WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 01:48 pm
just returned from dinner with the Herr Walter and the Lady Walter, waiting for tea. Leaving in the morning for Frankfurt and then the flight home on Wed. (it,s not raining at the moment)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 01:59 pm
Hey, dys. You and the Lady Diane have been missed. Tea? You're drinking tea? Oh my, listeners. Our cowboy has been corrupted.

Didn't he say something about good old American whiskey, folks?

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Rye Whiskey Lyrics
I?ll eat when I?m hungry,
I?ll drink when l?m dry,
If the hard times don?t kill me,
I?ll lay down and die.

Rye whisky, rye whisky,
Rye whisky, I cry,
If you don?t give me rye whisky,
I surely will die.

I?ll tune up my fiddle,
And I?ll rosin my bow,
I?ll make myself welcome,
Wherever I go.

Beefsteak when I?m hungry,
Red liquor when I?m dry,
Greenbacks when I?m hard up,
And religion when I die.

They say I drink whisky,
My money?s my own;
All them that don?t like me,
Can leave me alone.

Sometimes I drink whisky,
Sometimes I drink rum,
Sometimes I drink brandy,
At other times none.

But if I get boozy,
My whisky?s my own,
And them that don?t like me,
Can leave me alone.

Jack o? diamonds, jack o? diamonds,
I know you of old,
You?ve robbed my poor pockets
Of silver and gold.

Oh, whisky, you villain,
You?ve been my downfall,
You?ve kicked me, you?ve cuffed me,
But I love you for all.

If the ocean was whisky,
And I was a duck,
I?d dive to the bottom
To get one sweet suck.

But the ocean ain?t whisky
And I ain?t a duck,
So we?ll round up the cattle
And then we?ll get drunk.

My foot?s in my stirrup,
My bridle?s in my hand,
L?m leaving sweet lillie,
The fairest in the land.
Her parents don?t like me,
They say l?m too poor;
They say I?m unworthy
To enter her door.

Sweet milk when l?m hungry,
Rye whisky when l?m dry,
If a tree don?t fall on me,
I?ll live till I die.

I?ll buy my own whisky,
I?ll make my own stew,
If I get drunk, madam,
It?s nothing to you.

I?ll drink my own whisky,
I?ll drink my own wine,
Some ten thousand bottles
I?ve killed in my time.

I?ve no wife to quarrel
No babies to bawl;
The best way of living
Is no wife at all.

Way up on clinch mountain
I wander alone,
L?m as drunk as the devil,
Oh, let me alone.

You may boast of your knowledge
An? brag of your sense,
?twill all be forgotten
A hundred years hence.

Sorry that the interrogatives appeared at an inappropriate apostrosphic inflection!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 02:45 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 05:45 pm
Ah, listeners. Tis a pity to say goodnight so early.

raison d'etre? As I told Mathos. Me!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 06:31 pm
good evening WA2K, i was going to play you some songs from my favoutite female artists, but the first album i pulled out was christine lavin's "attainable love", and iwa sall se tto play the first song when i realised, i couldn't pick the best song off the album, they're almost all gems, so without further fanfare the best of a great album "attainable love"

Attainable Love
© 1990 Christine Lavin

He's not eighteen
He's not twenty-five
He's closing in on forty
Look at those eyes
He's searching for something
He can not describe
He's not unhappy
He's not satisfied.

He falls in love with covers of slick magazines
With serious actresses
On the screen
All are unattainable except in his dreams
Where his heart and his soul reside.

'Cuz he is afraid of Attainable Love
Afraid it will envelop him, swallow him up
All of his life he has resisted the tug
Of Attainable Love
Attainable Love

His dance card is full
He's so much in demand
He gets nervous when his partners try to hold his hand
He's got to keep his options open
He's that kind of man
The girls he cha-cha's with never understand.

They wonder if he's gay
But the truth is he's not
He just won't settle for whatever it is he's got
They want to Tango
He want's to Fox Trot
Don't even think about the Can-Can
He can't can't.

'Cuz he is afraid of Attainable Love
Afraid it will envelop him - swallow him up
All of his life he has resisted the tug
Of Attainable Love
Attainable Love.

Add me to the list of women
Who think you'll be different with me
Add me to the list of fools
Who flatly refuse to see
That just like me....

