WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2007 05:41 pm
my (and tai's) father was also a fan of glenn yarbourough, here's a song i remember from one of his albums

the version i found was missing one verse i remember (not sure where it fit into the song, it's highligted in red, and inserted where i think it belongs)

Move Over

Move over and make room for Marty,
He doesn't take very much space,
Since Marty is one of our very best friends
We surely can find him a place.

Move over, move over,
And quick like a rig-it-ty jig,
We'll always move over for Marty,
For Marty is not very big.

Our little friend Marty is tardy
He must have got lost on the way
We'll always move over for Marty,
He's a regular pitch pipe in "A"

Move over, move over,
And quick like a rig-it-ty jig,
We'll always move over for Marty,
For Marty is not very big.

He won't have to stand in the corner,
He won't have to sit on the floor,
For we can move over for Marty,
And still there is room for one more.

Move over, move over,
And quick like a rig-it-ty jig,
We'll always move over for Marty,
For Marty is not very big.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2007 05:51 pm
dj, that is delightful. It looks as though everyone here came from a musical family, listeners.

hamburger might appreciate this round.

O how lovely is the evening,

*Is the evening,

When the bells are sweetly ringing,

Sweetly ringing,

Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!

O wie wohl ist mir am Abient,

*Mir am Abient

Wean zur Ruh die Glocken laƤutahn,

Glocken laƤutahn:

Bam, bam, Bam, bam, Bam, bam!

dj, that's one you have to hear because the melody makes it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2007 06:09 pm
It's In The Book
John Standley

I have a message for you, a very sad message
My subject for this evening will be
Little Bo Peep
It says here, Little Bo Peep
Who was a little girl
Has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them
Now that's reasonable, isn't it

It's, it's reasonable to assume
If Little Bo Peep had lost her sheep
It's only natural
That she wouldn't know where to find them
That, that basically is reasonable
But, uh, "leave them alone
Now that overwhelms me
Completely overwhelms me
The man said she lost her sheep
Turns right around and boldly states
"She doesn't know where to find them"
And then has the stupid audacity to say
"Leave them alone"
Now, now, now think for a moment, think
If the sheep were lost,
And you couldn't find them
You'd have to leave them alone, wouldn't you
So, leave them alone
Leave them alone
It's in the book

Leave them alone and they
They being the sheep, "they will come home"
Ah yes, they'll come home
Oh, there'll be a brighter day tomorrow
They will come home
It's in the book

They will come home a-waggin' their tails
Pray tell me what else could they wag
They will come home a-waggin' their tales
Behind them, behind them
Did we think they'd wag them in front
Of course, they might have come home in reverse
They could have done that, I really don't know
But, none the less
It's in the book

So now if you will, kindly pick up your books
And turn to page 222
We'll ask you all to sing
You'll find your books on the backs of your seats
Are we ready

Everyone, 222
Let's really enjoy ourselves
Let's live it up
All together

Do you remember grandma's lye soap
Good for everything in the home
And the secret was in the scrubbing
It wouldn't suds and couldn't foam

Then let us all sing right out of grandma's
Of grandma's lye soap
Used for, for everything
Everything on the place
For pots and kettles
The dirty dishes
And for your hands and for your face

Shall we now sing the second verse
Let's get it with great exuberance, let's live it up
It's not raining inside tonight
Everyone, let's have a happy time
Are we ready
All together, the second verse

Little Herman and brother Thurman
Had an aversion to washing their ears
Grandma scrubbed them with the lye soap
And they haven't heard a word in years

Then let us all sing right out of grandma's
Of grandma's lye soap
Sing all out, all over the place
The pots and kettles, the dirty dishes
And also hands and also face

Well, let's sing what's left of the last verse
Let's have a happy time, everyone
The last verse, al-l-l-l together
Ev-v-v-very one
Mm-m-m-m, thank you kindly, kindly

M-m-mrs, O'Malley, out in the valley
Suffered from ulcers, I understand
She swallowed a cake of grandma's lye soap
Has the cleanest ulcers in the land

Then let us all sing right out of grandma's
Of grandma's lye soap
Sing right out, all over the place
The pots and, the pots and pans, oh dirty dishes
And the hands and for the face
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2007 06:48 pm
this one by Neil Young just came on my ipod: Cool

My my, hey hey
Rock and roll is here to stay
It's better to burn out
Than to fade away
My my, hey hey.

Out of the blue
and into the black
They give you this,
but you pay for that
And once you're gone,
you can never come back
When you're out of the blue
and into the black.

The king is gone
but he's not forgotten
This is the story
of a Johnny Rotten
It's better to burn out
than it is to rust
The king is gone
but he's not forgotten.

Hey hey, my my
Rock and roll can never die
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye.
Hey hey, my my.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2007 06:56 pm
Thanks, dj, for the lye soap and the lamb. Love it.

Ah, folks, the evening is complete because the voice of the Turtle has been heard.

So, I must say goodnight, and let's hope I won't be counting sheep.

From Letty with love
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 03:57 am
Good morning, WA2K listeners and contributors. To begin the day and April:

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee
With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade,
And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten,
And drank coffee, and talked for an hour.
Bin gar keine Russin, stamm' aus Litauen, echt deutsch.
And when we were children, staying at the archduke's,
My cousin's, he took me out on a sled,
And I was frightened. He said, Marie,
Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free.
I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.

T.S. Eliot

Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licour
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his half cours yronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
That slepen al the nyght with open ye
(So priketh hem nature in hir corages),
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
And specially from every shires ende
Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke,
That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 04:03 am
Happy Fool's Day, everyone!

