WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 02:31 pm
Ellinas, Welcome back Greece. What lovely songs, my friend. How tragic for Xilouris and what hypnotic lyrics.

I especially liked "Crete, My Beautiful Island" because it gives us a chance to feature a pice of art for today.

Daedalus, Icarus, Jazz by Matisse;


Perhaps, Ellinas, you can explain that painting. <smile>
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 03:29 pm
Letty wrote:

Perhaps, Ellinas, you can explain that painting. <smile>

Well, it is obvious that the artist is focusing at the courage of Icaros - the red dot (his heart). Not sure about what these greenish things are. They could be pieces from his destroyed wing or sunlight beams.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 04:01 pm
Wow! Great interpretation, Ellinas. The "jazz' part could have implied improvisation, and the yellow and unsymetrical stars, sun bursts. I like Matisse, but that one was a little far out.

Well, listeners. Shall we follow up with a song?


Too Close To The Sun
(From the album "MORNING ORBIT")

High above your atmosphere
Do they all still cheer for who they think we are
And once more past the sun again
Feelings sinking in I think we've gone to far

And why did you fly did you burn
Can't you learn from my mistakes
I have made them so I know

Bored just one more cup of tea
All the stars and me they'll teach me how to shine
'Cause life it's so much colder here
I'll absorb your fears and bury them inside

And why did you fly did you burn
Can't you learn from my mistakes
I have made them so I know

You're too close to the sun
You're too close to the sun
You're too close to the sun
You're too close to the sun
You're too close to the sun

Things we found so lovely
Turn so ugly
I've grown nakeder day by day
It's quite disarming I find it alarming
When everybody's listening

Why did you fly did you burn
Can't you learn from what weve learned
I can't see you anymore

You're too close to the sun
You're too close to the sun
You're too close to the sun
You're too close to the sun
You're too close to the sun
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 05:12 pm
I hope this makes it.

Artist: Robbie Williams
Song: Angles Lyrics

I sit and wait
does an angel contemplate my fate
and do they know
the places where we go
when we're grey and old
'cos I've been told
that salvation lets their wings unfold
so when I'm lying in my bed
thoughts running through my head
and I feel that love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

CHORUS: And through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
whether I'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
when I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

When I'm feeling weak
and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
and I know I'll always be blessed with love
and as the feeling grows
she breathes flesh to my bones
and when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2006 05:34 pm
It made it, honey. Great song, Try. There is something about the unfurling of wings that captures the imagination, and perhaps those are the real angels.

"and he will give his angels charge over thee."

Pegasus Dreaming

An eyelid rises

in the middle of his forehead

and Pegasus gallops forth;

the drums of time

beat on heaven's door:

rum a tum, om ta rum
rum a tum, om ta rum

While Pegasus dreams

his playground forms,

a watery mirror

Narcissus runs toward, knowing

a god will meet him.

rum a tum, om ta rum
rum a tum, om ta rum

He watches in a trance

the wings below

shining with light

not knowing how to let go

of what is drowning.

rum a tum, om ta rum
rum a tum, om ta rum
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 04:55 am
Good morning, all!

Because I'm just listening to y recors with tunes originally sung by Sophie Tucker [did you know that she sold one records of St. Louis Blues in the 1910's?] and in reminiscence to the killed bear in Germany ...

Grizzly Bear (Irving Berlin)

Out in San Francisco where the weather's fair
They have a dance out there
They call the "Grizzly Bear"
All your other lovin' dances don't compare
Not so coony
But a little more than spoony
Talk about yo' bears that Teddy Roosevelt shot
They couldn't class with what
Old San Francisco's got
Listen my honey, do
And I will show to you
The dance of the grizzly Bear

Hug up close to your baby
Throw your shoulders t'ward the ceilin'
Lawdy, lawdy, what a feelin'
Snug up close to your lady
Close your eyes and do some nappin'
Something nice is gwine to happen
Hug up close to your baby
Sway me everywhere
Show your darlin' beau just how you go to Buffalo
Doin' the grizzly bear

[2nd verse:]
Let's sit down and rest a minute honey dear
My head feels awful queer
Please call the waiter near
"Water, water quick the lady's gone I fear"
"Thank you, honey
In my purse, you'll find some money
Where's the man who showed me how to do that dance
That put me in a trance?
I'll take another chance"
Now that I've got my breath
I'm his'n until death
Come on with yo' grizzly Bear