He is afraid of Attainable Love
Afraid it will envelop him - swallow him up
All of his life he has resisted the tug
Of Attainable Love
He is afraid of Attainable Love
Afraid it will envelop and swallow him up
All of his life he has resisted the tug
Of Attainable Love
All of his life he has resisted the tug
Of Attainable Love
Attainable Love...
All of his life he has resisted the tug.

© 1990 Christine Lavin

Back in the 1850s this town just teemed with life
150,000 Miners all were dreaming of a strike
7,000 live here in Castlemaine
And he still works for the mines
Extracts 2 grams of gold per ton of sand
Dust the gold rush left behind.

I met him on a November Day
The Australian sun was bright
He squinted his eyes
He lit a cigarette
Another rough night.
The house he shared with his wife and babies
He had built with his own two hands
He could no longer call it home
In his place, another man
So he lives here with a friend of his
His wife lives down the street
They joke that it's a halfway house for men
Suffering temporary defeat
He makes me a cup of coffee
I notice his young weathered hands
Tanned except for where it was he wore a wedding band.

He askes me about America
A place he would love to be
He's been all over Australia
He's seen all there is to see
He shows me pictures of Ayers Rock
Wild Birds and Kangaroos
Pictures of his little ones
And his wife too
Then he said put out your hand
And I will give to you what I found on a recent trip
He lays in my palm a mound of multi colored opal chips
When his fingers touch mine
I feel a longing from within
Did that originate from me or from him?
But it's 4:00
He leaves for work
He returns home late that night
I'm in the room right down the hall
I can hear him snap on the light
I hear him softly humming
I hear a turning of a page
I dream that night of wild birds trapped inside an opal cage.

In the morning when I get up
He's in the kitchen making tea
He smiles and he says he's got one more parting gift for me
"Close your eyes, put out your hand" he says
I do
Then I feel something cold
In my palm are two tiny rocks laced with veins of gold
I've never seen such beauty
So elegant
So rough
I say thank you I'm embarrassed
He's so bashful
I am touched
He drives me to the station
He walks me to the train
I wave goodbye forever to him
And Castlemaine.

I saw an opal in a golden setting in a shop window last night
It glowed on 5th avenue beneath the cool streetlight
I thought about that Miner
That warm November day
Oh here's hoping he too finds his way
I thought about that Miner
I thought about that day
Oh here's hoping he too finds his way.

Yonder Blue
© 1990 Christine Lavin

I see on the news, it's raining in London
Forty-six degrees
I hope you packed your raincoat darlin'
A scarf to protect you from the... chilly bre-ee-ee-eze
I'm lookin' at the balmy Pacific
A kickline of palm trees
Oh you're in London... it's raining... forty-six degrees.

I read in the paper, it's foggy in Paris
The forecast is scattered showers
I picture you standing in a light drizzle
At the base of the Eiffel Tower
I am due to arrive in Vancouver in about
A couple of hours
Oh you're in Paris... it's foggy... expecting scattered showers.

Half a world away are we
I worry about you constantly
Are you dry?
Are you warm?
Are you safe from the storm?
Are you taking your vitamins reg-u-lar-ly?
I tried all I've got to be with you
That's something... you have not asked me to do
So I travel around, I've barely touched down
When you... call from Yonder Blue.


They Pilot says it's... warm and sunny in New York
Skies are crystal clear
I'm descending from the West
You're descending from the East
Please let this be our year
I can't wait, to see your face
Hold your sweet body near
Oh it's warm and it's sunny in New York City
Skies are crystal Clea-ea-ar
The future looks rosy
Let's get cozy
Hey Stranger... over here.

Sensitive New Age Guys
Words and Music by Christine Lavin and John Gorka

Who like to talk about their feelings?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who's into crystals, into healing?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who like to dress like Richard Simmons?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who are hard to tell from women?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who like to cry at weddings?
Who think boxing is upsetting?
Who tapes "Thirty Something" on their VCR,
Who's got "Baby on Board" stickers on their cars, oh,
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

Whose last names are hypenated?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who like "Three Men and a Baby" a movie I hated?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Whose consciousness is constantly raising?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Whose tax free income is amazing?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who thinks that red meat is disgusting?
Who's into UFO's channeling, and dusting?
Who believes us when we say we've got premenstrual syndrome?
Who doesn't know who plays in the Seattle Kingdome?

