WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 05:00 am
Ah, The Music Man, Bob.

Song: Seventy-Six Trombones Lyrics

Seventy-six trombones led the big parade
With a hundred and ten cornets close at hand.
They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtuo-
Sos, the cream of ev'ry famous band.

Seventy-six trombones caught the morning sun
With a hundred and ten cornets right behind
There were more than a thousand reeds
Springing up like weeds
There were horns of ev'ry shape and kind.

There were copper bottom tympani in horse platoons
Thundering, thundering all along the way.
Double bell euphoniums and big bassoons,
Each bassoon having it's big, fat say!

There were fifty mounted cannon in the battery
Thundering, thundering louder than before
Clarinets of ev'ry size
And trumpeters who'd improvise
A full octave higher than the score!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 05:10 am
Oh my, listeners. Did I just hear dissonance among the chord changes?

Ah, well, Bob. Between global warming and climate changes and the animal that drank up sound, perhaps we will hear a cricket chirping somewhere among the debris.
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 05:28 am
Good Morning WA2K!

June 8 Birthday Celebrities:

1867 Frank Lloyd Wright, architect (Richland Center, WI; died 1959)
1916 Francis Crick, biologist/biochemist and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA (Northhampton, England)
1917 Byron R. White, Supreme Court justice (Fort Collins, CO)
1918 Robert Preston Newton MA, actor (Music Man, Mame, Victor Victoria; Last Starfighter) died 1987
1921 Alexis Smith Penticton BC Canada, actress (Jessica-Dallas, Follies)died 1983
1925 Barbara Bush, former First Lady of the United States (Rye, NY)
1929 Jerry Stiller, comedian/actor (New York, NY)
1930 Dana Wynter London, actress (Airport, Invasion of the Body Snatchers)
1936 James Darren, singer/actor (Philadelphia, PA)
1937 Joan Rivers, comedian/TV personality (Brooklyn, NY)
1939 Bernie Casey, football player and actor (Wyco, WV)
1940 Nancy Sinatra Jersey City, singer, her boots were made for walkin'
1942 Andrew Weil, health adviser (Philadelphia, PA)
1942 Chuck Negron singer (3 Dog Night-Joy to the World)
1944 William Royce "Boz" Scaggs Dallas Tx, rocker (Steve Miller Band)
1947 Sara Paretsky, mystery writer (Ames, IA)
1950 Kathy Baker, actress (Midland, TX)
1950 Alex Van Halen drummer (Van Halen-Jump, 1984)
1955 Griffin Dunne actor (American Werewolf in London, Who's That Girl)
1957 Scott Adams, cartoonist and creator of Dilbert (Windham, NY)
1958 Keenan Ivory Wayans, actor (New York, NY)
1966 Julianna Margulies, actress (Spring Valley, NY)

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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 06:15 am
Rinnng...rinnng...rinnng. Hello, hello, miss Letty, yes it's me again. People are posting such great poems and songs in other languages I would like to suggest one in Spanish by a very famous poetess Julia de Burgos. Yes, from Puerto Rico. Yes...thank you miss Letty! Click

Julia de Burgos (2/17/1917-1953). She was born in Canóvanas, in the town of Santa Cruz. She was the eldest daughter of thirteen children. Very poor family but she managed to finish school, and go on to the university. She traveled to many places, especially to Cuba, and New York. In New York she died near the now Museo Del Bario on 105 street, and fifth avenue. She is one of the poets who predicted her own death in the Poem "Dadme Mi Numero", Give Me My Number. All her poetry is beautiful but she best known for her poem "Rio Grande de Loiza" Big River of Loiza. The river near her home, that saw her grow, and she loved so much.

