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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 07:42 am
John Phillip Law
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Born September 7, 1937(1937-09-07)
Hollywood, California

John Phillip Law (born September 7, 1937) is an American film actor, with move than a hundred movie roles to his credit. He is the son of actress Phyllis Sallee, and the brother of actor Thomas Augustus Law.

He is best known for his roles as the blind angel Pygar in the science fiction classic Barbarella, and as news anchor Robin Stone in The Love Machine. (The latter reteamed him with Alexandra Hay, his costar from the 1968 "acid comedy" Skidoo.)

Tall (six-foot-five) and handsome, with steel blue eyes, Law became a sex symbol in the 1960s. He was a VIP guest at Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion and in Hollywood society. While he never achieved superstar status, he became a popular action hero, particularly in the Italian movie market, with movies ranging from science fiction and fantasy to comedy, westerns, drama, and war movies.

Besides Barbarella, a few of Law's movies have become cult classics, including Danger: Diabolik, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, Death Rides a Horse, Attack Force Z, and The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming.

Two of Law's films, Danger: Diabolik and Space Mutiny, were also featured in the movie-mocking TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000.

In 2001 he appeared in Roman Coppola's directorial debut CQ, an homage to the Italian spy/sci-fi B-movies in which Law often starred during the 1960s.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 07:45 am

Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies.
In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors."
Specify that your drive-through order is "TO-GO."
If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.
Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.
Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up."
Reply to everything someone says with "that's what you think."
Practice making fax and modem noises.
Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc" them to your boss.
Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.
Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."
Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears and grimacing.
Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room.
Holler random numbers while someone is counting.
Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."
Staple pages in the middle of the page.
Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a croaking noise.
Honk and wave to strangers.
Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints at the cash register.
type only in lowercase.
dont use any punctuation either
Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.
Repeat the following conversation a dozen times.
"Never mind, it's gone now."
As much as possible, skip rather than walk.
Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce "No, wait, I messed it up," and repeat.
Ask people what gender they are.
While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.
Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
Sing along at the opera.
Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.
Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 09:52 am
Hey, hawkman. Thanks again for your background on the stars. Great ways to tick off people, Bob, and even better than some of Sinatra's tricks.

Love the one about psychological profiles.

Our Raggedy is once again having pc freeze up problems when she attempts to access our forum, so let's hope that our lady in PA can work it out.

Let's take a peek at John Phillip Law in his movie "Eye of the Tiger"


Back later with other songs of interest, folks.

This is cyber space, WA2K radio.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 10:39 am
Love this one, listeners. It's a spoof on the mighty sailor:

I'm Sindbad the Sailor, so hearty and hale,

I live on an island on the back of a whale.

It's a whale of an island (that's not a bad joke);

Its lord and its master is this handsome bloke.

Who's the most remarkable extraordinary fellow?

Sindbad the Sailor!

I scare all creation on land or on sea.

But talk about women--they all fall for me!

I take my adventures wherever they're found.

I don't mean to brag, folks, but I've been around.

Who's the most phenomenal extra-special kind of fellow?

Sindbad the Sailor!

From the Valley of Serpents these diamonds I took!

I cleaned out those serpents with one dirty look!

Now look at this monster, so strong and so huge!

He'd frighten King Kong, but he's only my stooge!

The capture of Oola for me was just fun;

Whoever said two heads was better than one!

Who's the most phenomenal extraordinary fellow?

Youse! Sindbads the Sailor!

On one of my travels, I ran into this:

Now there was a thrill I'd be sorry to miss!

He spread out his wings, and the sunlight grew dim.

He took me in his feet, but I ran off with him!

Who's the most remarkable extraordinary fellow?

Sindbad the Sailor!

Who's the most phenomenal extra-special kind of fellow?

Sindbad the Sailor!

I'm afraid of nobody under the sun!

All I say is "Boo!" and my enemies run!

Who's the most remarkable extraordinary fellow?

Sindbad the Sailor.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 01:02 pm
some sillyness on a warm , humid and sunny friday afternoon Laughing
sit back , relax and keep a song in your heart !


Happily Ever After

Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales

music by Marc Gunn, words by Marc Gunn & Nancy e. Pearsall

In days that have long since passed,
There lived a beautiful mahogany lass.
An unmarried and virtuous princess, alas,
She was brave, strong and bold.