Who likes music that repetitious?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who likes music that's repetitious?
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who's concerned about your orgasm? (silence)
Well, I guess it's more important that they have 'em.
(Sensitive new age guys.)
Who carries the baby on his back?
Who thinks Shirley MacLaine is on the inside track?
Who always sings on sing-alongs,
Even when they can't stand stupid sing-along songs?
(Sensitive new age guys.)

The Kind of Love You Never Recover From
© 1990 Christine Lavin

I know a couple
She sits in a rocking chair working puzzles
He watches TV upstairs
She has a secret she has never let out
A man she thinks he never knew about.
She hasn't seen him in 30 years
The mention of his name doesn't brings on tears
If you ask her "Are there any regrets?"
She'll tell you "No"
But she never forgets.

It was The Kind of Love You Never Recover From
Even though she found another one to take his place
She never will escape the truth
At times like this
When the moon is bright
When the air is foggy like it is tonight
She'll think about what might have been
If she had just held on to him.

I know a man who has done it all
He sailed the oceans
Climbed the mountains of Nepal
He lives high up on the Avenue
With a beautiful wife
Lovely children too.
But there's a woman he still dreams about
Certian thing's he's learned to live without
If you ask him "Are there any regrets?"
He'll tell you "No"
But he never forgets.

It was The Kind of Love You Never Recover From
Even though he found another one to take her place
He never will escape the truth
At times like this
When the moon is bright
When the air is foggy like it is tonight
He'll think about what might have been
If had not let her
Slip away from him.

I read about a woman who said
She never regretted
Anything she's ever done
Such arrogant words always seem to be spoken by those
Who then die young.

So here am I
Looking at you
Oh tell me
What are we gonna do?
Am I destined to be your regret
Are you that one I will never forget?
Years from now will we curse the day
You let me let you walk away
Isn't this too dear a price to pay
For the freedom
Of going seperate ways?

This is The Kind of Love You Never Recover From
Don't tell me that I'm gonna find another one to take your place
I never will escape the truth
At times like this
When the moon is bright
When the air is foggy like it is tonight
I'll think how sweet life could be
If you would stay with me
Oh stay with me
This is The Kind of Love You Never Recover From
Don't tell me that I'm gonna find another one to take your place
And try to face the truth
Let me hold you close tonight
The fog has lifted
And the moon is so bright
Think how sweet life could be
If you would stay with me
Oh stay with me
This is The Kind of Love You Never Recover From.
This is The Kind of Love You Never Recover From.

Venus Kissed the Moon
© 1990 Christine Lavin

Venus kissed the Moon tonight
We watched her in the Sky
She's been - flirtin' with him for centuries
Too bad he's so shy
He's waxing
He's waining
You don't see Venus complaining
She'll steal a kiss whenever she can
Not 'till 2031
Will this happen again.

I kissed you in the taxicab
And touched your handsome face
I said, I feel like a satellite
Away too long in space.
You roll down the window
To gain a clearer view.
Now you're
Gazing at the Heavens
I'm gazing at you.

2031 you say
That's an eternity
So far away
Not to me
Time and Distance
Make no difference
in this celestial love affair
Oh you laugh and you hold me tight
Your eyes are shining bright
Like the luminescent street lights
Like those lovers way up there.

Venus kissed the Moon tonight
It's okay - This is a leap year.
Then she kept right on travelling
Centriphical force, my dear.
He'll keep waxing,
And waining,
You won't see Venus complaining
She'll steal a kiss whenever she can
This will happen again
This will happen again.

Moving Target
© 1990 Christine Lavin

Lately she feels at home in airports
Feels at home on trains
More comfortable with strangers
Than with those who know her name
She'd rather be herded onto a 767
Hurdled through the sky
Then to be safe and sound on ground
With him looking into her eyes.

She's a Moving Target
She prefers it that way
She's leaving town tomorrow
She got in yesterday
Aw she's a Moving Target
Now she's here now she's not
Now he's weighing the pros and cons
Of what exactly he's got.

Lately he's become accustomed to
The sound of a pre-recorded voice
Explaining why it is she's unreachable
It's business
It's choice
He used to leave her heartfelt messages
Now he slams the receiver down
She picks up the signal loud and clear
In a phone booth in a boarder town.