Yo Misma Fui Mi Ruta

Yo quise ser como los hombres quisieron que you fuese:
un intento de vida;
un juego al escondite con mi ser.
Pero yo estaba hecha de presentes,
y mis pies planos sobre la tierra promisora
no resistían caminar hacia atrás,
y seguían adelante, adelante,
burlando las cenizas para alcanzar el beso
de los senderos nuevos

A cada paso adelantado en mi ruta hacia el frente
rasgaba mis espaldas el aleteo desesperado
de los troncos viejos

Pero la rama estaba desprendida para siempre,
y a cada nuevo azote la mirada mía
se separaba mas y mas y mas de los lejanos
horizontes aprendidos:
y mi rostro iba tomando la expresión que le venia de adentro,
la expresión definida que asomaba un sentimiento
de liberación intima;
un sentimiento que surgía
del equilibrio sostenido entre mi vida
y la verdad del beso de los senderos nuevos.

Ya definido mi rumbo en el presente,
me sentí brote de todos los suelos de la tierra,
de los suelos sin historia,
de los suelos sin porvenir,
del suelo siempre suelo sin orillas
de todos los hombres y de todas las épocas.

Y fui toda en mi como fue en mi la vida...

Yo quise ser como los hombres quisiera que yo fuese:
un intento de vida;
un juego al escondite con mi ser.
Pero you estaba hecha de presentes;
cuando ya los heraldos me anunciaban
en el regio desfile de los troncos viejos,
se me torció el deseo de seguir a los hombres,
y el homenaje se quedó esperandome.

I Was My Own Route

I wanted to be like men wanted me to be:
an attempt at life;
a game of hide and seek with my being.
But I was made of nows,
and my feet level upon the promissory earth
would not accept walking backwards,
and went forward, forward,
mocking the ashes to reach the kiss
of the new paths.

At each advancing step on my route forward
my back was ripped by the desperate flapping wings
of the old guard.

But the branch was unpinned forever,
and at each new whiplash my look
separated more and more and more from the distant
familiar horizons;
and my face took the expression that came from within,
the defined expression that hinted at a feeling
of intimate liberation;
a feeling that surged
from the balance between my life
and the truth of the kiss of the new paths.

Already my course now set in the present,
I felt myself a blossom of all the soils of the earth,
of the soils without history,
of the soils without a future,
of the soil always soil without edges
of all the men and all the epochs.

And I was in me as was life in me...

I wanted to be like men wanted me to be:
an attempt at life;
a game of hide and seek with my being.
But I was made of nows;
when the heralds announced me
at the regal parade of the old guard,
the desire to follow men warped in me,
and the homage was left waiting for me.

Not bad for a man doing the interpretation of a woman's poetry. When this man was younger he had seen Julia de Burgos around his neighborhood. Later, after she had died and he was older did he realize who she was. He pretty much has translated all her poems.
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 07:13 am
Ah, there is our Raggedy with her usual updates of the celebs. Thanks my friend for your diligence.

After I have done some needed work in the office, I shall be back to pay tribute to Frank Lloyd because our research mechanism is adorned with his architecture. <smile>

Angel, that was a beautiful poem and eloquent translation. I am not familiar with the lady, but she is amazing in both her writing and her life.
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 08:23 am
Frank Lloyd's quotes:

An idea is salvation by imagination

An idea is salvation by imagination.

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

Age: Youth is a circumstance you can't do anything about. The trick is to grow up without getting old.

Quite a guy, Mr. Wright.

And now for something unusual by Three Dog Night:

Well I never been to Spain
But I kinda like the music
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to use it
The don't abuse it
Never gonna lose it
I can't refuse it
Well I never been to England
But I kinda like the Beatles
Well, I headed for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Needles
Can you feel it
It must be real it
Feels so good
Oh, feels so good
Well I never been to heaven
But I been to Oklahoma
Well they tell me I was born there
But I really don't remember
In Oklahoma, not Arizona
What does it matter
What does it matter
Well I never been to Spain
But I kinda like the music
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to use it
The don't abuse it
Never gonna lose it
I can't refuse it
Well I never been to heaven
But I been to Oklahoma
Well they tell me I was born there
But I really don't remember
In Oklahoma, not Arizona
What does it matter
What does it matter

Perfect song for all of us here, listeners
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 08:26 am
This is the Frank Lloyd Wright house in Wichita.