Tra la di di hidey ho
Di hidey hey, di hidey ho
Tra la di di hidey ho
Happily ever after.

One morning while riding no guard around,
Armed with sword should trouble abound,
She heard the most horrible sound,
And her nose burned of sulfur.

The sky it darkened, gave her horse a fright.
A dragon swooped as black as night,
Grabbed the princess then out of sight.
Her horse ran frightened home.

The king cried, "All knights be sworn!
Kill the dragon with your swords.
Return me daughter for this reward,
That you may marry her."

The bravest knight in all the realm,
Young, handsome and vain as well
Declared the maid his holy grail
And rode off to rescue her.

The knight he climbed up rugged heights
Snagged a run in his pristine tights
At cavern's shaft, he saw no lights
And heard no sound inside.

The knight called the dragon out.
But only a lady's voice came back.
"I killed the dragon!," the lady shout.
And stepped into the sun.

The princess dressed in scraps of cloth,
Her mahogany hair was all burned off.
A muddy face, the vain knight scoffed,
"Can you clean be for we go?"

The princess still in clothes undone,
Told the knight, "I work alone."
The knight rode lone into the setting sun.
And the princess was happy thereafter.

Shocked Laughing :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 01:48 pm
Love it, hbg. It's so nice when the scorched princess gets the last laugh.

Tried to find Ogden Nash's "Fractured Fairy Tales" without much success, folks, but this song will do for now.

Sam The Sham And The Pharaohs

LI'L RED RIDING HOOD (Ronald Blackwell)

Who's that I see walkin' in these woods?
Why, it's Little Red Riding Hood.
Hey there Little Red Riding Hood,
You sure are looking good.
You're everything a big bad wolf could want.
Listen to me.

Little Red Riding Hood
I don't think little big girls should
Go walking in these spooky old woods alone.

What big eyes you have,
The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad.
So just to see that you don't get chased
I think I ought to walk with you for a ways.

What full lips you have.
They're sure to lure someone bad.
So until you get to grandma's place
I think you ought to walk with me and be safe.

I'm gonna keep my sheep suit on
Until I'm sure that you've been shown
That I can be trusted walking with you alone.

Little Red Riding Hood
I'd like to hold you if I could
But you might think I'm a big bad wolf so I won't.

What a big heart I have-the better to love you with.
Little Red Riding Hood
Even bad wolves can be good.
I'll try to be satisfied just to walk close by your side.
Maybe you'll see things my way before we get to grandma's place.

Little Red Riding Hood
You sure are looking good
You're everything that a big bad wolf could want.
Owoooooooo! I mean baaaaaa! Baaa?

And I love this pun about Snow White.

Once upon a time, Queen Peach looked into the mirror and asked,
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most beautiful peach of all? The mirror replied, "Snow Peach."
Queen Peach was so angry, she called, "Green Peach! Green Peach!"
She told Green Peach to take Snow Peach into the woods, kill her, and bring back up her pit to prove she is dead.
Green Peach took Snow Peach into the woods, and she was so pretty, Green Peach said, "Run, Snow Peach, you are so beautiful, and I can't kill you."
Snow Peach ran far away.
She had to get a job.
She became a shoemaker.
That's how we got the first peach cobbler.

Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 02:26 pm
here is a song that should go well with my post on the advisability of having a GUINNESS A DAY ! Laughing


The Irishman Who Doesn't Drink

words and music Andrew McKee

Now listen all it's hard to think
of an Irishman who doesn't drink
and if you'd thought you'd found one
you would surely wonder why
the drink is good the drink is bad
but drink won't tell you what you've had
so look at me and all be sad
for that Irishman tis I

Me father drank, His father drank,
whose father drank, for his father's sake,
me Family tree could surely tap
a Guinness factory for sure...
Now me uncle was a handsome lad,
He's married more than five men had,
But his ailment wasn't all that bad,
For in drink he's found the cure

Me sister who does love to read,
and loves to drink her favorite mead,
to understate she's well-studied,
In mead a doctorate in.
Me Cousin lives near Tennesseee,
His favorite drink of course JD
But his lawyer could not well agree
that it was his next of Kin

When grandmither was very young,
She'd play at her granddad's for fun,
By riding all the day among,
The horses she did tell.
Now her granddad used to gamble drunk,
He beat a Carny's boat that sunk,
And won some holdings, not all junk.
Cause he kept the Carousel.