She's a Moving Target
He's so slow to take aim
He sees her profile east and west
A boarding pass with her name
Aw She's a Moving Target
Now she's here now she's not
Now he's weighing the pros and cons
Of what exactly he's got.

Now she's settling down for the night
"Do not disturb" on her door
He's in a bar drinking beer with his buddies
Wondering what did he fall in love for
He never understood girls very much
He don't understand women at all
He'd like to phone her up and yell
Or tell her that he loves her
But where in the hell do you call...

A Moving Target
Leave your message at the tone
Oh he longs for the bygone days
When women were afraid to be alone
Aw she's a Moving Target
Now she's here, now she's not
Now he's weighing the pro's and con's
Of what exactly he's got.
He's got a Moving Target.
She prefers it that way
She's leaving town this evening
She got in earlier today
Aw she's a Moving Target
Now she's here, now she's not
Now he's weighing the pro's and con's
Of what exactly he's got.
He's got a Moving Target.

Shopping Cart of Love: The Play
© 1990 Christine Lavin


The note said "Darling...
I hate to tell you this way,
But I've run off with your Roommate,
Signed - Your Fiancée".
I sat down and cried.
What else could I do?
That's when I noticed that my CarKeys were missing to,
And so was my favorite sweater,
And my TV
And My Stereo!
My whole life crumbled before my eyes.
Where was I to go?

I ran to the Supermarket
In a blinding rage
Craving foods I have not touched since I was
Twelve years of age.
'Cuz not only did my man run out today
My boss let me go
I have been depressed before
But never quite this low
Yes I guess I've been depressed
But ever this low? NO!

And I ran up and down the aisles of the supermarket
crying and shaking and pulling things off the shelves
based solely on their carbohydrate, calorie and cholesterol count.
I didn't go overboard.
Just enough to get me through the night.
So I threw my purchases down on the conveyer belt
They rolled up to the checkout girl
She looked at them
She looked at me
and she said...

Hey Lady can't you read?
The sign here says express.
I'll check you out if you have got
Ten items or less.
But you've got
2 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 things right here
If you want me to check you through
Put three things back my dear.

Well NO! I said defiantly
Trying not to shake
Then she said "Sweetheart, you don't need those
Hostess Twinkies, You don't need that Coffee Cake
And why those Famous Amos cookies
Let me tell you they're grossly overpriced
Put three things back
Those are the rules
I'm asking you real nice".

But I just couldn't so she said
"Ok well then, put back those Frozen Pizza's
or that box of Pudding on a Stick
Why just looking at all these calories
Makes my stomach want to flip".
But I refused to back down
She refused to check me through
The line behind me was growing longer
And angrier too.
The line behind me was growing longer
There was pushing and shoving and cursing and swearing too.

Look I'm not trying to make trouble I said to her
But I'm having the worse kind of day
See today I lost my job, my car, my TV, my Stereo,
My favorite sweater, my roommate, not to mention my Fiancée.

But she shook her head and shouted
"Three things have GOT TO GO - Those are the Rules"
oh please please please I begged
She bellowed "NO"
please please please please please please please I begged
But she said "NO"

And she was enjoying the power trip of it all

Because then all the Cashiers
In Solidarity shut down
The sudden empty silence
Was an eerie spooky sound
And all the customers started screaming
Especially those with Frozen Foods
The manager came running
He was in an ugly mood.
Yes the manager came running
He was ugly
So was his mood.

Well now I tried explaining to him my situation about my Job
my Fiancée, My Car but he didn't give me half a chance he just said...

Who the Hell do you Think you are?
My whole store is paralyzed all on account of you
Now Manhattan is going hungry
Because you won't follow rules
Yes Manhattan is gonna starve tonight
Because of stupid, selfish, solipsistic you.

I didn't know what that meant either. I didn't know
why he was using such a big word on me but it was because he
really hated his job as Store Manager. He would just sit in the
back room every day, reading the dictionary and then taking the
"It pays to increase your word power" test in Readers Digest
Magazine. This has nothing to do with the song but since it's
a play I did a little character development.

