WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:10 am
Sooooo, in response to Albert:

But Beautiful Lyrics

Love is funny or it's sad
Or it's quiet or it's mad
It's a good thing or it's bad
But beautiful

Beautiful to take a chance and if you fall, you fall
And I'm thinking I wouldn't mind at all

Love is tearful or it's gay
It's a problem or it's play
It's a heartache either way
But beautiful

And I'm thinking if you were mine, I'd never let you go
And that would be but beautiful, I know.


Love is tearful or it's gay
It's a problem or it's play
It's a heartache either way
But it's beautiful

And I'm thinking if you were mine, I'd never let you go
And that would be but beautiful, I know.

And if our editors will be so kind as to remove the question marks, I would be very appreciative.
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:15 am
Good morning Letty, my love. I wasn't sure I should attempt that pre coffee.
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:25 am
Bob, you make a wonderful editor as well as a biographer. I missed your Lizzie Borden info. How did that little rhyme go?

Lizzie Borden took an axe,
Gave her father forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done,
She gave her mother forty one.


Well, honey, I'm on my second cup of REAL coffee, but I must admit that some time back I tried a French Vanilla coffee that was truly delicious, and what's more surprising is that I didn't expect it to be. <smile>
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:37 am
Truly Scrumptious

Truly, Jemima, and JeremyToot sweets sound like what they are
So do lollys in a lollypop jar
Gingerbread men have a gingerbread sound, we've found
Sugar plum cinnamon and lemon tart tell you what they are right from the start
And your name does the same for you

By coincidence, Truly Scrumptious
You're truly truly scrumptious
Scrumptious as a cherry peach parfait
When your near us
It's so delicious
Honest Truly, you're the answer to our wishes
Truly Scrumptious
Though we may seem presumptuous
Never, never, ever go away
Our hearts beat so unruly
Because we love you truly
Honest Truly, we do

Truly scrumptious
You two are truly scrumptious
Scrumptious as the breeze across the bay
When you're smiling
It's so delicious
So beguiling
You're the answer to my wishes
Truly scrumptious
You two are truly scrumptious
And I shan't forget this lovely day
My heart beats so unruly
I also love you truly
Honest truly, I do
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:51 am
My word, listeners. Doesn't our man in Boston come up with some fabulous songs?

I think our Yitwail will understand this song:

- Lollipops And Roses

Tell her you care, each time you speak,
Make it her birthday each day of the week,
Bring her nice things, sugar and spice things,
Roses and Lollipops,
And Lollipops and Roses . . .

One day she'll smile, next day she'll cry,
Minute to minute, you'll never know why!
Coax her, pet her, better yet get her,
Roses and Lollipops,
And Lollipops and Roses . . .

We try acting grown up, but as a rule,
We're all little children, fresh from school . . .

So, carry her books, that's how it starts,
Fourteen to forty, they're kids in their hearts . . .
Keep them handy, flowers and candy,
Roses and Lollipops,
And Lollipops and Roses . . .
Words and Music by Tony Velona
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 08:05 am
Time for a history report, listeners:

Today's Highlight in History:

On July 19, 1985, Christa McAuliffe of New Hampshire was chosen to be the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the space shuttle. (McAuliffe and six other crew members died when Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off the following January.)

On this date:

In 1553, 15-year-old Lady Jane Grey was deposed as Queen of England after claiming the crown for nine days. King Henry VIII's daughter Mary was proclaimed Queen.

In 1848, a pioneer women's rights convention convened in Seneca Falls, N.Y.

In 1870, the Franco-Prussian war began.

In 1941, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill launched his ``V for Victory'' campaign in Europe.

In 1943, allied air forces raided Rome during World War II.

In 1969, Apollo 11 and its astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Edwin ``Buzz'' Aldrin and Michael Collins, went into orbit around the moon.

In 1975, the Apollo and Soyuz space capsules that were linked in orbit for two days separated.

