WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 07:55 am
Good morning, WA2K radio audience.

Wow! That's a great song, edgar. The cryptic ones are often the best.

You know, listeners, JPB has a great topic going, and I'm surprised that it hasn't gotten more responses.


Here's a song to begin the day, and it's Tom Waits birthday.

Done by both Tom Waits and Holly Cole

There's a tree in the forest
But I don't know where
I built a nest out of your hair
And climbing up into the air
A briar and a rose

I don't know how long it has been
But I was born in Brennan's Glenn
And near the end of spring there grows
A briar and a rose

Picked the rose one early morn
I pricked my finger on a thorn
It had grown so high
It's winding wove the briar around the rose

I tried to tear them both apart
I felt a bullet in my heart
And all dressed up in springs and clothes
The briar and the rose

And when I'm buried in my grave
Tell me so I will know
Your tears will fall
To make love grow
The briar and the rose

Rather reminds one of Barbara Allen.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 12:40 pm
Good afternoon, WA2K. Very Happy

Wishing a Happy 92nd Birthday to Eli Wallach; 75th to Ellen Burstyn and 58th to Tom Waits.


and Remembering that sweet man, Harry Chapin


and Pearl Harbor, too.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 02:01 pm
Good afternoon, Raggedy. Love your collage, PA, and I now recall Eli Wallach in The Good The Bad and The Ugly.

According to those who know, the theme for that movie was imitating a hyena. Weird, right?

and there's Harry Chapin. I recall his "Cat's in the Cradle" was our soccer George's telling song.

Let's listen to this one by Harry. Great lyrics.

Artist: Harry Chapin
Song: Basic protest song
Album: Last Protest Singer


So you're 13 and there's a silent scream out there,
And you can hear it.
Just your basic protest song.

Now you're 16 and there's a danger in the air,
And you can see it.
Just your basic protest song.

Turnin' 20 and it's around you everywhere,
And you can feel it.
Just your basic protest song.

Now you're 30 and it's too late now to care,
And you can taste it.
Just your basic protest song

Well, I just turned 13 don't know what I wanna be,
I don't have much experience but I'll tell you what I see.
When I hear the record sing and baby, baby I love you,
It seems to me we all got so much lovin left to do.

And at 16 I don't know too much but I'll tell you what I do know,
If you do not give a damn I'll tell you where to go.
There is something truly crazy with our patriotic song,
We know to wave the flag round the week begins a strong.


Oh now that I am 20 got my first full time job,
My boss, upstanding citizen, finds legal ways to rob.
They say forget what you believe forget what you have seen,
But I know I lost the best of me when I forgot my dreams.

I'm passin' on through 30 got two kids of my own,
Got a wife, house, a car, and dog but still I am alone.
And I'm tired of only selling cause it's myself that I sell,
I'm glad of always buying cause I can't buy it ourselves.

I know none of us is perfect I can see myself too well,
If we can't push for paradise we're settled in for hell.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 08:40 pm
Hope our Bob of Boston is all right, but now it is time for me to say goodnight.


My goodnight song for you all.

From the poem, Moonlight, by Joseph von Eichendorff, English version by Edith Tillotson set to music by Robert Schumann:

It seem'd as if the heaven
Had laid on earth a kiss,
While slumb'ring 'mid moonlit flowers,
She seem'd to dream of bliss.

The breeze sigh'd o'er the meadows
"And thro' the wavering corn,
While humm'd the forest shadows,
And stars the night adorn.

My soul outspread her pinnions,
And thro' the tranquil air
Rang'd fancy's wide dominions
And sought her bright home there.

Goodnight, my friends

From Letty with love
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 12:21 am
Ade Olay E-E
Ade Olay E-E

A friend of mine bought an automobile
At a dollar down and a dollar a week.
Every time he turned the wheel,
It was a dollar down and a dollar a week.

He went riding down the road,
Pinched this girl upon her cheek.
Speed cop took him to the judge,
He got a dollar down and a dollar a week.

Sixty days he laid in jail,
At a dollar down and a dollar a week,
Another man was a lovin' his gal,
At a dollar down and a dollar a week.

When he got out he shot the man,
And laid him in the graveyard six feet deep.
And when he bought the graveyard spot,
it was a dollar down and a dollar a week.

Ade olay E-E
Ade olay E-E
Ade olay E-E
E-E-E-E-E (repeat)

Woody Guthrie
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 07:02 am
Good morning, WA2K radio audience.

edgar, it is difficult to imitate yodeling via lyrics, but I like Woody, and although the currency has changed quite a bit, the message is still the same. Thanks, Texas.