Well I know by now I must have looked pitiful
Tears were streaming down my face
He was not moved
He did not think mine was a special case.
So he grabbed me
And he dragged me
As as I was sobbing toward the door
When a soft voice whispered
"I've got seven items, I'll take three of yours"


Well I turned
And I looked at
The handsomest man I've ever seen
Golden Hair, Tweed Suit, a bow tie
Eyes the bluest green.
Well the checkout girl was furious
But what else could she do?
She checked both our items
And he said "Let me carry them for you"
Ya She checked all of our items
He even paid for mine too.

He did. And he carried them up to my apartment.
And he put them down on my table (well he put them
down on the ironing board that I use as my table)
and he looked around my apartment and he said
"You look like the kind of woman who shouldn't be having
Dinner by herself tonight" which I think was his way of saying
"You look like you can't cook!" But I let that go by.
And he said "Please, allow me to take you out for dinner tonight.
I would like to take you out to the Quilted Giraffe.
And I thought to myself "Quilted Giraffe! That's the most expensive
restaurant in New York City! Why would he want to take me there?"
So I said to him "Why are you being so nice to me? I don't even
know you. I'm having such a terrible day!" and he said "Well
I've got to do something to cheer myself up. You say today, I lost
my job and when I came home from work, I found a note stuck to
my refrigerator from my Fiancée and she had run off with somebody
else". And I said "Are you kidding? The same thing happened
to me!" and he said "Yes - I'm kidding!" I am so gullible it
makes me so mad sometimes...

But he did make me laugh. So I thought "Okay - I'll go out and have
dinner with him. I'll eat that food I can't pronounce. I'll drink
that expensive wine. It was an incredible meal. It was the kind
of meal you read about in Cosmopolitan Magazine. And it totally
totally changed my life. Though, some things are still the same...

I still do my grocery shopping
In that same grocery store
But you won't find me standing in the
Express Line anymore.
Because I no longer shop for one
I shop for two you see
And today my doctor tells me
I'm shopping for three
Yes today I get the good word
I'm shopping for three.

Now... technically the song could be over here, but there's a couple
of loose ends and since this is a play, I've written another act!


Well my roommate and my fiancée
Remember them? They stole my car?
Well my car broke down that night
And in a blinding thunderstorm they hitchhiked back
And they had a terrible fight.
They did not see that '68 Chevy
Come speeding around the curve
And who was that behind the wheel?
That nasty checkout girl.

I know you're thinking "What an unbelievable coincidence"!
But guess who was sitting next to her? Her fiancée! The store
manager. And what were they doing? They were having a
terrible fight. It was like an epidemic that night.
See, he was furious with her because she wouldn't check
through the woman with the thirteen items and paralyzed the
store. And she was so mad at him, because he let the guy with
the bow tie pay for the thirteen items and they both got out of
the store and escaped. She thought they should have been arrested
and then executed in front of a firing squad. And when he didn't
agree. She knew that they were incompatible and she was just
inconsolable. And she was gonna drive her car right into those
two strangers, which happen to be my roommate and my fiancée,
standing in the blinding thunderstorm. All four of them were
gonna die in a fiery wreck. She was gonna drive the Chevy off
the levy but the levy was wet.

In truth, that's how I would have ended this song in my younger
more unsophisticated days but it's time for a kinder, a gentler

Well the checkout girl slammed on the brakes
Stopped in time
She offered them a ride
My fiancée fell in love with her
The store manager made my roommate his bride
And now she works stocking kitty litter
In the cat food aisle
When I see her on my shopping sprees
I flash my sweetest smile.
"Hi... Ya the Quilted Giraffe AGAIN last night...
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...."

Well the moral of this story
Is one can never tell
What could be in store for you
On your local grocery shelf
And sometimes you've got to break the rules
If someone breaks your heart
And if you're lucky
Love might fall into your shopping cart!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 06:56 pm
and here is our dj, come to save the day.

"cuz he is afraid of attainable love..."

You know something, listeners, I think our man in Canada has made the most honest statement that we here on WA2K radio have heard to date.

"She had a heart too soon made glad"

Such a pity, folks, when we only seek the unattainable, but it is the nature of man, I suppose, to want what we can't have.

There goes my reason for being; There goes my everything.