In 1980, the Moscow Summer Olympics began, minus dozens of nations that were boycotting the games because of the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan.

In 1984, U.S. Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro, D-N.Y., won the Democratic nomination for vice president by acclamation at the party's convention in San Francisco.

In 1989, 112 people were killed when a United Air Lines DC-10 crashed while making an emergency landing at Sioux City, Iowa; 184 other people survived.

Ten years ago: President Clinton firmly rejected calls for dismantling affirmative action programs. The Dow Jones industrial average ended at 4,628.87, down 57.41 after plunging more than 130 points earlier in the session. A pair of House subcommittees held a joint hearing on the federal government's raid on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas.

Five years ago: President Clinton shuttled between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and his own experts during peace talks at Camp David after delaying his departure for an economic summit in Japan.

One year ago: Mark Hacking of Salt Lake City shot and killed his wife, Lori, disposed of her remains, then reported her missing; he was later sentenced to six years to life in prison after pleading guilty to first-degree murder. A fuel tanker rigged as a massive bomb exploded near the Baghdad police station, killing nine people. A methane gas explosion in a Ukrainian mine killed at least 34 miners. Former Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki died at age 93.

Interesting to me that it is the anniversary of the Challenger, and I saw today that the shuttle launch from the Cape will be delayed for at least another week.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 08:20 am
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 08:59 am
Thanks, dear Raggedy, for the celeb updates. Have a wonderful day, PA!

With Pen In Hand Lyrics
Artist: Vikki Carr

Vikki Carr

With pen in hand you sign your name
Today I find I'll be on that train
And you'll be free and i will be alone
So alone
If you think we can't find
The love we once knew
If you think I can't make
Everything up to you
Then I'll be gone
And you'll be on your own
You'll be on your own
Can you take good care of Jenny
Can you take her to school everyday
Can you teach her how to play
All the games that little girls play
Here what I say
Can you teach her how to roll up her hair
Can you make sure each night
That she says her prayers
Well if you can do these things
Then maybe she won't miss me
Maybe she won't miss me
And tonight as you lay
In that big lonely bed
And you look at that pillow
Where I laid my head
With your heart on fire
Will you have no desire
To kiss me
Or to hold me
And if you can forget
The good times that we had
If you don't think the good times
Outweigh the bad
Than go ahead and sign your name
And I'll be on my way
I'll be on my way
La da da da da da da da da
La da da da da da da da da
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 09:05 am
Weather report for the day: BEAUTIFUL.

For all the gardeners:

"Life in the Slaw Lane" - Kip Addotta
available on:
Life in the Slaw Lane, Rhino LP/cassette 70826, 1985

It was Cucumber the first; summer was over.
I had just spinached a long day and I was busheled.
I'm the kinda guy that works hard for his celery and I don't mind telling
you I was feeling a bit wilted.
But I didn't carrot all. 'Cause, otherwise, things were vine.
I try never to disparagus and I _don't_ sweat the truffles. I'm
outstanding in my field and I know something good will turnip eventually.
A bunch of things were going grape, and soon, I'd be top banana. At
least, that's my peeling.
But that's enough corn; lend me your ear and lettuce continue:
After dressing, I stalked on over to the grain station.
I got there just in lime to catch the nine-elemon as it plowed toward the
core of Appleton, a lentil more than a melon-and-a-half Yeast of

Life in the slaw lane.
They say plants can't feel no pain.
Life in the slaw lane.
I've got news for you:
They're just as frail as you.

No one got off at Zucchini, so we continued on a rotaBega.
Passing my usual stop, I got avoCado.
I hailed a passing Yellow Cabbage and told the driver to cart me off to
Broccolyn. I was going to meet my brother across from the eggplant where
he had a job at the Saffron station pumpkin gas.
As soon as I saw his face, I knew he was in a yam.
He told me his wife had been raisin cane. Her name was Peaches: a
soiled but radishing beauty with HUGE goards. My brother had always been a
chestnut, but I could neve figured out why she picked him. He was a skinny
little string bean who had always suffered from cerebral parsley. It was in
our roots. Sure, we had tried to weed it out, but the problem still
He was used to having a tough row to how, but it irrigated me to see
Artichoke, and it bothered my brother to see his marriage going to seed.


