WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 05:05 am
Good morning, WA2K radio fans.

Well, edgar. Some viewers simply don't care for those types of movies. I have always been a sucker for them, but there appeared to be some flaws in that particular plot.

My goodness, here is our local biographer with fantastic information about celebs of the past, plus a feature story about Susan Polgar. Chess has often been considered a man's game, so I'm happy to know that some women are champions at strategy.

I had no idea that Peter O'Toole had so some many health problems, Bob. Hollywood is a succubus, no?

Now there's an interesting word, listeners--"succubus". Can anyone out there tell us the meaning without referring to sources?

Well, I think I'll mosey over to our kitchenette and have a cup of studio coffee.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 05:14 am
Succubus is a demoniac female spirit, incubus being the same for male.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 05:20 am
And Gerome Bettis is simply The Bus.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 05:29 am
Aha! I thought that tidbit would induce our Francis to pop in to the studio, folks. Good afternoon, Francis. I do believe we owe our Frenchman some sort of award, no? What shall it be then? I'll have to consider that for a bit.

Then, listeners, there is the homoculous. My goodness, all of this preoccupation with creatures of the Queen Mab ilk. Must have been the TV show, The Medium, that I watched last evening.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 05:36 am
Gerome Bettis, edgar? I guess that's one I missed somewhere along the way.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:00 am
He's a football player. I didn't really expect to slip that one by you.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:07 am
American Football, that's your game where you run and pass the ball by hand? And big men bash into each other?

A quiz question...I feel sure we must have had this asked before....why is soccer so called?

(In Britain, that's football, or in Scotland, fitba.)
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:08 am
morning McTag, sleep well?
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:15 am
My, my, listeners. What a montage of appearances we have in our studio. What I know about soccer and football and cricket and such would not get me a free ticket to the stadium, I guess.

Well, lets hear a little music of a different ilk:

As he rushed to quench his thirst,
A fountain spring appeared before him
And as his heated breath brushed through the cool mist,
A liquid voice called, "Son of gods, drink from my spring".

The water tasted strangely sweet.
Behind him the voice called again.
He turned and saw her, in a cloak of mist alone
And as he gazed, her eyes were filled with the darkness of the lake.

"We shall be one
We shall be joined as one"
"She wanted them as one
Yet he had no desire to be one"

"Away from me cold-blooded woman
Your thirst is not mine"

"Nothing will cause us to part
Hear me, O Gods"

Unearthly calm descended from the sky
And then their flesh and bones were strangely merged
Forever to be joined as one.

The creature crawled into the lake.
A fading voice was heard:
"And I beg, yes I beg that all who touch this spring
May share my fate"

"We are the one
We are the one"
"The two are now made one
Demi-god and nymph are now made one"

Both had given everything they had.
A lover's dream had been fulfilled at last,
Forever still beneath the lake.

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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:17 am
Dogpile on the rabbit.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:18 am
Good Day to All.

Jerome Bettis - I met him in a super market once. Big guy. Very Happy

Thank you Bob. My picture choices for today are the same two you bio'd. (new word for the day)

Lots of interesting celebs this August 2:

1533 - Theodor Zwinger, medical scholar (d. 1588)
1672 - Johann Jakob Scheuchzer, Swiss scholar (d. 1733)
1674 - Philip II, Duke of Orléans, regent of France (d. 1723)
1696 - Mahmud I, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1754)
1754 - Pierre Charles L'Enfant, architect, city planner (d. 1825)
1788 - Leopold Gmelin, chemist (d. 1853)
1815 - Adolf Friedrich von Schack, writer (d. 1894)
1834 - Frédéric Bartholdi, sculptor (d. 1904)
1835 - Elisha Gray, American inventor and founder of Western Electric (d. 1901)
1854 - Milan I, King of Serbia
1865 - Irving Babbitt, American literary critic (d. 1933)
1868 - King Constantine I of Greece (d. 1923)
1871 - John French Sloan, artist (d. 1951)
1892 - Jack Warner, Canadian film producer (d. 1978)
1897 - Max Weber, Swiss Federal Councilor (d. 1974)
1900 - Helen Morgan, actress (d. 1941)
1905 - Karl Amadeus Hartmann, composer (d. 1963)
1905 - Myrna Loy, actress (d. 1993)
1905 - Rudolf Prack, actor (d. 1981)
1912 - Vladimir Zerjavic, Croatian statistician (d. 2001)
1914 - Beatrice Straight, actress (d. 2001)
1915 - Gary Merrill, actor (d. 1990)
1924 - James Baldwin, American author (d. 1987)
1924 - Carroll O'Connor, actor (d. 2001)
1925 - Jorge Rafael Videla, Argentinian dictator
1932 - Peter O'Toole, Irish actor
1933 - Lorenzo Milam, author and broadcaster
1934 - Valery Bykovsky, cosmonaut
1937 - Garth Hudson, Canadian musician, organist/keyboardist with The Band
1939 - Wes Craven, film director
1941 - Doris Coley, singer (Shirelles) (d. 2000)
1942 - Isabel Allende, author
1944 - Jim Capaldi, British drummer, singer, and songwriter (Traffic) (d. January 28, 2005)
1948 - Dennis Prager, radio talk show host and author
1951 - Lance Ito, American judge
1953 - Butch Patrick, actor
1957 - Mojo Nixon, musician and actor
1961 - Linda Fratianne, figure skater
1964 - Mary-Louise Parker, actress
1969 - Fernando Couto, footballer
1970 - Tony Amonte, hockey player
1972 - Kevin Smith, actor, director, and screenwriter
1974 - Jeremy Castle, singer and songwriter
1975 - Xu Huaiwen, German badminton player
1977 - Edward Furlong, actor
1982 - Hélder Postiga, Portuguese footballer
1986 - Alisha Annas, musician
1992 - Hallie Kate Eisenberg, actress


Far right, Helen Morgan: Before the tragic legacies of songbird icons Edith Piaf, Billie Holliday and Judy Garland took hold, there was the one...the original...lady who sang the blues and started the whole "bawl" rolling. Like her successors, Helen Morgan lived her songs like she sang them. In between stints as a cabaret singer and The George White Scandals, she studied music at the Metropolitan Opera and performed in vaudeville shows. She was the antithesis of the freewheeling "Jazz Age" as her deep, dusky voice wove tales of sadness and lament rather than focusing on fun and frolic. But the Chicago mobsters and underground bootleggers balled like burly babies and really took to Helen's "torch song" renditions while glamorously propped on a piano with trademark scarf in hand (originally used to disguise nerves). The Prohibition-era gangsters even bankrolled her clubs which became very popular and frequently raided. Helen conquered Broadway in the mid-20s with her quintessential role as the tragic mulatto Julie in the smash musical "Show Boat" in 1927. Introducing the standards "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man" and "Bill", Helen further pushed her success with the musical "Sweet Adeline" in 1929 in which she introduced another favorite "Why Was I Born?" Her fragile mind and heart, however, couldn't handle the problems that started surfacing in the 30s. A broken marriage, emotional instability and a deep passion for the demon drink quickly did her in. She couldn't hold jobs and her health worsened by the year. After spiraling badly for a half decade, she tried sobering up and made a huge splash in 1936 with the screen version of Show Boat (1936) starring Irene Dunne, Allan Jones and Paul Robeson. She also began to redeem herself in clubs again but it was ultimately too late. Years of abuse did its damage and she died of liver cirrhosis in 1941 at age 41. In 1957, a glossy, somewhat fictitious movie was made chronicling her life and troubled times. The Helen Morgan Story (1957) starred a game Ann Blyth as the sultry, ill-fated songstress, with Gogi Grant a spectacular choice for dubbing in the vocals to all of Helen's best known standards.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:29 am
Well, listeners, here's our Raggedy with the celebs and a bio of her own concerning Helen Morgan.

Gogi Grant, Raggedy? Shocked She of The Wayward Wind. My word how things do come back to either haunt us or remind us.

I did, however, notice that Judge Ito was among the list and that, of course, reminds us of orange juice and Florida and ....on and on.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:40 am
orange juice and Forida and ...football? Laughing

I do hope Edgar notices the star of the Helen Morgan Story.

Have a great day, you all.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 06:57 am
I'm certain that he didn't let that pass, Raggedy. <smile> I, however, am still contemplating "dog pile". Razz

Well, listeners, we just had a request for the following song:


Don't go changing, to try and please me
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are

Don't go trying some new fashion
Don't change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care

I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are.

I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take 'till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.