The Henry J. Allen House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright was sold, September 20, 1990 by the Wichita State University Endowment Association to the Allen-Lambe House Foundation.

The residential structure located at 255 N. Roosevelt, Wichita, Ks. was designed for the prominent journalist and Statesman Henry J. Allen and his wife Elsie J. Nuzman Allen, who was active in local art organizations. The design concepts date from 1915 and the House was occupied in 1918. The Allens continued to live in the house until late 1947. The House, that Frank Lloyd Wright considered "among my best," is considered the last of the Prairie Houses. Stylistic exterior features include a horizontal carthage marble "water table" as a transition design element between the prairie floor and the house, raked horizonal brick joints and flush head joints, expansive clay tile roof with emphasis on horizonal lines and a unique ridge, hip ridge and lower starting course with a Japanese flavor.

Interior features include the continuity of the exterior brick which is a blend of ocher and tan colors with all horizontal joints gilded. This detail was only used elsewhere at the Martin House in Buffalo, New York and the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. The living and dining room wrap around a sunken garden with a large water garden. The other two sides of the garden are defined by a garden house and wall capped by large concrete vases.

The quarry tile terrace extends into the living room and dining with access from both rooms through glass doors to the terrace. This continuity of floor material along with the brick, plaster colors, etc., establishes a strong indoor/outdoor design relationship.

Views to the exterior are through "light screens" which consist of clear glass doors and windows with terminal windows or side windows framing the views to nature with art glass. Exterior window flower boxes raise the prairie floor up to establish a strong visual relationship to nature. Lighting is integrated into the environment with the living room ceiling lanterns, wood and mulberry paper and also in the art glass dining room ceiling. Radiator grilles, built in furniture, bookcases and moveable furniture are all interrelated designs for a harmonious whole. 23 pieces of original furniture have been loaned back from The Wichita State University Endowment Association and also art work collected by Elsie Allen is being loaned by Baker University and The Wichita Center for the Arts. The furniture was a collaborative effort between Frank Lloyd Wright and George M. Niedecken who worked with Frank Lloyd Wright on 12 projects over a 15 year period, which included the Coonley House, Robie House and the Meyer May House.

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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 08:38 am
Wow! Tico, thanks for that fantastic picture and the description of the exterior and interior. Somehow that unusual design does not seem like Wright, but, of course, he was not formulaic.

song for the builders of houses:

Artist: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Lyrics
Song: Our House Lyrics

I'll light the fire
You put the flowers in the vase
That you bought today

Staring at the fire
For hours and hours
While I listen to you
Play your love songs
All night long for me
Only for me

Come to me now
And rest your head for just five minutes
Everything is good
Such a cosy room
The windows are illuminated
By the sunshine through them
Fiery gems for you
Only for you

Our house is a very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is easy
'Cause of you
And our la,la,la, la,la, la, la, la, la, la, la.....

Our house is a very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is easy
'Cause of you
And Our

I'll light the fire
And you place the flowers in the jar
That you bought today
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 10:13 am
re Wright: he lived from 1909 till 1911 in Germany. I sure, most will know, he wrote in those days - it has been translated in English and is re-published frequently: "Ausgeführte Bauten"
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 10:28 am
Rinnng, rinnng, hello miss Letty, would you please post a picture of the beautiful Guggenheim Museum by Frank Lloyd Wright. I don't know how to post images.


Your faithful listener,

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 11:05 am
I like Frank Lloyd Wright too. Fantastic evocations of a more confident and settled age.
I like the "Waterfall" House, named something like that. I read last year it was in need of some structural repair work. I hope it's properly looked after.
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 12:19 pm
"People hear what they see". That was the most powerful line in Spacey's BEYOND THE SEA.

Angel, I'm sorry, dear. I can't do pictures either....but one day, perhaps.

