Ol' Man River
by Paul Robeson
album: Great Paul Robeson (1996),
Ol' man river,
Dat ol' man river
He mus'know sumpin'
But don't say nuthin',
He jes'keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin' along.
He don' plant taters/tators,
He don't plant cotton,
An' dem dat plants'em
is soon forgotten,
But ol'man river,
He jes keeps rollin'along.
You an'me, we sweat an' strain,
Body all achin' an' racket wid pain,
Tote dat barge!
Lif' dat bale!
Git a little drunk
An' you land in jail.
Ah gits weary
An' sick of tryin'
Ah'm tired of livin'
An' skeered of dyin',
But ol' man river,
He jes'keeps rolling' along.
[Colored folks work on de Mississippi,
Colored folks work while de white folks play,
Pullin' dose boats from de dawn to sunset,
Gittin' no rest till de judgement day.
or musical part]
Don't look up
An' don't look down,
You don' dast make
De white boss frown.
Bend your knees
An'bow your head,
An' pull date rope
Until you' dead.)
Let me go 'way from the Mississippi,
Let me go 'way from de white man boss;
Show me dat stream called de river Jordan,
Dat's de ol' stream dat I long to cross.
O' man river,
Dat ol' man river,
He mus'know sumpin'
But don't say nuthin'
He jes' keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin' along.
Long ol' river forever keeps rollin' on...
He don' plant tater,
He don' plant cotton,
An' dem dat plants 'em
Is soon forgotten,
but ol' man river,
He jes' keeps rollin' along.
Long ol' river keeps hearing dat song.
You an' me, we sweat an' strain,
Body all achin an' racked wid pain.
Tote dat barge!
Lif' dat bale!
Git a little drunk
An' you land in jail.
Ah, gits weary
An' sick of tryin'
Ah'm tired of livin'
An' skeered of dyin',
But ol' man river,
He jes'keeps rollin' along!
That song will always be a classic, Bob. Thanks for reminding us, Boston.
Today in History
July 17
1453 France defeats England at Castillon, France, ending the Hundred Years' War.
1762 Peter III of Russia is murdered and his wife, Catherine II, takes the throne.
1785 France limits the importation of goods from Britain.
1791 National Guard troops open fire on a crowd of demonstrators in Paris.
1799 Ottoman forces, supported by the British, capture Aboukir, Egypt from the French.
1801 The U.S. fleet arrives in Tripoli.
1815 Napoleon Bonaparte surrenders to the British at Rochefort, France.
1821 Andrew Jackson becomes the governor of Florida.
1864 Confederate President Jefferson Davis replaces General Joseph E. Johnston with General John Bell Hood in hopes of defeating Union General William T. Sherman outside Atlanta.
1898 U.S. troops under General William R. Shafter take Santiago de Cuba during the Spanish-American War.
1944 Field Marshall Erwin Rommel is wounded when an Allied fighter strafes his staff car in France.
1946 Chinese communists attack the Nationalist army on the Yangtze River.
1960 American pilot Francis Gary Powers pleads guilty to spying charges in a Moscow court.
1966 Ho Chi Minh orders a partial mobilization of North Vietnam to defend against American airstrikes.
1987 Lt. Col. Oliver North and Rear Adm. John Poindexter begin testifying to Congress regarding the Iran-Contra scandal.
Thank you for posting that Letty. I have a guilty pleasure in still enjoying that strip after all these years. Don't mention it to anyone though or I'll be the laughing stock of the neighborhood.
I'm a comics buff. I love many strips, including that one.
Well, folks. Since edgar and Bob both admit to guilty pleasures, let's play a song dedication to Blondie from Blondie:
Blondie Lyrics
Heart Of Glass (Disco Remix) Lyrics
Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a heart of glass
Seemed like the real thing, only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
Once I had a love and it was divine
Soon found out I was losing my mind (my mind)
It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
In between
What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine
Love is so confusing, there's no peace of mind
If I fear I'm losing you, it's just no good
You teasing like you do
Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a heart of glass
Seemed like the real thing, only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
Lost inside
Adorable illusion and I cannot hide
I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside
We coulda made it cruising, yeah
Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light
Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out to be a pain in the ass
Seemed like the real thing only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
In between
What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine
Love is so confusing, there's no peace of mind
If I fear I'm losing you, it's just no good
You teasing like you do.
Well, folks, not exactly a match for the strip, but at least "Blondie" was there although disco is long gone.
Hey, dys. I clicked on the image to make it bigger, but it didn't work cause I'm watching my figure. <smile>
Beautiful, flower, listeners:
The petals on green are bursting with yellow,
With a plain wooden fence behind,
A wonderful way to bloom with the day,
A flower of delightful design.
Thanks, cowboy.
Fantastic picture of our dys with Sally, folks. He looks right at home in the backwoods.
Listeners, you would not believe the view that I just saw. Were it not for dys' lack of religion, I would say it's the place to go and commune with any diety. Up on the mountain top where the air is rare. Watching with careful eyes, buddy.
Letty wrote:Fantastic picture of our dys with Sally, folks. He looks right at home in the backwoods.
I got more the impression that dys couldn't see the wood for the trees, had no map and therefore a guide dog :wink:
I'm sure RA meant to include a picture of Charlie Steiner. He starred in one of ESPN's greatest moments, in a promo where he was supposed to be in love with a female boxer. Anyway, here's a photo of Charlie--he's the one on the right.
my personal favorite place in the world;
the view from 1/2 way up Cochitopa Pass
dyslexia wrote:my personal favorite place in the world;

When are they going to fix that sign so you don't have to stand there holding it up?
where we camped on Spring Creek Pass
same place different personality;