It is so easy to say, "I love you", and so hard to show. but we keep doing it, anyway:

There's A Kind Of Hush

(*) There's a kind of hush

All over the world tonight

All over the world

You can hear the sound of lovers in love

You know what I mean

Just the two of us

And nobody else in sight

There's nobody else and I'm feelin good

Just holding you tight

(**) So listen very carefully

Get closer now and you will see what I mean

It isn't a dream

The only sound that you will hear

Is when I whisper in your ear I love you

For ever and ever

There's a kind of hush

All over the world tonight

All over the world

People just like us are fallin' love
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 07:04 pm
I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song
Jim Croce

Well, I know it's kind of late
I hope I didn't wake you
But what I got to say can't wait
I know you'd understand
'Cause every time I tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song

Yeah, I know it's kind of strange
But every time I'm near you
I just run out of things to say
I know you'd understand
'Cause every time I tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song

'Cause Every time the time was right
All the words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song

Yeah, I know it's kind of late
I hope I didn't wake you
But there's something that I just got to say
I know you'd understand
'Cause every time I tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 07:04 pm
Because - The Dave Clark Five

( by Dave Clark]

It's right that I should care about you
And try to make you happy when you're blue
It's right, it's right to feel the way I do
Because, because I love you

It's wrong to say I don't think of you
'Cause when you say these things
You know it makes me blue

Give me one kiss and I'll be happy
Just, just to be with you
Give me, give me, a chance to be near you
Because, because I love you

Give me one kiss and I'll be happy
Just, just to be with you
Give me, give me, a chance to be near you
Because, because I love you
Because, because I love you
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2005 07:35 pm
ah, dj, I have often thought of that song by Jim, but one of my favorites is "I've Got a Name".

edgar, The Dave Clark Five. Wow! listeners. We're in England tonight, I guess:

A smile of what used to be:

Words and music by John Kay and Rushton Moreve

I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine
On a cloud of sound I drift in the night
Any place it goes is right
Goes far, flies near, to the stars away from here

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me , dj
On a magic carpet ride
You don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away

Last night I held Aladdin's lamp
And so I wished that I could stay
Before the thing could answer me
Well, someone came and took the lamp away
I looked around, a lousy candle's all I found

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
Well, you don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 04:44 am
April Love

Pat Boone
# 1 for 6 weeks in 1957
from the 1957 movie starring Boone and Shirley Jones
Words by Paul Francis Webster and Music by Sammy Fain

April love is for the very young
Every star's a wishing star that shines for you
April love is all the seven wonders
One little kiss can tell you this is true

Sometimes an April day will suddenly bring showers
Rain to grow the flowers for her first bouquet
But April love can slip right through your fingers
So if she's the one don't let her run away

Sometimes an April day will suddenly bring showers
Rain to grow the flowers for her first bouquet
But April love can slip right through your fingers
So if she's the one don't let her run away
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 05:23 am
Here's your quiz songline for today:

"Don't you listen to him, Dan
He's a devil, not a man
And he spreads the burning sand......"
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 05:26 am
Anything "Scot" will fit..

Cool Water
Jack Scott

All day I face a barren waste
Without the taste of water
Cool water [water](water)[water]
Old Dan and I, with throats burned dry
An' souls that cry for water (water)[water]
Cool [water]
Clear [water]
Water [water, water]

A-keep a-movin, Dan [water]
Don't you listen to him, Dan [water, water]
He's the devil not a man
And he spreads the burning sand with water [water]
Dan, can't you see that big green tree [water]
Where the water's runnin' free [water]
And it's waitin' there for me and you
Cool clear water [water, water]

Shadows sway and seem to say
Tonight we pray for water
Cool water [water](water)[water]
And way up there he'll hear our prayer
And show us where there's water (water)[water]
Cool [water]
Clear [water]
Water (water)[water, water](water)

A-keep a-movin, Dan [water]
Don't you listen to him, Dan [water, water]
He's the devil not a man
And he spreads the burning sand with water [water]
Dan, can't you see that big green tree [water]
Where the water's runnin' free [water]
And it's waitin' there for me and you
Cool clear water [water, water]

(Keep a-movin, Dan) [water]
(Don't you listen to him, Dan) [water, water]
(He's the devil not a man)
(And he spreads the burning sand with water) [water, water, water]
Cool clear water [water, water, water]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 05:30 am
Frankie Laine had a big hit with that, in 1950s Britain.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 05:49 am
Good morning WA2K radio listeners.