I do not drink, I do not smoke,
I don't cavort with women folk,
Well maybe... just a little
I've a liberal view of sin.
Now ladies are my vice tis true
I like to see them through and through
And when I see no more to do...
Well then with drinking I'll begin.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 02:39 pm
Hee, hee, hbg. I love the line, "I have a liberal view of sin".

Here's a funny one, Canada.

Who Put the Overalls in Mistress Murphy's Chowder
Mistress Murphy gave a party just about a week ago,
Everything was plentiful, the Murphys, they're not slow.
They treated us like gentlemen; we tried to act the same
And only for what happened, well it was an awful shame.
When Mrs. Murphy dished the chowder out she fainted on the spot;
She found a pair of overalls at the bottom of the pot.
Tim Nolan he got ripping mad, his eyes were bulging out,
He jumped upon the piano and loudly he did shout.

"Who threw the overalls in Mistress Murphy's chowder?"
Nobody spoke so he shouted all the louder.
It's an Irish trick that's true, but I can lick the Mick that threw
The overalls in Mistress Murphy's chowder.

They dragged the pants from out the soup and laid them on the floor;
Each man swore upon his life, he'd ne'er seen them before.
They were plastered up with mortar and were worn out at the knee,
They had their many ups and downs as we could plainly see.
And when Mrs. Murphy she came-to she 'gan to cry and pout,
She had them in the wash that day and forgot to take them out.
Tim Nolan, he excused himself for what he said that night,
So we put music to the words and sang with all our might.

Repeat chorus
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 04:23 pm
i don't think i have any irish blood in my veins - but having been born in hamburg - a city with sailors visiting from around the world - who knows Shocked :wink:
but i sure do like the irish and the eaygoing irish way !

Johnny at the Door

From: Songs of Ireland
words and music by Marc Gunn

Johnny awoke with an ache in his head.
Bad dreams had made him ill.
And he grumbled as he dressed despite his duress
As he made his way to the mill.
Well he never wanted to work that day,
But the foreman had himself clear.
So Johnny dreamed of the eve to come
When he'd drink him beer after beer, singing...

"I'll drink from dusk till dawn Laughing
I'll drink a toast to day's end. Smile
Yes, I'll drink from dusk till dawn :wink:
And I'll drink to the health of me friends." Crying or Very sad

It was a cold morning, went straight to his bones
Oh, he wished that he had him some ale.
Just one fine glass of stout Guiness
Would hold him till the end of the trail.
Oh his mouth watered with the thought of ale
By the time he arrived he'd decide
That not even Death could keep him away
From his friends and their favorite dive. They'd sing...

Johnny worked hard all the day
His mind away drinking alone
And he told his friends of the pledge he'd made
And the fantasy that kept him afloat.
"Come hell or high water I'll drink with you
Nothing could keep me away."
When the day came to end, he left with a friend. Together they walked and they sang...

On the road they came to a bridge of rope
And there they met a man
With a scythe in his hand and an evil grin
Twas Old Death who cut Johnny down.
Johnny's friend crossed himself, swore it'was the truth
As he retold the scene to the bar
And they raised a glass to Johnny's last words,
"I'll drink with ye come hell or high water!" He said...

Well the door swung open, a cold wind blew in
And there stood a man unafraid.
He called for a beer. They realized when near
It was Johnny come back from the grave.
He said, "You could keep me away from work.
For there's nothing I live for me there.
But I told you today of the pledge I made
You can't keep a man from his beer! They sang...

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 04:42 pm
You know, hbg. The idea of our radio is to allow all countries to participate. Your Johnny wants beer, this one wants wine. It's rather eerie, but perhaps you can explain it.

