Hey, Bob. Welcome back. Don't think I've ever read any Max Brand, but I recall one of my Profs saying that all he read was pulp fiction since he became weary of heavy stuff due to his academic load. When I was a wee thing, I recall something by the name of The Haunted Mesa by Louis L'Amore? (sp)
Well, edgar, I don't think Carly meant James Taylor.<smile>
If Calamity Jane is still around, I would like for her to see the movie"Forgotten", she would definitely appreciate the idea of it.
Now I need to play a dixiland song for Walter in appreciation of his undying help to others:
When the Saints Go Marching In
1. I am just a lonesome traveller,
Through this big wide world of sin;
Want to join that grand procession,
When the saint go marchin´in.
|: Oh when the saint go marchin´in,

Lord I want to be in that number
When the saint go marchin´in.
2. All my folks have gone before me,
All my friends and all my kin;
But I'll meet with them up yonder,
When the saint go marchin´in.
|: Oh when the saint go marchin´in,

I will meet them all up in heaven,
When the saint go marchin´in.
3. Come and join me in my journey,
'cause it's time that we begin;
And we'll be there for that judgement,
When the saint go marchin´in.
|: Oh when the saint go marchin´in,

We will be in line for that judgement,
When the saint go marchin´in.
|: And when the stars begin to shine

Then Lord let me be in that number
And when the stars begin to shine
|: When Gabriel blows in his horn

Then Lord let me be in that number
When Gabriel blows in his horn
|: And when the sun refuse to shine

Then Lord let me be in that number
When the sun refuse to shine
|: And when the moon has turned the blood

Then Lord let me be in that number
When the moon has turned the blood
|: And when they crown him King of Kings

Then Lord let me be in that number
When they crown him King of Kings
|: And when they gather round the throne

Then Lord let me be in that number
When they gather round the throne
|: And on that halleluja day

Then Lord let me be in that number
On that halleluja day
|: And while the happy ages roll

Then Lord let me be in that number
While the happy ages roll.
Walter, you're not only an elf, you're a saint. Thanks again.