You are a man of many parts, Stilly! What a surprise!
Thanks for that. I had actually begun removing the damage plants, for aesthetic reasons!
But will now continue with the process for the health of the plant. Trouble is, the way things are going, I may may not have any leaves left!! Quite a bit of fruit, though.
So it's poisons, huh? What a shame ...
I planted my solitary tomato over a couple of months ago, in a mixture of potting mix & compost. In a large pot. It took off like a bomb! Mostly like due to the fact that it had almost hot house conditions ... under a clear fibre glass roof. The problem reared it's ugly head only after I gave it a hit with Charlie Carp (fish-based fertilizer. Maybe I should have diluted it more?) Then crazy, rapidly changing weather conditions (extremely hot, then cool, then windy, then very humid - you know Melbourne weather!
) But recently I've moved it out from under the glass on it's little wheelie-thingie
to a more exposed spot on my verandah.Now the damn thing is as tall as me! Staked, of course.
Maybe I should plant another, just to be on the safe side?