It's April After All - Ron Sexsmith

It's really coming down
Raining cats and hounds
It's falling on parades
And on the plans we made

But there'll be other days
And things will turn our way
The rain has got to fall
It's April after all

Even the longest night
Will lead you to daylight
It's the way May leads to June
And it's how I've come to you

The world goes spinning round
Life goes up and down
And rain is bound to fall
It's April after all

They'll be other days
Darling come what may
The rain has got to fall
It's April after all

Tears are bound to fall
It's April after all
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 04:11 am
Hee, hee. Hey, Imur. Like your Afro. Happy April Fool's day, Irish.

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Tai Chi
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 04:12 am
Good Morning and Happy April Fool's Day everyone. Here's the only April song I can think of this early in the morning:

'Though April showers may come your way
They bring the flowers that bloom in May
So if it's raining have no regrets
Because it isn't raining rain you know it's raining violets
And where you see clouds above the hills
There soon will be crowds of daffodils
So keep on looking for that bluebird
And listening for his song
Whenever April showers come along.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 04:22 am
Ah, Tai. Al Jolson. Thank you, honey. Well, since this is the day of fools, here's one that is misdirected.

Artist: Pat Boone
Song: April Love

Anastasia, tell me who you are
Are you someone from another star?
Anastasia, are you what you seem?
Do your sad eyes remember a dream?

Why do you tremble
And why do you sigh?
Could you be lonely
As lonely as I?
Will you remember
When summer has flown
Another world, a world that is yours alone?

Anastasia, smile away the past
Anastasia, spring is here at last
Beautiful stranger, step down from your star
I only know I love you so, whoever you are
Anastasia... Anastasia...
Beautiful stranger, step down from your star
I only know I love you so, whoever you are

Those lyrics are NOT the ones to Pat Boone's song.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 04:43 am
Hey, all. Today is dadpad's birthday.

Happy Birthday Aussie.

Hmmm. Wonder what his Mum thought?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 05:25 am
Re dadpad's birthday!
Letty are you aware of today's date Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 05:33 am
Hey, Dutchy. Am I aware? of course, Aussie, and as I observed, someone played a trick on his mamma. Razz

For DP

Happy birthday to you,
From Australia's zoo
You look like a joey
And hop like one, too.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 05:49 am
Letty wrote:
Hey, all. Today is dadpad's birthday.

Hmmm. Wonder what his Mum thought?

Apparently I was 4 weeks overdue. Can you guess what mum was thinking?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 06:00 am
Apparently, d.p., she wasn't thinking at the onset. Razz

Perhaps, like William Stafford?

Just Thinking

Got up on a cool morning. Leaned out a window.
No cloud, no wind. Air that flowers held
for awhile. Some dove somewhere.

Been on probation most of my life. And
the rest of my life been condemned. So these moments
count for a lot--peace, you know.

Let the bucket of memory down into the well,
bring it up. Cool, cool minutes. No one
stirring, no plans. Just being there.

This is what the whole thing is about.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 07:19 am

She thinks she missed the train to Mars, she's out back counting stars.
She thinks she missed the train to Mars, she's out back counting stars.

She's not at work, she's not at school,
she's not in bed, I think I finally broke her.
I bring her home everything I want, and nothing that she needs.

I thought she'd be there holding daisies, she always waits for me.
She thinks she missed the train to Mars, she's out back counting stars.

I found her out back sitting naked looking up and looking dead.
A crumpled yellow piece of paper, with seven nines and tens.

I thought she'd be there holding daisies, she always waits for me.
She thinks she missed the train to Mars, she's out back counting stars.

I thought you'd be there holding daisies, you always wait for me.
She thinks she missed the train to Mars, she's out back counting stars.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 07:56 am
Hey, dj. What an unusual song, Canada. Thank you for the esoteric lyrics.

Folks, you are not going to believe the synchronicity. Pat Boone is singing April Love to Shirley Jones from the AMC movie by the same name. Shocked

April love is for the very young
Every stars a wishing star that shines for you
April love is all the seven wonders
One little kiss can tell you this is true

Sometimes an april day will suddenly bring showers
Rain to grow the flowers for her first bouquet
But april love can slip right through your fingers
So if she's the one don't let her run away

Sometimes an april day will suddenly bring showers
Rain to grow the flowers for her first bouquet
But april love can slip right through your fingers
So if she's the one don't let her run away
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 08:02 am
I love it. Look at that kangaroo and windmill. Marvelous, Gus. Razz

0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 09:18 am
This version by Ringo Starr
(Ted Daffan)

I'm a fool to care,
When you treat me this way.
I know i love you,
But what can i do?
I'm a fool to care.

I'm a fool to cry,
When you tell me goodbye.
You left me so blue,
When you were untrue,
I'm a fool to care.

I know i should laugh
And call it a day.
But i know i would cry
If you went away.

I'm a fool to care,
When you don't care for me.
So why should i pretend,
I lose in the end,
I'm a fool to care.


I'm a fool to care,
When you treat me this way.
I know i love you,
But what can i do?
I'm a fool to care.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2007 09:19 am
Elvis Presley - Fool, Fool, Fool

Fool, fool, fool
That I was to fall for you.
Well, fool, fool, fool
That I was to fall for you.
Well, I know what a fool I was
To think that you could love me, too.

Well, well, when I first met you, baby,
Well, I knew I couldn't win,
But I just kept right on trying,
'Cause trying is no sin.

What a fool, fool, fool,
That I was to fall for you.
Well, I know what a fool I was
To think that you could love me, too.

Well, when I first met you, baby,
Well, I knew I couldn't win,
But I just kept right on trying,
'Cause trying is no sin.

What a fool that I was to fall for you.
Well, I know what a fool I was
To think that you could love me too.
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