Like most mapled couples, they had a lot of grilling to do.
Sure, they'd sown their wild oats, but just barley if you peas.
Finally, Peaches had given him an ultomato. She said, "I'm hip to your
chive, and you don't stop smoking that herb, I'm gonna leaf ya for Basil,
ya fruit!"
He said he didn't realize it had kumquat so far.
Onion other hand, even though Peaches could be the pits, I knew she'd
never call the fuzz.


So I said, "Hay, we're not farm from the Mushroom! Let's walk over."
He said, "That's a very rice place. That's the same little bar where
alfalfa my wife!"
When we got there, I pulled up a cherry and tried to produce small talk.
I told him I haven't seen Olive; not since I shelled off for a trip to
Macadamia when I told her, "We cantaloupe." The time just wasn't ripe.
She knew what I mint.
When we left the Mushroom, we were pretty well-juiced. I told Arti
to say hello to the boysenBerry and that I'd orange to see him another
Well, it all came out in the morning peppers: Arti caught Peaches that
night with Basil, and Arti beat Basil bad, leaving him with two beautiful
Peaches? She was found in the garden; she'd been pruned.


Well, my little story is okra now.
Maybe it's small potatoes. Me? Idaho.
My name? Wheat. My friends call me "Kernel".
And that's life in the slaw lane.
Thank you so mulch.


It's a garden out there!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 09:19 am
Well, listeners, we're glad to know that the weather is "beautiful" <smile>

Diane, where in the world do you come up with those hilarious and clever lyric puns. Fantastic, gal!

It's a garden out there? Heh! Heh!

A couple of days ago, listeners, Raggedy or Bob gave us an anniversary of the dirigible, The Hindenberg, and its terrible explosion.

I found this to be interesting for all you history buffs out there:

Subject: NPR's Hindenburg Disaster

Well folks, NPR's All Things Considered screwed up history again. They broadcast a nice piece about Herb Morrison's eye-witness report of the Hindenburg disaster which happened sixty years ago; but they assumed that it was a live broadcast. As we all know, it was a recording that was made on a portable Presto disc cutter and not broadcast until the following day. I will be sending a correction via e-mail, and let's see how responsive they are to their mistake.

They opened the piece by saying that it was a broadcast from May 6, 1937 and then closed by saying that the following morning there were newspaper accounts, but radio listeners had already heard about it from Morrison's broadcast. Actually, there WERE some radio bulletins but none of them were by Morrison, and the first occurred about an hour after the explosion. NBC broadcast a bulletin from the New York studios at 7:45 EDT on both the Red and Blue networks, and at 9:07 to 9:11 and again at 9:15 to 9:21 William Burke Miller broadcast interviews live from a mobile unite at Lakehurst on the Blue Network. Additional bulletins were broadcast at 10:00 to 10:03 on both Red and Blue, and again fore a minute at 10:36 on Blue only. At 11:30 to 11:43 both Red and Blue presented a report from Lakehurst by James Begley of KYW, Philadelphia. Other live reports from the NBC mobile unit were broadcast at 2:49 to 3:04 A.M and 8:21 to 8:30 A.M.

Morrison and recording engineer Charlie Nehlsen had left their disc cutter behind in Lakehurst and had flown with the four 16-inch discs to Chicago via Newark, Buffalo, and Detroit. They probably aired an excerpt of the recording on WLS, Chicago, their home station, and then at 11:38 to 11:45 A.M. EDT a short portion was aired on NBC Red plus WJZ. Morrison was interviewed live and an excerpt of the recording was played on NBC Blue minus WJZ at 4:30 to 4:45 P.M. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME THAT THESE RECORDINGS WERE EVER BROADCAST ON THE NBC NETWORK. This is also the first time that a recording was allowed to be broadcast on NBC, and I can count on my fingers the other times that NBC broadcast recordings--knowingly and unknowingly--until the middle of WW II.