Well, edgar. "April Love" by Mr. Boone. If I'm not mistaken, folks, he is Tennessee Ernie Ford's son-in-law, and now the airways are beginning to tout coal as a source of energy, with "Sixteen Tons" playing in the background.

My word, McTag got a quick response from Francis, did he not? Hmmm. Wonder if they were in collusion in London. <smile>

Let's see, McTag, Frankie Laine? Don't know about that, but if MY RNA is still functioning, I believe he wrote this song although Rod Stewart has recorded it:

"We'll Be Together Again"

No tears
No fears
Remember there's always tomorrow
So what if we have to part
We'll be together again

Your kiss
Your smile
Are memories I'll treasure forever
So try thinking with your heart
We'll be together again

Times when I know you'll be lonesome
Times when I know you'll be sad
Don't let temptation surround you
Don't let the blues make you bad

Some day
Some way
We both have a lifetime before us
For parting is never goodbye
We'll be together again.

Times when I know you'll be lonesome
Times when I know you'll be sad
Don't let temptation surround you
Don't let the blues make you bad

Some day
Some way
We both have a lifetime before us
For parting is not goodbye
We'll be together again.

Ok, here's a musical quiz:

Who sang the Quaker song concerning Persuasion?

edited to change "by" to my. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 05:52 am
It was Red Foley. Also a descendant of Daniel Boone.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 05:56 am
UhOh. Thanks for that correction, edgar. Upon my word, listeners. Need to get some coffee, I guess, to perk up the old grey matter.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 06:23 am
Edgar, I noticed you´d put Dylan, Cohen and the Beatles at the pinnacle.
I´ve always thought so about The Beatles and it´s only recently I´ve started listening to Bob. This may sound strange to many but it was only a few days ago that I heard "Blonde on Blonde".
What a splendid album..so much of it too.
Now Cohen. Hmmm maybe in another thirty years or so.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 06:26 am
Surprised hebba!

Very Happy <waving hello>

Please continue folks!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 06:40 am
Oh, my goodness, listeners. It's Denmark and Australia right here in our studios!

Welcome back, hebba!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 07:10 am
Shall we play a welcome back song for hebba?

I entered the city life as a very young view

who drew some illusions in smoke

with the hope to break through

the walls and mirrors that I fought in my dream

but could they, could they have been real?

No, that wasn't me

I sailed without compass, I lived in a dream

I looked for a back door out of the scheme

out of this movie called life

as directed by some other will

'cause it wasn't mine

I knew some strange thinking people

in a cold game

I loved some much to stoned women

in those insane days of my youth

they kept me looking for you

Then, as the clouds grew darker

in a frozen rain

I honestly prayed

for a true friend

sharing my hopes

and I kept looking for you

A sweat smelling city bus where the faces of clay

surrounded my living prayer this much too hot day

and questions in the eyes of the few

that still could see

revealed to me then:

this was all up to me

Looking now I see the dew turning golden

in the morning sun

and dancing in the glitter

in a rainbow shining laughter

I can see her run

for home, through my dream

awaiting my awakening

she melts my time

touches my soul

My Brother, you've entered

my dream come true glade

Just tell me your wishes

and they shall come true

come true

come true

I wish the stars would fall down

Wish again

I wish them in your hair

to make you fairer than the night

Wish again

I wish the day was younger

Wish again

I wish the morning never grew

much older than this

Wish again

I wish all hopes would come true

Wish again

I wish that all were fair

and tall and golden haired

Wish again

I wish that friends would stay friends

Wish again

I wish the doorway to this glade

will never fade but always stay wide open

wide open

wide open

And she laughed at my wishes

but she granted them all

then she gave me a cloud boat

knowing I would not fall

It's a sun beam I'm riding

in a star dance with thee

through the night fall we're sailing

on the morning light breeze

It's a true dream I'm singing

that could happen to you

it's my life that I'm bringing

I hope that you will come

hope that you will come

hope that you will come too

One last line for my lover

and I'll make it come true:

that all will be as fair as you

July 1973/March 1997

hebba, I have no idea who did that, nor have I ever heard it before, but it is a Denmark song and it's lovely.

And when I can come up with another WWI song for msolga that she hasn't already heard, I will most certainly play it especially for her.
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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