In thinking about giving, I was reminded of The Vision of Sir Launfal, folks, and decided to read this portion of the poem.

The leper raised not the gold from the dust:
"Better to me the poor man's crust,
Better the blessing of the poor,
Though I turn me empty from his door;
That is no true alms which the hand can hold;
He gives nothing but worthless gold
Who gives from a sense of duty;
But he who gives a slender mite,
And gives to that which is out of sight,
That thread of the all-sustaining Beauty
Which runs through all and doth all unite,--
The hand cannot clasp the whole of his alms,
The heart outstretches its eager palms,
For a god goes with it and makes it store
To the soul that was starving in darkness before."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 01:29 pm
not exactly a momentous occurence, but Mrs yw's hotmail is working again. Very Happy so, for all the mail couriers, actual or virtual,

Wait, oh yes wait a minute mister postman
Wait, wait mister postman

Mister postman look and see
Is there a letter in your bag for me
I been waiting a long long time
Since I heard from that girl of mine

There must be some word today
From my girlfriend so far away
Please Mister postman look and see
If there's a letter, a letter for me
I been standing here waiting Mister postman
So patiently
For just a card or just a letter
Saying she's returning home to me

Mister postman look and see
Is there a letter in your bag for me
I been waiting a long long time
Since I heard from that girl of mine

So many days you passed me by
See the tear standing in my eye
You didn't stop to make me feel better
By leaving me a card or a letter

So Mister postman look and see
Is there a letter in your bag for me
I been waiting a long long time
Since I heard from that girlfriend of mine

You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta check it and see, one more time for me
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
Deliver the letter, the sooner the better
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 01:46 pm
M.D., Welcome back. Yes, honu, it is very momentous when one achieves something that has taken so long, even small things. I'm certain that JM was delighted as well.

Here's an answer from The Singing Ranger.

No letter today I have waited since dawn
I've waited each day since you have been gone
No letter today all the days are so long
Oh, why don't you write I know I was wrong.

Just give me one chance please won't you forgive
I'll love you my dear as long as I live
I know it's no use though I hope and I pray
The postman goes by no letter today.

--- Instrumental ---

Just give me one chance please won't you forgive
I'll love you my dear as long as I live
I know it's no use though I hope and I pray
The postman goes by no letter today...

Such a talent, that Hank Snow.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 03:24 pm
Christmas For Cowboys

S. Weisberg (c) 1975

Tall in the saddle we spend Christmas day
Driving the cattle on the snow-covered plains.
All of the good gifts given today;
Ours is the sky and the wide open range.

Back in the cities, they have different ways,
Football and eggnog and Christmas parades.
I'll take the blanket; I'll take the reins;
Christmas for Cowboys and wide open plains.

A campfire for warmth as we stop for the night;
The stars overhead are the Christmas-tree lights.
The wind sings a hymn as we bow down to pray;
Christmas for Cowboys and the wide open plains.

It's tall in the saddle we spend Christmas Day,
Driving the cattle on the snow-covered plains.
So many gifts have been opened today;
Ours is the sky and the wide open range.
It's Christmas for Cowboys and wide open plains
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2007 03:51 pm
and from Marty, folks.

Marty Robbins

The fire is burnin' soft and low
There's somethin' special in it's glow
It's the joy of Christmas
Carols humming in the air
Happy feelin's everywhere
It's the joy of Christmas
People seem much friendlier
This time of year
And hearts are growing merrier
As Christmas day draws near

The kids who are good as gold because they' watchin' for old Santa Claus
Girls and boys at Christmas
And grown-ups are all children too as they are watchin' dreams come true
It's the joy of Christmas

People seem much friendlier
This time of year
And hearts are growing merrier
As Christmas day draws near

Kids who are good as gold because they' watchin' for old Santa Claus
Girls and boys at Christmas
And grown-ups are all children too as they are watchin' dreams come true
It's the joy of Christmas
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 11:23 am
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. This admonition from the ten commandments does not necessarily refer to religion. Everyone has a place that is sacred or sacrosanct.

Here are two songs that seem to reflect different things.

From the Man in Black, it was a belief that saved him from his foibles.

Artist: Cash Johnny
Song: Sunday Morning Coming Down
Album: The Essential Johnny Cash Buy Johnny Cash Sheet Music
Buy Johnny Cash CDs

Well, I woke up Sunday morning
With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt.
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad,
So I had one more for dessert.
Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes
And found my cleanest dirty shirt.
Then I washed my face and combed my hair
And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.