Wilder Wein - vor deinem Schloss
Wilder Wein - ich bin bereit
Man meldet Ankunft - nur für den König
Gott steh mir bei - und öffne deine Tore
Wilder Wein - und ganz langsam
Wilder Wein - so warm und feucht

Wilder Wein - vor deinem Schoss
Wilder Wein - es steht geschrieben
Tief im Wasser - kreuzt man nicht
Doch meine Lust - verlacht die Flügel
Wilder Wein - wie eine Taube
Wilder Wein - so nass und heiß

Wilder Wein - vor diesem Dunkel
Wilder Wein - von Licht geheilt
Es bleibt verborgen -
sonst könnten wir uns wehren
Ich warte auf dich - am Ende der Nacht
Wilder Wein - nur eine Traube
Wilder Wein - und bitter wie Schnee

Ich warte auf dich - am Ende der Nacht

Wild wine - before your castle
Wild wine - I am ready
They announce arrival - only for the king
God stand by me - and open your gates
Wild wine - and quite slowly
Wild wine - so warm and moist

Wild wine - before your lap
Wild wine - it has been written
Deep in the water - one doesn't cross
But my desire - ridicules the wings
Wild wine - like a dove
Wild wine - so wet and hot

Wild wine - before this darkness
Wild wine - healed by the light
It remains hidden -
otherwise we could defend ourselves
I wait for you - at the end of the night
Wild wine - only one grape
Wild wine - and bitter like snow

I wait for you - at the end of the night
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 05:35 pm
i'm sure no translation/interpretation is required :wink:


david lee murphy : it's the best i can do for a cowboy song about wine !
Creole Williams lived down a dirt road
Made homemade wine like nobody I know

Dropped by one Friday night and said can you help me Creole
Got a little girl waitin' on me and I wanna treat her right

I got what you need son, it's sittin down in the cellar
He reached through the cobwebs as he turned on the light and said

There might be a little dust on the bottle
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time

She was sittin in the porch swing as I pulled up the driveway
My ole heart was racing as she climbed inside
She slid over real close and drove down to the lake road
Watched the sun fade in that big red sky

I reached under the front seat and said, now here's something special
It's just been waiting for a night like tonight

There might be a little dust on the bottle
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time

You're still with me, and we've made some memories
After all these years theres one thing I've found
Some say good love, well it's like a fine wine
It keeps getting better as the days go by

There might be a little dust on the bottle
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 05:54 pm
ah, hbg, that wine reminds me of Sinatra. Just as Diana Krall, Robbie Williams does so many of the old songs, but he has deep seated problems.


Love this song, folks, and this version is by Robbie Williams.

When I was seventeen
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for small town girls
And soft summer nights
We'd hide from the lights
On the village green
When I was seventeen

When I was twenty-one
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for city girls
Who lived up the stair
With all that perfumed hair
And it came undone
When I was twenty-one

When I was thirty-five
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls
Of independent means
We'd ride in limousines
Their chauffeurs would drive
When I was thirty-five

But now the days grow short
I'm in the autumn of the year
And now I think of my life as vintage wine
from fine old kegs
from the brim to the dregs
And it poured sweet and clear
It was a very good year

It was a mess of good years
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 06:06 pm
Written by: neil diamond

Red, red wine
Go to my head
Make me forget that i
Still need her so

Red, red wine
Its up to you
All I can do, Ive done
But memories wont go
No, memories wont go

Id have sworn
That with time
Thoughts of you
Would leave my head
I was wrong
And I find
Just one thing
Makes me forget

Red, red wine
Stay close to me
Dont let me be alone
Its tearing apart
My blue, blue heart
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 06:22 pm
Lovely, edgar, and I really like Neil Diamond. Since we are into the wine tonight, how about this one by my two favorite composers.

Music by Henry Mancini and Words by Johnny Mercer

The days of wine and roses laugh and run away like a child at play
Through a meadow land toward a closing door
A door marked "nevermore" that wasn't there before

The lonely night discloses just a passing breeze filled with memories
Of the golden smile that introduced me to
The days of wine and roses and you

The lonely night discloses just a passing breeze filled with memories
Of the golden smile that introduced me to
The days of wine and roses and you
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 07:14 pm
Well, folks, I had to step outside because they did fireworks here. They sorta fizzled, however, because the wind is high and it's raining.


So, I'm having a cup of orange tea and going to bed.

My goodnight song is appropriately by Earth, Wind, and Fire.

