owes £12800. I know that our Scottish friend's offspring will not have to endure the same hardship.
He should wear his Kilt with pride, as the Scots are a fine race.....but he should quit moaning, and enjoy our English subsidies.
There......that's my rant for the day.