I'd smoked my mind the night before
With cigarettes and songs I'd been picking.
But I lit my first and watched a small kid
Playing with a can that he was kicking.
Then I walked across the street
And caught the Sunday smell of someone frying chicken.
And Lord, it took me back to something that I'd lost
Somewhere, somehow along the way.

On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
'Cause there's something in a Sunday
That makes a body feel alone.
And there's nothing short a' dying
That's half as lonesome as the sound
Of the sleeping city sidewalk
And Sunday morning coming down.

In the park I saw a daddy
With a laughing little girl that he was swinging.
And I stopped beside a Sunday school
And listened to the songs they were singing.
Then I headed down the street,
And somewhere far away a lonely bell was ringing,
And it echoed through the canyon
Like the disappearing dreams of yesterday.

On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
'Cause there's something in a Sunday
That makes a body feel alone.
And there's nothing short a' dying
That's half as lonesome as the sound
Of the sleeping city sidewalk
And Sunday morning coming down.

and this strange one from the movie Mr. Brooks

Vicious Traditions
The Veils

I'd pull my weight if it made any difference
He gave his life for the nine million other
But on his graves written here lies Joseph
His countrys gun and innocent soldier

Fight your way out of this one

He grew a blood red vision for all their good intentions
He made an easy million from a foreign investment
He danced with the devils in their beautiful buildings
Affirmative action for a useful reunion

He'd change his name if it made any difference
Now he's waiting in line for the lasting confession
But on his graves written here lies our son Joseph
His countrys gun and innocent soldier

Well fight your way out of this one
Fight your way out of this one
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 12:42 pm
Hello WA2K. Very Happy

Wishing a Happy 91st to Kirk Douglas ; 73rd to Dame Judi Dench and 66th to Beau Bridges.


and a Good Day to all.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 01:07 pm
here's to all the long runnin' threads at a2k Cool

Too legit... Too legit to quit (three times)
Sweat running all over my chest (chest) i don't quit no!
I just press harder (Yea!) than i ever did before going for
The dreams that i have in store in my mind (mind) and i know
That i'm makin it i gotta get mine and nobody's takin it away
(No!) cause hammer don't play that you try to get mine
boy you better step back freeze (freeze) cause
You don't want none i hustle for my muscle and you look
Weak son (real weak) yea!... i'm goin for all that i can get
Kickin at the top cause i'm too legit to quit...sing!...

Too legit... Too legit to quit (hey...hey...) Too legit...too
legit... Too legit to quit...(hey...) Too legit... Too legit to quit
(too legit...) too legit... too legit to quit...

when i feel high post don't you play me close a dig 'em smack
a get you back and i'll hit with a dose of oaktown power
and charge you by the hour i'm shakin like a quake and funks
get devoured i choose to abuse, misuse and confuse
competitors who think they're makin up all the rules, fools
in the game lame and insane it's a shame i gotta do this but
i remain the same unchanged gettin better never known
as a sweater kickin it at the top cause i got myself together
so roll with a guy who's physical and fit knows the time
and too legit to quit...sang!

Repeat chorus x2

step to the rhythm of a sho-nuff winner (winner) i been
here before (yo!) i ain't no beginner (word) but i been new
tried and true survival of the fittest yo!..it brought me through
my crew (talk) we're ready to strike trained for the mission
so believe the hype and sweat it (sweat it) cause you're gonna
regret it the day that you dissed us you'll wish you never met us
you remind me of a real short story one hit record and you
star to bore me get ready cause this is it your crew is
through and we too legit to quit...sang!...

Too legit... Too legit to quit...Too legit... Too legit to quit
Too legit... Too legit to quit...Too legit... Too legit to quit
get buck...get buck...get buck...get buck...get buck...(many times)

my people we don't know defeat we crush the strong and
percolate the weak daily (everyday) we make our moves to
improve our groove because we love to rule where we
lay yo!..(Yo!) work and play we started at the bottom and
now we're leading the way and yea!..(yea!) i'm havin a fit kickin it
at the top because i'm too legit to quit...sang!...


hey...hey...hey...hey... too legit to quit.. too legit to quit..
we're rolling on...we're rolling on...we're rolling on...we're rolling on...
he's on top...he's on top...he's on top...he's on top...
goin to burn it up...goin to burn it up...goin to burn it up...
goin to burn it up...
too legit to quit...too legit to quit
we're rollin on..hey..hey..hey...too legit.

chorus to fade

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 01:45 pm
Good day to you as well, Raggedy, and thanks for the delightful trio of celeb's. Cannot believe that Kirk is still with us, folks. Unfortunately, there's not one song by any of the three.