Do you remember the 21st night of september?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away

Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing.
As we danced in the night,
Remember how the stars stole the night away

Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in september
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day

My thoughts are with you
Holding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love,
Remember how we knew love was here to stay

Now december found the love that we shared in september.
Only blue talk and love,
Remember the true love we share today

Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in september
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day

Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - dancing in september
Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days

Goodnight, my friends
From Letty with love
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 07:23 am
Touch Me In The Morning
Diana Ross

[Written by Ron Miller and Michael Masser)

Touch me in the morning
Then just walk away
We don't have tomorrow
But we had yesterday
Hey, wasn't it me who said
That nothin' good's gonna last forever
And wasn't it me who said
Let's just be glad for the time together
Must've been hard to tell me
That you've given all you had to give
I can understand your feelin' that way
Ev'rybody's got their life to live

Well, I can say goodbye
In the cold morning light
But I can't watch love die
In the warmth of the night
If I've got to be strong
don't you know I need to have tonight
When you're gone, till you go
I need to lie here and
Think about the last time
You'll touch me in the morning
Then just close the door
Leave me as you found me
Empty like before

Hey, wasn't it yesterday
We used to laugh at the wind behind us
Didn't we run away and hope
That time wouldn't try to find us
Didn't we take each other
To a place where no one's ever been
Yeah I realy need you near me tonight
'Cause you'll never take me there again
Let me watch you go with the sun in my eyes

We've seen how love can grow
Now we'll see how it dies
If I've got to be strong
Don't you know I need to have tonight
When you're gone, till you go
I need to hold you until the tie
Your hands reach out and

Touch me in the morning
Then just walk away
We don't have tomorrow
But we had yesterday
We're blue and gold
and we could feel one another living
We walked with a dream to hold
And we could take what the world was giving
There's no tomorrow here
There's only love and the time to chase it
Yesterday's gone my love
There's only now and it's time to face it
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 07:24 am
Touch Me In The Morning
Diana Ross

[Written by Ron Miller and Michael Masser)

Touch me in the morning
Then just walk away
We don't have tomorrow
But we had yesterday
Hey, wasn't it me who said
That nothin' good's gonna last forever
And wasn't it me who said
Let's just be glad for the time together
Must've been hard to tell me
That you've given all you had to give
I can understand your feelin' that way
Ev'rybody's got their life to live

Well, I can say goodbye
In the cold morning light
But I can't watch love die
In the warmth of the night
If I've got to be strong
don't you know I need to have tonight
When you're gone, till you go
I need to lie here and
Think about the last time
You'll touch me in the morning
Then just close the door
Leave me as you found me
Empty like before

Hey, wasn't it yesterday
We used to laugh at the wind behind us
Didn't we run away and hope
That time wouldn't try to find us
Didn't we take each other
To a place where no one's ever been
Yeah I realy need you near me tonight
'Cause you'll never take me there again
Let me watch you go with the sun in my eyes

We've seen how love can grow
Now we'll see how it dies
If I've got to be strong
Don't you know I need to have tonight
When you're gone, till you go
I need to hold you until the tie
Your hands reach out and

Touch me in the morning
Then just walk away
We don't have tomorrow
But we had yesterday
We're blue and gold
and we could feel one another living
We walked with a dream to hold
And we could take what the world was giving
There's no tomorrow here
There's only love and the time to chase it
Yesterday's gone my love
There's only now and it's time to face it
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 07:24 am
Touch Me In The Morning
Diana Ross

[Written by Ron Miller and Michael Masser)

Touch me in the morning
Then just walk away
We don't have tomorrow
But we had yesterday
Hey, wasn't it me who said
That nothin' good's gonna last forever
And wasn't it me who said
Let's just be glad for the time together
Must've been hard to tell me
That you've given all you had to give
I can understand your feelin' that way
Ev'rybody's got their life to live

Well, I can say goodbye
In the cold morning light
But I can't watch love die
In the warmth of the night
If I've got to be strong
don't you know I need to have tonight
When you're gone, till you go
I need to lie here and
Think about the last time
You'll touch me in the morning
Then just close the door
Leave me as you found me
Empty like before

Hey, wasn't it yesterday
We used to laugh at the wind behind us
Didn't we run away and hope
That time wouldn't try to find us
Didn't we take each other
To a place where no one's ever been
Yeah I realy need you near me tonight
'Cause you'll never take me there again
Let me watch you go with the sun in my eyes