[2nd refrain:]
Hug up close to your baby
Hypnotize me like a lizard
Shake yo' self just like a blizzard
Snug up close to your lady
If they do that dance in heaven
Shoot me hon' tonight at seven
Hug up close to your baby
Sway me everywhere
You and me is two, I'll make it one when we get thro'
Doin' the grizzly bear
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 05:06 am
Grizzely Bear - Harry Belafonte

Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

I'm gonna tell you a story 'bout that grizzely bear
I'm gonna tell you a story 'bout that grizzely bear
Oh you better watch out for that grizzely bear
'Cause he's a mean old grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

He come a walkin' and a talkin' that grizzely bear
He come a huffin' and a puffin' that grizzely bear
He come a wobblin' and a swabblin' that grizzely bear
He's a mean old grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

He had long black hair that grizzely bear
He had big blue eyes that grizzely bear
Oh well a tell me who was that grizzely bear
I say the capt'n was the grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I shot me a grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh well that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said the capt'n ain't nothin' but a grizzely bear

Oh well my momma was a scared o' that grizzely bear
Oh yes my momma was a scared o' that grizzely bear
Oh well my poppa went a-huntin' for that grizzely bear
Yes my poppa went a-huntin' for that grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh well that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

Oh well I ain't a-scared o' that grizzely bear
I tell you I ain't a-scared o' that grizzely bear
Ah now listen while I tell you
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 05:25 am
Good morning, WA2K listeners and contributors.

Walter, it is really great to see you back, even in the company of Sophie and that bear. What a dance that must be, Germany. If I'm not mistaken, St. Louis Blues was written by someone in Virginia. Love it!

And, folks, why are we not surprised to hear our edgar singing Harry. Thanks, Texas, I have learned to appreciate that fellow.

When I was young, wild animals both attracted me and frightened me. Haven't changed one bit in that respect.

How about some Emily, listeners:

A narrow fellow in the grass
Occasionally rides;
You may have met him, -did you not?
His notice sudden is.

The grass divides as with a comb,
A spotted shaft is seen;
And then it closes at your feet
And opens further on.

He likes a boggy acre,
A floor too cool for corn.
Yet when a child, and barefoot,
I more than once, at morn,

Have passed, I thought, a whip-lash
Unbraiding in the sun, -
When, stooping to secure it,
It wrinkled, and was gone.

Several of nature's people
I know, and they know me;
I feel for them a transport
Of cordiality;

But never met this fellow,
Attended or alone,
Without a tighter breathing,
And zero at the bone.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 05:34 am
Singer: Paschalis Terzis

It has a moon tonight

You words were like a knife in the heart,
the moment you told me goodbye.
You did not keep your word, and you left me alone,
in the night and the cold.

Your words were like a knife in the heart.
I told you that I will die without you.
I just came back from Hades, and I whispered in your ear:
Don't leave, stay a bit more.

And it has a moon tonight which is making me upset.
It has a moon tonight which is making me sad.
It has a moon tonight, a tearful moon, like me.
Tell me that you will come back again, please.

Your words were like a knife in the heart.
You are going around in my brain, and I feel pain.
I did not sleep today, I was thinking of your eyes,
Please, come back, I love you!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 07:43 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 08:06 am
Bob Keeshan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert James Keeshan (June 27, 1927 - January 23, 2004) was an actor who was the original "Clarabell the Clown" on the Howdy Doody television program, but who is most famous as the star and title character of the children's show Captain Kangaroo.

Keeshan was born in Lynbrook, New York, and attended Fordham University after serving in the United States Marine Corps reserve during World War II. He later became an honorary member of Dartmouth College's Class of 1942.

On Howdy Doody, Keeshan played "Clarabell", a silent clown who mainly communicated by honking horns attached to a belt around his waist (one of the horns meant "yes"; the other horn meant "no"). Clarabell often spritzed Buffalo Bob Smith with a seltzer bottle and played practical jokes.

Keeshan played the children's show host Captain Kangaroo for over three decades. Frequently recurring characters included Mr. Green Jeans (played by Hugh "Lumpy" Brannum), and puppets such as "Bunny Rabbit" and "Mr. Moose."

In 1987, Keeshan founded Corporate Family Solutions with former Tennessee Republican Governor Lamar Alexander. The company provided day-care programs to businesses.

Keeshan lived on Melbury Road in Babylon Village, Long Island, New York before moving to spend the last 14 years of his life in Vermont. After moving to Vermont, he became a children's advocate as well as an author, writing his memoirs entitled Good Morning, Captain in 1995.