The following day, Saturday May 8, 1937, the four disc were taken to RCA Victor's Chicago Studio C and dubbed onto three 16-inch 33 1/3 RPM wax masters MS 08107 thru 09. The four original Presto Green Seal lacquer discs were then locked in the vault of Burride D. Butler, publisher of The Prairie Farmer and president of WLS, and were delivered to the Federal Communications Commission by WLS's Glen Snyder in December 1937 and delivered to the National Archives on January 22, 1938 per an offer of deposit dated July 9, 1937.

The three wax masters were pressed on red label vinyl pressings, and I know of only one set. It is in private hands and there are NOT any copies held by the National Archives, NBC, or the Library of Congress. I have been mystified by this omission for many years. Test pressings were used to record two 12-inch 78 RPM masters in New York on May 21 with an introduction by Milton Cross, CS 07694-1 and CS 07696-1 which were available to the public on the "On the NBC" label. Six 12-inch 78 RPM masters were dubbed from the test pressings in Chicago on June 7, 1937 on CS 08165-1 thru 170. It is pressings of these which show up in the archives despite the fact that they time out at a total of 28 minutes 44 seconds, while the original three 16-inch dubs time out at 39 minutes 1 second. That set itself, by the way, lacks a few seconds of background sound at the beginning of the first side, about 6 seconds of low level sound at the time of the explosion, and the last half of the last sentence at the end of the last disc. These sounds, of course, are on the originals which are at the National Archives, which is the source of the recording made available by Herb Morrison to George Garabedian for issue on Mark 56 Records.

I have closely examined the original discs and photographed the grooves at the point of the explosion. You can see several deep digs in the lacquer before the groove disappears. Then almost immediately there is a faint groove for about two revolutions while Charlie Nehlsen gently lowered the cutting head back to the disc. Fortunately the cutting stylus never cut through the lacquer to the aluminum base. If that had happened the most dramatic part of the recording would not have been made because the stylus would have been ruined. The digs and the bouncing off of the cutting head were caused by the shock wave of the explosion which reached the machine just after Morrison said "It burst into flame . . ."

As has been stated in postings the last few days, I and several others believe that the originals were recorded slightly slow, and that all replays have been at too fast a speed. Comparison with the now two other known contemporary recordings of Morrison demonstrate this conclusion.

The information in this posting is based on my Ph.D. dissertation "The Making and Use of Recordings in Broadcasting before 1936" which is copyright 1977. The details come from my inspection of the files at The National Archives, RCA Victor, NBC, the NBC logs, and all the recordings themselves. Quotes can be taken for non-commercial educational purposes provided that I am given credit for the information.

Michael Biel, Ph.D.
Professor, Radio-TV
Morehead State University

Did we all know that? I don't think so. <smile>
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 12:58 pm
since today's musical selections seem to have a food theme running through them, here's another by the Murmaids (why the name is spelled with a 'u' is a mystery to me):

Popsicles, icicles, baseball and fancy clothes
These are a few of the things he loves
He loves Levis and brown eyes
And wind blowin' through his hair
These are a part of the boy I love

If you put them all together
Much to your surprise (Oh tell me what)
You'll find a bit of heaven
Right before your eyes

Bright stars and guitars and
Drive-ins on Friday night
These are a few of the things we love

(May be) Silly but still he is
Just what I dream about
Yes, he's the boy that I love

If you put them all together
Much to your surprise (Oh tell me what)
You'll find a bit of heaven
Right before your eyes

Bright stars and guitars and
Drive-ins on Friday night
These are a few of the things we love

(May be) Silly but still he is
Just what I dreamed about
Yes, he's the boy that I love

Popsicles, icicles
Popsicles, icicles, hmm...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 01:25 pm
Hey, Yit. I suppose that composers of music can spell any way they choose. <smile>

Actually, folks, I think that Yit's song was far more profound than at first reading, because it is a measure of the expectations of many men, no?