Walter and McTag, I know little of Wright's life and less of his creations, but I have seen a picture of the Waterfall house, probably the most photographed place of all times.

If I may, listeners. A moment to talk about the movie:

Spacey directed the film which was surrealistic and rather like that moonbeam Darin talked about. I never, NEVER thought that Kevin Spacey could sing like that. That man continues to amaze me!

For some reason, I thought that Bobby Darin had been married to Nancy Sinatra.

for Kevin and Bobby, one great song from the movie:

Artist: Kevin Spacey Lyrics
Song: Some of These Days Lyrics

Some of these days
You're gonna miss me, baby
Some of these days
You'll feel so lonely.

You're gonna miss my huggin'
You'll miss my kissin'
You may even miss me, baby
When I'm gone away.

You're gonna feel lonely
And want me only
'Cause you know, honey
You always got your way.

Say baby if you really want me, oh yeah
You know it's gonna grieve me
You're gonna miss your boney little daddy
'Cause one of these aˆ¦ YEAH!

Said some of these days (I'll do it, Sophie!)
You're gonna miss me honey
And I'm talkin' about da-a-ays
When you feel all blue.

You're gonna miss my huggin'
You're gonna miss my kissin'
You may even miss me, baby
When I'm long gone away aˆ¦

I hope you feel lonely
And want me only
'Cause you know lover
Ya always had your way.

And if-a you-a leave me
You know it's gonna grie-ee-ee-ve me
You'll miss-a your brown eyed daddy (Grab it now!)
Some of these daaaaa-ays.

Question of the day:

Where did Bobby Darin get his stage name.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 12:32 pm
I don't know WHERE he got it, but only why he choose it:

when Walden Robert Cassotto was one night in Manhattan, he saw a sign for a Chinese restaurent called the Mandarin with the lights of 'Man' out so leaving the word Darin. Later (when?, where?) he remembered this and changed his name to it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 12:47 pm
Oh, my listeners. Walter is being fussy over "got" and "chose". The idea, Walter, was that the "Darin" was in lights. Shall we compromise and say,Why did he pick the name?<smile>

Back to the "Wright" stuff:

A brief poem from Emerson that is a tribute to FLW--

Texts : Nature: Addresses/Lectures : NATURE


A subtle chain of countless rings
The next unto the farthest brings;
The eye reads omens where it goes,
And speaks all languages the rose;
And, striving to be man, the worm
Mounts through all the spires of form.

Many people see Wright's architecture as a form of Zen.
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 01:41 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 02:28 pm
Thanks, Bob, for that background. It did fill in some gaps, right listeners?

I hope you get to see the movie, Boston, if nothing more than just to hear Spacey's fantastic imitation of that Bronx boy.

For McTag. Check out Google and you will see the artist's imitation of the Waterfall House of Frank Lloyd's Wright. It is too bad that the house has fallen into disrepair.

For Angel. Benjamin Guggenheim sank with the Titanic, but Frank L.W. and Solomon worked in concert to build and show the Guggenheim museum. As I recall, it was the sole purpose of the museum to show the works of living artists.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 02:38 pm
Back to the Falling House. Oops. Falling Water, which was built for Edgar J. Kaufman (Kaufman Department Store). It is a pity.

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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 02:49 pm
Thanks, Raggedy. Falling Water and Running Bear..hee hee. What a surprise to find that the waterfall was downstream. Cantilevered means suspended, right? That is one unusual structure.
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Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 02:57 pm
I read in the paper this year that the Book of Revelations had a mistranslation when it says 666 is the number of the beast, or whatever it says. That number was mistranslated from the original sources and is really 682 or something different.

So sorry, I can't tell you which number to be wary of now.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2005 02:59 pm
Letty wrote:
Thanks, Raggedy. Falling Water and Running Bear..hee hee. What a surprise to find that the waterfall was downstream. Cantilevered means suspended, right? That is one unusual structure.

Cantilevered just means sticking out, supported (fixed) at one end only.
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