Keeshan died in Windsor, Vermont, at the age of 76 of natural causes. He was survived by 3 children. His wife of 40 years, Anne Jeanne Laurie Keeshan, predeceased him in 1990.


For his work on television and for children, Keeshan received many awards, including:

Five Emmy Awards (1978, 1981-1984)
Three Peabody Awards (1958, 1972, 1979)
National Education Award, 1982
Kennedy Center Honors, 1987
Induction into the Clown Hall of Fame, 1990
American Medical Association Distinguished Service Award, 1991
Induction into the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame, 1998


An urban legend says Keeshan fought alongside actor Lee Marvin at the Battle of Iwo Jima. Although both men served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, neither man was at the actual battle. Keeshan was still in training camp when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and Japan surrendered before he could take part in combat; Marvin saw action, but was seriously wounded during the Battle of Saipan and returned to the U.S. several months before the battle on Iwo Jima.
Bob Keeshan's grandson, Britton Keeshan, became the youngest person to climb the Seven Summits when he summited Mount Everest in May 2004. He did so carrying photos of his grandfather, and buried a photo of the two of them at the summit of Everest. [1]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 08:12 am
Bruce Johnston
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bruce Johnston (born Benjamin Baldwin and then adopted, on June 27, 1942 in Peoria, Illinois) is a member of The Beach Boys and a Grammy Award-winning songwriter for penning "I Write the Songs." Johnston was not one of the original members of the band. He joined in April 1965 after Glen Campbell (who was in turn replacing Brian Wilson) decided to embark on a solo career.


Bruce Johnston grew up on the West side of Los Angeles in Brentwood and Bel-Air. His adoptive father was president of the Owl Rexall Drug Company in Los Angeles after moving from Walgreens in Chicago. Bruce attended private school in Los Angeles and also studied classical piano in his early years. In high school, Johnston switched to contemporary music. He performed in a few 'beginning' bands during this time and then moved on to working with young musicians such as Sandy Nelson and Phil Spector. Soon Johnston began backing people such as Ritchie Valens, the Everly Brothers, and even Eddie Cochran. In 1959 while still in high school, Johnston arranged and played on his first hit record called "Teenbeat" by Sandy Nelson. The single record reached the Billboard Top Ten chart.

In 1963, Johnston started his record production career at Columbia Records with his friend Terry Melcher. The first artist they both produced was a group called The Rip Chords. By the time Johnston and Melcher were producing the million selling "Hey Little Cobra," a knockoff of the Beach Boys car song vocal style, they also wound up singing every layered vocal part for the recording. The two of them made a few recordings as Bruce & Terry, but Terry Melcher began to focus more on his production career (The Byrds, Paul Revere and The Raiders). On April 9, 1965, Johnston joined the Beach Boys replacing Glen Campbell who was playing bass on the road and singing Brian Wilson's vocal parts. Johnston didn't start playing bass until his first tenure with the Beach Boys, and the very first vocal recording Johnston made as one of the Beach Boys was California Girls.

Johnston subsequently would decide to leave the band after the Surf's Up album, then return. However, throughout the 1970s he would assist and guest on each album the band released. At Brian Wilson's request, Johnston officially rejoined the band for the L.A. (Light Album) sessions in 1978. He also was asked to produce many of the tracks for the L.A. (Light Album).

Johnston is frequently credited as one of the original greatest supporters of the Beach Boys' 1966 signature album Pet Sounds. He flew to London in May 1966 and played the album for John Lennon and Paul McCartney. He wrote several Beach Boy songs, notably, "Disney Girls" (1971), which was covered by both Captain & Tennille and Art Garfunkel. As a songwriter, he wrote the Billboard number one, Barry Manilow hit ("I Write the Songs") for which he won a Grammy. "I Write The Songs" has been recorded by over two hundred artists (including Frank Sinatra) and it currently has a cumulative singles/albums worldwide sales figure of twenty-five million copies. In addition, Johnston wrote backing vocal arrangements and also sang on the recordings for Elton John's "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" and Pink Floyd's album The Wall.

Johnston is still a member of the touring version of The Beach Boys, performing 170 concerts a year. Despite Bruce's long involvement with the band he no longer has a full membership in BRI having traded his shares (but not his artist royalties) back in 1972. Johnston still retains his equal ownership of the band's ASCAP publishing company, Wilojarston, and is the only member of the band to have earned a Song of the Year Grammy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 08:17 am
Isabelle Adjani
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Isabelle Yasmine Adjani (born June 27, 1955) is one of France's best known actresses. She is multilingual, and performs in her native French, English, and German. She has also been nominated twice for the Academy Award for Best Actress.