I said I love you, and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 07:52 am
dyslexia wrote:
morning McTag, sleep well?

Thank you, I think I did, but woke early...well early for me, anyhows, just before six.

So I had a lovely leisurely time performing my toilette and dressing, then breakfasting alone. My dear wife is in Canada as I write, living off the fat of the land.

Yours, trying not to let standards slip too much,


How's it going with my soccer question?
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 08:01 am
Well, McTag. I'm going to take a wild guess about soccer.

Has it anything to do with the fact that it's all done with the feet?
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 08:09 am
i'm clueless about soccer, but i can add a note about Women's GM Susan Polgar. her youngest sister, Judit Polgar, is arguably the strongest woman chessplayer of all time. She plays exclusively in men's tournaments, and is currently ranked 8th in the world overall. Cool
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 08:16 am
Good morning Letty. The sacred coffee elixir has been installed so I'm functional again. Your remark on chess being regarded as a male dominion is well taken. Reminded me of a story.

A very spiritual, devout and holy priest dies and
is immediately swept up to heaven.

St. Peter greets him at the Pearly Gates, and says,
"Hello, Father, we've been waiting for you for a
long time. Welcome to Heaven! You are very well
known here, and as a special reward, because you
are such a spiritual and holy man, we're going to
grant you anything you wish even before we enter
Heaven. What can I grant you?"

"Well", the priest says, "I've always been a great
admirer of the Virgin Mother. I've always wanted
to ask her a question."

St. Peter nods his head to one side, and lo and
behold who should approach the priest but the
Virgin Mary!

The priest is beside himself, and he manages to
say, "Mother, I have always been a great admirer
of yours, and have studied everything I could
about you and followed your life as best I could.
I have studied every painting and portrait ever
made of you, and I've noticed that you are always
portrayed with a slightly sad look on your face.
I have always, always wondered what it was that
made you sad. Would you please tell me?"

"Well", says Mother Mary, "to tell the truth, I was really
hoping for a girl."
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 08:28 am
Yit, I declare women still hold a place amongst the men. I reached a point in chess where I simply couldn't improve. Alas, I have a beautiful chess set made of rosewood and it just sits there as a conversation piece.

Bob, I love that story. I heard the punch line a bit differently, however.

Now let's see. McTag has popped in, posed a question, said hello to dys and popped back out.

Waving wildly to Manchester! Hello! Hello! Florida calling. <smile>
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2005 08:30 am
Proud Monkeys
This song evolved from the song "Route Two." Some say this song is about man's evolution, other say it's about Dave's evolution from being a bartender to a world famous musician. The second set of lyrics is from the cd "Live at Red Rocks."

Swing in this tree
Oh I am bounce around so well
Branch to branch,
limb to limb you see
All in a day's dream
I'm stuck
Like the other monkeys here
I am a humble monkey
Sitting up in here again
But then came the day
I climbed out of these safe limbs
Ventured away
Walking tall, head high up and singing
I went to the city
Car horns, corners and the gritty
Now I am the proudest monkey you've ever seen
Monkey see, monkey do

Then comes the day
Staring at myself I turn to question me
I wonder do I want the simple, simple life that I once lived in well
Oh things were quiet then
In a way they were the better days
But now I am the proudest monkey you've ever seen
Monkey see, monkey do
Monkey see, monkey do

Oh I Used to live in a tree
I loved it but I thought it wasnt enough for me...
so I paved a road to the city
for me...and for the rest of the monkeys
I'm on the scene-
Yes I'm on the scene...again.
Yes I'm this proud monkey...leading the way.
when we must leave...
for good
I am the proudest monkey...
that I'm aware o'
Monkey see, monkey do, hit my tail.
Monkey see, monkey do.

When I walk, I walk so tall
not bent all double over...
like the other monkeys, that I know
But still I dont know:
If I'm so good or
If heavens the place to go or
If hell is where we were
If Sinnin'g's what we do
I know that I'm A smartest monkey
That I am aware o'
Monkey see, monkey do. Monkey see.

Who are they
Who are they everywhere
Who is this monkey
thinks he is so great
Who taught this monkey to
We taught this monkey to
Turn in the trail of his friends?
We are the proudest monkeys
We are the proudest monkeys
You and me are the proudest monkeys
You and I am the proudest monkeys
Monkey see, monkey do.
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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