Hey, honu. That song is great and helps us to smile with you. Craven's "Word Association" thread is not to be trusted, however. Razz

Here's one to salute the other creators on WA2K radio.

Long time Runnin'
Tragically Hip

Does your mother tell you things?
Long, long when I'm gone?
Who you talking to?
Is she telling you I'm the one?
It's a grave mistake and I'm wide awake

Drive-In's rained out
Weatherman wet-fingers the sky
He pokes it out, he pulls it in
He don't know why
It's the same mistake

It's been a long time running
It's been a long time coming
It's well worth the wait

We don't go anywhere,
Just on trips
We haven't seen a thing
We still don't know where it is
It's a safe mistake

It's been a long time running
It's been a long time coming

Well, well it's all the same mistake
Dead to rights and wide awake
I'll drop a caribou, I'll tell on you,
I'll tell on you, I'll tell on you.

You've got a boat-load o'nerve
But I would say you've been told
You work me against my friends
And you'll get left out in the cold
It's the same mistake

It's been a long time running
It's been a long time coming
It's been a long, long, long time running
It's well worth the wait

Did I see somewhere that Kirk Douglas was the son of Ragman? Another smile, y'all.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 03:09 pm
Elvis Presley - I Will Be Home Again

I will be home again
Don't worry dear
I'll be home again
So won't you dry the tear
The promise in your eyes
Will see me through
There'll be brighter skies
When I come back to you

A-a-ah sweetheart
The love you're giving
Thrills my hungry heart
You make my life worth the living
Although we are apart
I will be home again
We'll start anew
Darling until then
Our dreams will have to do

A-a-ah sweetheart
The love you're giving
Thrills my hungry heart
You make my life worth the living
Although we are apart
I will be home again
We'll start anew
Darling until then
Our dreams will have to do
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 04:35 pm
Well, there's our "holly jolly" edgar. Thanks for the Elvis dream song, Texas.

It seems that Beau Bridges starred in a movie called Village of the Giants. Don't recall that one, but according to the sound track, there was a song called Marianne written by one Jack Nitzsche. Don't think it was this one, folks, but it can't hurt to play it.

The Four Brothers

All day, all night, Marianne
Down by the seaside siftin' sand
Even little children love Marianne
Down by the seaside siftin' sand.

Marianne, Oh, Marianne
Oh, won't you marry me?
We can have a bamboo hut
With brandy in the tea
Leave your fat old mama home
She never will say yes
If your mama don't know now
She can guess (it's in the mail now!)

All day, all night, Marianne
Down by the seaside siftin' sand
Even little children love Marianne
Down by the seaside siftin' sand.

When she walks along the shore
People pause to greet
White birds fly around her
Little fish come to her feet
In her heart is love
But I'm the only mortal man
Who's allowed to kiss
My Marianne (Everybody!)

All day, all night, Marianne
Down by the seaside siftin' sand
Even little children love Marianne
Down by the seaside siftin' sand.

And when we marry, we will have
A time you never saw
I will be so happy
I will kiss my mother-in-law (Phooey!)
Children by the dozen
In and out the bamboo hut
One for every palm tree
And cocunut (Don't rush me!)

All day, all night, Marianne
Down by the seaside siftin' sand
Even little children love Marianne
Down by the seaside siftin' sand.
Down by the seaside siftin' sand...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 06:24 pm
My Life
By Phil Ochs

My life was once a joy to me,
Never knowing, I was growing, everyday.
My life was once a toy to me,
And I wound it and I found it ran away.
So I raced through the night
with a face at my feet, like a god I would write,
All the melodies were sweet, and the women were white.
It was easy to survive, my life was so alive.

My life was once a flag to me
And I waved it and behaved like I was told.
My life was once a drag to me
And I loudly, and I proudly, lost control
I was drawn by a dream
I was loved by a lie, every serf on the scene
Begged me to buy.
But I slipped through the scheme
So lucky to fail
My life was not for sale.