Early life

Adjani was born in Gennevilliers, Hauts-de-Seine to a Kabyle-Turkish father and a German mother. She was drawn to acting at a young age, playing in amateur theater by the age of twelve. As a fourteen-year-old, she appeared in her first motion picture.


Also a successful model, Adjani is no stranger to photo shootsAfter minor roles in several films, she received positive reviews and much public acclaim for her performance in the 1974 film La Gifle, (The Slap). The following year, she was cast in her first starring role in François Truffaut's film, L'Histoire d'Adèle H., (The Story of Adele H.) which brought her international acclaim; it resulted in nomination for an Academy Award for Best Actress and offers for roles in Hollywood films.

In 1981 Adjani received the César Award, France's equivalent of an Oscar, for her role in Possession. In 1983, she won the César again, for her vengeful turn in the French blockbuster L'été meurtrier / One Deadly Summer. In 1989, she co-produced and starred in the filmography of tragic French sculptor Camille Claudel, alongside Gerard Depardieu as Rodin. She received her third César Award and second nomination for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the film, which was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Following this publicity, she was chosen by People magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the world. Her unprecedented fourth Cesar win was for the 1994 film La Reine Margot / Queen Margot, an impressive vehicle for Adjani as well as an ensemble epic smoothly directed by opera wunderkind Patrice Chereau.

Personal life

Adjani has two sons: Barnabé Nuytten with Bruno Nuytten, and Gabriel-Kane Day-Lewis from her tempestuous six-year relationship with Oscar-winning British/Irish actor Daniel Day-Lewis. Gabriel-Kane was born in New York City in 1995, several months after her relationship with Day-Lewis ended.

In 1987, some French media outlets incorrectly reported that she was dying of AIDS, but she appeared on television to deny it.[citation needed]

Adjani was engaged to French composer Jean-Michel Jarre, but this relationship ended in a spectacular and public fashion.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 08:20 am
INSULTS for all occations.

You are so stupid, that you sit on the TV and watch the couch!

You were so ugly when you were a child, your mamma had to tie
a porkchop around your neck just so the dog would play with you!

You're so ugly that when you looked out the window, you got
arrested for "mooning."

You're so ugly that when you went for a job application in
a haunted house they said, "No proffesionals allowed!"

You're so poor you stuck your key into the front door and
killed four people in the hall!

You're so poor, your front and back door are on the same hinge!

You're so stupid that you returned a donut because it had
a hole in the middle!

If I had a dog as ugly as you, I would shave his butt and
make him walk back-wards!

Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you'd had
enough oxygen at birth?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 08:39 am
Ellinas, that was a lovely translation of the moon song. Thank you, our Grecian friend. Probably a smoother translation in English would be, "There is a Moon Tonight." Ah, listeners, but the moon and its effects on the heart are predictable, no?

Our hawkman has obviously finished with his bio's and has a tale of another type. Love 'em, Bob, and your background info on famous folks always teaches us something.

We were sooooo poor that once my uncle's toupee fell off and we got instant wall to wall carpeting. <smile>

We will wait for our Raggedy to visualize Bob's people, and then I would like to comment, but until then:

Diana Krall:

The Night We Called It a Day
(From the album "THE LOOK OF LOVE")

There was a moon out in space
But a cloud drifted over its face
You kissed me and went on your way
The night we called it a day
I heard the song of the spheres
Like a minor lament in my ears
I hadn't the heart left to pray
The night we called it a day
Soft through the dark
The hoot of an owl in the sky
Sad though his song
No bluer was he than I
The moon went down stars were gone
But the sun didn't rise with the dawn
There wasn't a thing left to say
The night we called it a day
There wasn't a thing left to say
The night we called it a day
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 11:48 am
Good day to all and

Happy 51st to Isabelle Adjani.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 12:37 pm
Well, there's our Raggedy, folks. So glad that you could make it into our studio, PA.

What a lovely woman. Have we seen her somewhere before? Hmmmm.

Weather report:

East Coast faces more rain; some evacuated By DERRILL HOLLY, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 42 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - More than 7 inches of rain fell on the nation's capital in a 24-hour period Sunday and Monday, while the National Hurricane Center was tracking a stormy area off N.C., that it said could develop into a tropical depression at any time Tuesday.

