Good Morning WA2K.
Birthday Celebs:
1491 King Henry VIII, king of England who separated the Anglican Church from the Roman Catholic Church (Greenwich, England; died 1547)
1577 Peter Paul Rubens, painter and diplomat (Siegen, Westphalia; died 1640)
1712 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, philosopher (Geneva, Switzerland; died 1778)
1902 Richard Rodgers, composer and collaborator with Lorenz Hart and Oscar Hammerstein (New York, NY; died 1979) (See Bobsmythhawk"s bio) Can't say enough about Richard Rodgers. His songs are timeless.
1905 Ashley Montagu, anthropologist/author (London, England; died 1999)
1909 Eric Ambler, suspense novelist (London, England; died 1998)
1926 Mel Brooks, actor/director (New York, NY)(See Bob's bio - Young Frankenstein and The Producers are my two favorite comedies)
1946 Bruce Davison, actor (Philadelphia, PA) (Oscar nominated for Longtime Companion, 1990)
1946 Gilda Radner Detroit, comedienne (SNL-Baba Wawa); second husband, Gene Wilder; died 1989 (wrote a memoir about her life and struggle with the illness, called It's Always Something. The book was written by Radner in tribute to cancer sufferers everywhere, and she used humor to overcome tragedy and pain.)
1947 Mark Helprin, author (New York, NY)
1948 Kathy Bates, actress (Memphis, TN) (Fried Green Tomatoes; At Play in the Fields of the Lord; Dolores Claiborne; About Schmidt; Oscar for Misery, 1990)
1949 Don Baylor, baseball player/manager (Austin, TX)
1960 John Elway, football quarterback (Port Angeles, WA)
1966 John Cusack, actor (Evanston, IL)
1971 Aileen Quinn actress (Annie)