What women want:

Lyrics for "What A Girl Wants," Christina Aguilera

I wanna thank you for giving me time to breathe
Like a rock you waited so patiently
While I got it together
While I figured it out
I only looked but I never touched
'Cause in my heart was a picture of us
Holdin' hands, makin' plans and it's lucky for me you understand

What a girl wants
What a girl needs
Whatever makes me happy sets you free
And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly
What a girl wants
What a girl needs
Whatever keeps me in your arms
And I'm thanking you for being there for me
Yeah Yeah

A weaker man might have walked away
But you had faith
Strong enough to move over and give me space
While I got it together
While I figured it out
They say if you love something let it go
If it comes back it's yours
That's how you know
It's for keeps, yeah, it's for sure
And you're ready and willin'
To give me more than

What a girl wants
What a girl needs
Whatever makes me happy sets you free
And I'm thanking you for giving it to me
What a girl wants
What a girl needs
Whatever keeps me in your arms
And I'm thanking you for being there for me
Yeah Yeah

A girl needs somebody sensitive but tough
Somebody there when the goin' gets rough
Every night he'll be giving his love
To just one girl
Somebody cool but real tender too
Somebody, baby, just like you
Can keep me hangin' around
With the one who always knew

What a girl wants
What a girl needs
Whatever makes me happy sets you free
And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly
What a girl wants
What a girl needs
Whatever keeps me in your arms
And I'm thanking you for being there for me
Yeah Yeah

That, of course, is ala Christine. Would love to see other folks come in with a song that expresses wants and needs.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 04:52 pm
Wants and needs - Hmmm . . .

I Want You, I Need You, I Love You

( Ira Kosloff - Maurice Mysels)

Hold me close, hold me tight
Make me thrill with delight
Let me know where I stand from the start
I want you, I need you, I love you
With all my heart

Ev'ry time that you're near
All my cares disappear
Darling, you're all that I'm living for
I want you, I need you, I love you
More and more

I thought I could live without romance
Before you came to me
But now I know that
I will go on loving you eternally

Won't you please be my own?
Never leave me alone
'Cause I die ev'ry time we're apart
I want you, I need you, I love you
With all my heart
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:10 pm
edgar, that is such a romantic song.

Want--need--love; that pretty well sums up the human race, no?

Tonight, I had a brief conversation with my neighbor who has just gotten back from Japan. I could tell that she was really taken with the culture. In her host home, she was introduced to the green tea ritual; went through a haiku center, and got to view first hand the symbol of the sword. I am quite anxious to learn more, listeners.

Also, I heard from my friend who lives in Alaska. She LOVES the weather, and was especially impressed that wild things were allowed to grow in profusion--dandelions and clover were left unchecked, and the covering that they produced in the long daylight season, turned the terrain into a sea of yellow fringed in white and purple. Awesome, folks.

It is easy to see why Francis can relieve any stressful situation by simply walking through his garden.

If I may reverse a biblical expression: Where one's heart is--therein lies the treasure.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:22 pm
and just so that Letty doesn't get you folks too swept away, how about a little retro:

Written by: Lenny Kravitz

Dressed in purple velvets
With a flower in her hair
Feel her gentle spirit
As the champa fills the air
She wears rubys on her fingers
Tiny bells upon her toes
She's the finest thing
I've ever seen
Love that ring inside her nose

Flower Child yeah
Flower Child yeah

She's a psychedelic princess
On a magic carpet ride
And where her trip will carry you
Is somewhere you can't find
She's on a plane of higher consciousness
Meditation is the key
She's got her **** together
Cause her soul and mind are free