The system, about 140 miles south of Cape Fear, was moving north-northeast at about 15-20 mph. Forecasters warned coastal residents to keep an eye on weather reports. The center said even if the system didn't reach tropical strength, it would bring heavy rain and high wind to the North Carolina shore through the day and into Tuesday night.

Forecasters warned that more rain was likely every day this week. Flood watches and warnings were in effect for the most of North Carolina and other counties as far north as upstate New York.

Much of the eastern seaboard remained under the threat of rain and flooding Tuesday and through much of the week because of a low-pressure system stalled along the coast.

"Areas that have been hard hit could see another round of flash flooding," said Steve Rogowski, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service office in Sterling, Va.

Several federal buildings and some of the city's busiest tourist attractions were closing just days before the Fourth of July weekend.

With rain falling again, cleanup crews in D.C. were busy Tuesday piling sandbags and pumping water from the basement of the Internal Revenue Service building and from steam tunnels under the city.

Hope all is well among our friends and contributors in North Carolina.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 03:24 pm
Good afternoon, it's slow…

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)
Yeah, heard the diesel drumming all down the line.
Oh, heard the wires a humming all down the line.
Yeah, hear the women sighing all down the line.
Oh, hear the children crying all down the line.

(All down the line.) We'll be watching out for trouble, yeah.
(All down the line.) And we'd better keep the motor running, yeah.
(All down the line.) Well, you can't say yes and you can't say no,
Just be right there when the whistle blows.

I need a sanctified girl with a sanctified mind to help me now.
Yeah, all the people singing all down the line.
Mmmm, watch the men all working, working, yeah. (All down the line.)
(All down the line.) We're gonna open up the throttle yeah.
(All down the line.) We're gonna bust another bottle, yeah.
(All down the line.)

I need a shot of salvation, baby, once in a while.
Hear the whistle blowing, hear it for a thousand miles.
(All down the line.) We're gonna open up the throttle, yeah.
All down the line, We're gonna bust another bottle, yeah.

Well you can't say yes, and you can't say no,
Just be right there when the whistle blows.
I need a sanctified mind to help me out right now.
Be my little baby for a while.
Won't you be my little baby for a while?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 04:52 pm
How about a little shot of gin, Tryagain, but it'll make you sin now and agin. (if you have the time) Razz

Well, to make certain that our Try walks the straight and narrow line:

Gather 'round me, everybody
Gather 'round me while I'm preachin'
Feel a sermon comin' on me
The topic will be sin and that's what I'm ag'in'
If you wanna hear my story
Then settle back and just sit tight
While I start reviewin'
The attitude of doin' right

You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
And latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium's
Liable to walk upon the scene

To illustrate my last remark
Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark
What did they do just when everything looked so dark?

(Man, they said "We'd better accentuate the positive")
("Eliminate the negative")
("And latch on to the affirmative")
Don't mess with Mister In-Between (No!)
Don't mess with Mister In-Between

(Ya got to spread joy up to the maximum)
(Bring gloom down to the minimum)
(Have faith or pandemonium's)
(Liable to walk upon the scene)

You got to ac (yes, yes) -cent-tchu-ate the positive
Eliminate (yes, yes) the negative
And latch (yes, yes) on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
No, don't mess with Mister In-Between
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2006 08:06 pm
These Eyes
The Guess Who

[Written by Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings]

These eyes cry every night for you
These arms long to hold you again

The hurtin's on me, yeah
And I will never be free, no, my baby, no no
You gave a promise to me, yeah
An' you broke it, an' you broke it, oh no

These eyes watched you bring my world to an end
This heart could not accept and pretend

The hurtin's on me, yeah
And I will never be free, no, no, no
You took the vow with me, yeah
An' you spoke it, an' you spoke it, babe

These eyes are cryin'
These eyes have seen a lot of loves
But they're never gonna see another one like I had with you

These eyes are cryin'
These eyes have seen a lot of loves
But they're never gonna see another one like I had with you

These eyes are cryin'
These eyes have seen a lot of loves
But they're never gonna see another one like I had with you

These eyes cry every night for you
These arms, these arms long to hold you, hold you again

These eyes are cryin'
These eyes have seen a lot of loves
But their never gonna see another one like I had with you

These eyes are cryin'
These eyes have seen a lot of loves
But their never gonna see another one like I had with you

These eyes are cryin'
These eyes have seen a lot of loves
But their never gonna see another one like I had with you

These eyes are cryin'
These eyes have seen a lot of loves
But their never gonna see another one like I had with you
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Don't ya know these eyes are cryin' every night
I need you back in my heart
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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