My life is now a myth to me
Like the drifter, with his laughter in the dawn.
My life is now a death to me
So I'll mold it and I'll hold it till I'm born
So I turned to the land
Where I'm so out of place
Throw a curse on the plan
In return for the grace
To know where I stand
Take everything I own
Take your tap from my phone
And leave my life alone
My life alone.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 06:40 pm
It's sad when a man can tell his entire life in a song, edgar. Dear Phil. He left his own life alone.

Just as the "drifter" portion of that song, here's one by Bobby Goldsboro. (just found out that the man was born in Florida).

You knew I could not stay for long when you asked me
to come over in the wee hours of the mornin.

I said I could not let the sunrise catch me sleepin
and that is why I've givin you fair warnin.

And though you might have loved me like I never ever have been
loved before, your front door is open
and I've got to keep on movin.

So I will stay with you a while and then I'll
let my hitch hike thumb take me to where I wanna.

Because I've got to keep on searchin for the dream that I've been seekin
since I left my home in Oklahoma

And who's to say but that I might not be back tomorrow
if I find there's only sorrow you may see me from your windowsill
next mornin

I'm a drifter and I've seen the rain.
I'm a drifter and I've felt the pain, the pain that comes with loneliness.
So I drift from town to town searchin all around.
Lookin for the answer to my sorrow.
And if the answer is you then I'll be back tomorrow.

Lets make the most of time before the break of day
but don't try to make me stay if I don't want to.

Because I've got to keep on searchin for that dream
and you can't bind me with the simple words I love you.

But if I realize the dream that I've been searchin for
is waitin here behind your door
then I'll come back to stay if you still want me to.

I'm a drifter and I've seen the rain
I'm a drifter and I've felt the pain the pain that comes with loneliness.
So I drift from town to town searchin all around
Lookin for the answer to my sorrow
And if the answer is you then I'll be back tomorrow.

I'm a drifter and I've seen the rain
I'm a drifter and I've felt the pain the pain that comes with loneliness.
So I drift from town to town searchin all around
Lookin for the answer to my sorrow
And if the answer is you then I'll be back tomorrow.

I'm a drifter Â…fade
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 06:58 pm
Hitch Hiker's Tale

abandoned almost drunk in old san luis
somehow i just can`t find the border
hitch hiker stranded in the land of ease
i keep walking asking in english for the border

one day i was leaving san diego
with my thumb he drove with lightning speed
we almost died in the high sierra
that car lost its will and stalled in the heat near san luis

he said i`ll pay we`ll play in mexico
a stranger set us on the dusty street
it was cerveza for me and my amigo
he vanished in a manner not altogether discreet

abandoned almost drunk in old san luis
somehow i just can`t find the border
hitch hiker stranded in the land of ease
i keep walking asking in english for the border

men sit at ease on the wooden walk-way
and one will point his finger to the north
should i load the lettuce trucks or merely segue
because i need to see my momma back home in fort worth

abandoned almost drunk in old san luis
somehow i just can`t find the border
hitch hiker stranded in the land of ease
i keep walking asking in english for the border
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2007 07:21 pm
Strange, edgar. I was searching for songs by The Drifters, and found a wee bit of info that is almost as confused as your "hitch-hiker"in Mexico.

The American vocal group. British group, The Shadows, briefly shared the same name. There is also a Swedish dansband named Drifters. There is also a James A. Michener novel of the same name, as well as a Japanese comedic group. John Grierson's award-winning documentary shares the name as well.

Let's just go with "The Boardwalk",folks, as performed by the original Drifters in New York.

When the sun beats down and burns the tar up on the roof,
And your shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet were fireproof,
Under the boardwalk, down by the sea,
On a blanket with my baby, that's where I'll be.

From the park you hear the happy sound of the carousel,
You can almost taste the hot dogs and french fries they sell,
Under the boardwalk, down by the sea,
On a blanket with my baby, that's where I'll be.

Under the boardwalk, (Out of the sun)
Under the boardwalk, (We'll be having some fun)
Under the boardwalk, (People walking above)
Under the boardwalk, (We'll be falling in love)
Under the boardwalk, (Boardwalk!)

Oooh, la la la la la la.
Oooh, la la la la la la la la la.
Help me somebody, sing some la la's with me.
Under the night, under the stars by the raging sea.
Under the boardwalk, down by the sea,
On a blanket with my baby, that's where I'll be.

Under the boardwalk, (Out of the sun)
Under the boardwalk, (We'll be having some fun)
Under the boardwalk, (People walking above)
Under the boardwalk, (We'll be falling in love)
Under the boardwalk, (Boardwalk!)
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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