Flower Child yeah
Flower Child yeah

She's a child of Martin Luther
As a freedom fighter she
Speaks of liberation on the land
And on the sea
Her eyes are made of sunshine
And her lips are jelly sweet

Flower Child yeah
Flower Child yeah
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:43 pm
San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair) Lyrics

If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there

For those who come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there
In the streets of San Francisco
Gentle people with flowers in their hair

All across the nation such a strange vibration
People in motion
There's a whole generation with a new explanation
People in motion people in motion

For those who come to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there

If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 06:01 pm
ah, edgar. Flowers in your hair and swept along by the throng:

Now, folks, a little bit of New Age Spiritual:

Why men are happier

Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures?

Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can be President.
You can never be pregnant.
You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.
You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Same work, more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100.
People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
You almost never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
Everything on your face stays its original color.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life.
Your belly usually hides your big hips.
One wallet and one pair of shoes one color for all seasons.
You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

No wonder men are happier. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 06:58 pm
two songs for your listening pleasure

one for the roses and lollipops crowd, and since edgar took us west, i'll take us east

Incense And Peppermint
Strawberry Alarm Clock

Ba, ba.
Ba, ba.
Ba, ba.
Ba, ba.

Good sense, innocense, cripple mankind.
Dead kings, many things, I can't define.
Occasions, bars, sweatins' pressin' your mind.
Incense and peppermint the color of time.

Who cares what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothing to lose.

Incense and peppermint, meaningless bounds.
Turn on to Lynn, turn your eyes around.

Look at your sound.
look at your sound.
Ya, da.
Look at your sound.
look at your sound.
Ya, da. Ya, ya.

The tune'll buy the cockeyed world in two.
Throw you by the one side's the least you can do.
Beatnicks and politics, nothing is new.
A yard stick for lunitics, one point of view.

Who cares what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothing to lose.


Good sense, innocense, cripple mankind.
Dead kings, many things, I can't define.
Occasions, bars, sweatins' pressin' your mind.
Incense and peppermint the color of time.

Who cares what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothing to lose.


Incense, peppermint.
Incense, peppermint.

The Bee Gees

Feel I'm goin' back to Massachusetts,
Something's telling me I must go home.
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
The day I left her standing on her own.

Tried to hitch a ride to San Francisco,
Gotta do the things I wanna do.
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
They brought me back to see my way with you.

Talk about the life in Massachusetts,
Speak about the people I have seen,
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
And Massachusetts is one place I have seen.

I will remember Massachusetts...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 07:13 pm
dj, Incense and Peppermint is wild. I love it, Canada.

And this gives me the perfect opportunity to ask all our listeners to send candy thoughts and roses of healing to our Shewolfin. She is ill.


We are all waiting to know something.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 07:21 pm
here's a song for a special girl, who woke up feeling like she was on a rollercoaster

get better shewolf

Palisades Park
The Ramones

Last night I took a walk after dark
A swingin' place called Palisades Park
To have some fun and see what I could see
That's where the girls are

I took a ride on a shoot-the-chute
That girl I sat beside was awful cute
And after while she was holdin' hands with me

My heart was flyin' up like a rocket ship
Down like a roller coaster
Back like a loop-the-loop
And around like a merry-go-round

We ate and ate at a hot dog stand
We danced around to a rockin' band
And when I could, I gave that girl a hug
In the tunnel of love

You'll never know how great a kiss can feel
When you stop at the top of a Ferris wheel
When I fell in love down at Palisades Park

We ate and ate at a hot dog stand
We danced around to a rockin' band
And when I could, I gave that girl a hug
In the tunnel of love

You'll never know how great a kiss can feel
When you stop at the top of a Ferris wheel
When I fell in love down at Palisades Park

Down at Palisades Park
You know it's Palisades Park
Down at Palisades Park
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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