We've seen how love can grow
Now we'll see how it dies
If I've got to be strong
Don't you know I need to have tonight
When you're gone, till you go
I need to hold you until the tie
Your hands reach out and

Touch me in the morning
Then just walk away
We don't have tomorrow
But we had yesterday
We're blue and gold
and we could feel one another living
We walked with a dream to hold
And we could take what the world was giving
There's no tomorrow here
There's only love and the time to chase it
Yesterday's gone my love
There's only now and it's time to face it
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 08:39 am
Sid Caesar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Born September 8, 1922 (1922-09-08) (age 85)
Yonkers, New York City, New York , U.S.A.
Years active 1950s-2000s
Spouse(s) Florence Levy (17 July 1943-present) 3 children

Sid Caesar (born September 8, 1922) is an Emmy-winning American comic actor and writer, best known as the leading man on the 1950s television series Your Show of Shows, and to younger generations as Coach Calhoun in Grease and Grease 2.


Early life

Isaac Sidney Caesar was born in Yonkers, New York where his father, Max, and mother, Ida, ran a twenty-four-hour luncheonette. Sid would help his parents by waiting on tables and it was during this time that Sid learned to mimic many of the accents he would use throughout his long career.

After graduating high school, Sid planned on a career in music playing the saxophone and was good enough to attend the famed Juilliard School of Music. At the age of 17 Sid joined the United States Coast Guard. He maintained his love of music by playing the saxophone in military revues and shows. His knack for wisecracks, however, got bigger applause than the musical numbers, and the show's producer asked him to do stand-up between his numbers. After leaving the Coast Guard, Sid soon earned a reputation as a talented musician and stand-up comedian and began playing in the Borscht Belt in the Catskills. While there Sid performed with the orchestras of Benny Goodman, Shep Fields, and Claude Thornhill.


Soon after arriving in Los Angeles, Sid got a part in two films, Tars and Spars, based on a wartime comedy routine he had done while in the Coast Guard, and The Guilt of Janet Ames. In 1948, Sid began his television career when he made an appearance on Milton Berle's Texaco Star Theater. In 1949, Sid hosted his first series Admiral Broadway Revue with Imogene Coca. The show was an immediate success but its sponsor, Admiral Corporation, an appliance company, could not keep up with the demand of its new television sets, so the show was cancelled. In 1951, Sid began hosting Your Show of Shows with Imogene Coca. The show launched Sid into instant stardom and was a mix of scripted and improvised comedy, movie and television satires, Caesar's inimitable double-talk monologues and top musical guests. It was also responsible for bringing together some of the greatest comic talent of its day, including Nanette Fabray, Carl Reiner, and Howard Morris. Many prominent writers also got their start writing its skits, including Mel Brooks, Neil Simon, Woody Allen, Mel Tolkin, and Larry Gelbart. After the show ended in 1954, Caesar began hosting Caesar's Hour, a one-hour sketch show with Morris, Reiner, and a young Bea Arthur. Caesar's Hour was followed by Sid Caesar Invites You and The Sid Caesar Show. In 1958, The Sid Caesar Show was cancelled and in his autobiography, Caesar's Hour, Sid confesses that he turned to alcohol and drugs to overcome the insecurity of having a successful career unravel.

Later years

After his successful television career, Sid was cast in several noteworthy films including the 1963 mega-comedy It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Silent Movie, History of the World, Part I and as "Coach Calhoun" in 1978's Grease and its sequel, Grease 2, in 1982. In 1997, he made a guest appearance in National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation and in 1998 in The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, based on a Ray Bradbury novel.


Sid has been married to Florence Levy since July 17, 1943. Sid and Florence are the parents of three children.
In 2004, Caesar's autobiography, Caesar's Hours, was published.
In 1963, Sid was nominated a Tony Award as Best Actor for "Little Me."
In 1951 and 1952, Sid was voted the United States' Best Comedian by Motion Picture Daily's TV poll.
Caesar appears to speak several foreign languages, but in reality he can only speak English and Yiddish. When he was very young he developed the ability to sound as if he spoke other languages because he had an ear for the sounds he heard while working in his parent's restaurant. He would entertain diners by pretending to talk to them. It's a talent he calls "double-speak". He reprised this famous skit in an episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway? in 2001.
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