In the mood for a fight? I am!

Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 10:48 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Not necessarily so!

If a parent, for instance, is able to correct evil in his/her child (let's say by chaining the kid in the basement for the rest of its life)...but doesn't do it...

...can the parent properly be called malevolent for not doing so?

The riddle is cute...and contains some gems...but it has simplistic and illogical aspects also. And this is one of 'em. And unfortunately for Epicurus, it destroys the thrust of the rest of the riddle.

Don't forget that Epicurus was using malevolent in context of omnipotency, something that your analogy leaves out.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 10:55 am
mesquite wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Not necessarily so!

If a parent, for instance, is able to correct evil in his/her child (let's say by chaining the kid in the basement for the rest of its life)...but doesn't do it...

...can the parent properly be called malevolent for not doing so?

The riddle is cute...and contains some gems...but it has simplistic and illogical aspects also. And this is one of 'em. And unfortunately for Epicurus, it destroys the thrust of the rest of the riddle.

Don't forget that Epicurus was using malevolent in context of omnipotency, something that your analogy leaves out.

No analogy is an exact duplicate of what it is analogizing...otherwise it would not be an analogy.

In any case, Epicurus assumes that if a God is able, but not willing to stop evil...the God is perforce malevolent.

He is wrong in that assumption.

That was the point of my analogy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 11:06 am
Actually, it is possible for there to be Gods in the minds of those who wish God to exist.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 11:16 am
I am not here to fight, though usually I do enjoy throwing a little mud every now and then. ;-)

but I do want to put in my 2 cents and say this..

According to the Bible, and many other statements from various religions..
You will NEVER meet/greet/see your god/dess until after death.
Who among us has died...and .. lived to tell about it..???
Hmm.. Noone I know. In fact, everyone I know who has died has stayed that way.. hehe.
So why do people ,... IF what all these statements from religions are TRUE, ... insist that there is a god? There is no concrete evidence. period. Admitting that does no harm.
Why is it seen as ignorance , or lack of faith to just admit.. Hey.. i dunno if there is a God, I just want to believe it? ...And leave it at that?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 11:45 am
shewolfnm wrote:
I am not here to fight, though usually I do enjoy throwing a little mud every now and then. ;-)

but I do want to put in my 2 cents and say this..

According to the Bible, and many other statements from various religions..
You will NEVER meet/greet/see your god/dess until after death.
Who among us has died...and .. lived to tell about it..???
Hmm.. Noone I know. In fact, everyone I know who has died has stayed that way.. hehe.
So why do people ,... IF what all these statements from religions are TRUE, ... insist that there is a god? There is no concrete evidence. period. Admitting that does no harm.
Why is it seen as ignorance , or lack of faith to just admit.. Hey.. i dunno if there is a God, I just want to believe it? ...And leave it at that?

Beats me, Wolf.

I certainly have no trouble doing it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 01:40 pm
Why do some people have such a hard time understanding that others may have different belifs than they hold? I see no difference between any extremist trying to hold their beliefs as the only "true" one, whether they are theist, atheist, or agnostic. No one knows now nor will they ever know who is right and belittling each other about it is as usefull as pissing into the wind.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 01:54 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Why do some people have such a hard time understanding that others may have different belifs than they hold?

I don't know any people who have a hard time doing that...but you might ask any of the ones you apparently know why that is so.

I certainly would have a hard time understanding how anyone could have a hard time understanding that...and I suspect you are talking out of your hat on this issue.

I see no difference between any extremist trying to hold their beliefs as the only "true" one, whether they are theist, atheist, or agnostic.

No agnostic worthy of the name would have "beliefs" in the sense you are using that word here, McG. We agnostics simply do not belong in that sentence.

As for the "true" perspective...well...insofar as the agnostic simply asserts: "I do not know the answers to Ultimate Questions"...

...the agnostic is being "true."

No one knows now nor will they ever know who is right and belittling each other about it is as usefull as pissing into the wind.

No one is "belittling" anyone else in this discussion, McG...so you comment is inappropriate in this thread.

And quite honestly, until you came along with this grating, inappropriately judgemental post, it has been a fairly civil and interesting discussion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 02:00 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

Beats me, Wolf

I certainly have no trouble doing it.

And in that mind set... isnt it more empowering?
Isnt it more secure.. to admit that as a human being you know NOTHING of any other life then the one you are present in?

i think so. :wink:
Granted, I am not a christian, Jewish, Muslim, or anything else that is main-stream.. but I do hold strongly to MY set of beliefs.. but even in that, I realize I know nothing. If everyone stood in that simple acceptance, most people will learn more then simple existance could ever teach.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 02:23 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Why do some people have such a hard time understanding that others may have different belifs than they hold?

I don't know any people who have a hard time doing that...but you might ask any of the ones you apparently know why that is so.

I certainly would have a hard time understanding how anyone could have a hard time understanding that...and I suspect you are talking out of your hat on this issue.

This thread is about not understanding the beliefs of others Frank. I am surprised you didn't realize that. People fear other people's beliefs when they do not run parallel to their own. You demonstrate that all the time with your insistance in not knowing.

I see no difference between any extremist trying to hold their beliefs as the only "true" one, whether they are theist, atheist, or agnostic.

No agnostic worthy of the name would have "beliefs" in the sense you are using that word here, McG. We agnostics simply do not belong in that sentence.

As for the "true" perspective...well...insofar as the agnostic simply asserts: "I do not know the answers to Ultimate Questions"...

...the agnostic is being "true."

No, the agnostic is merely straddling the fence not able or afraid to make a decision one way or the other. There's nothing wrong with not having conviction, but one who shows no conviction really has no place trying to explain their personal lack of conviction to those that do.

Theists believe in a God or Gods. Atheists do not believe in God or Gods. Agnostics just can't make up their mind in what they believe. All are belief systems. Pretty sure we've been through these hoops in the past.

No one knows now nor will they ever know who is right and belittling each other about it is as usefull as pissing into the wind.

No one is "belittling" anyone else in this discussion, McG...so you comment is inappropriate in this thread.

And quite honestly, until you came along with this grating, inappropriately judgemental post, it has been a fairly civil and interesting discussion.

The only one I see being uncivil is you Frank. It's typical and expected of you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 02:43 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Why do some people have such a hard time understanding that others may have different belifs than they hold?

I don't know any people who have a hard time doing that...but you might ask any of the ones you apparently know why that is so.

I certainly would have a hard time understanding how anyone could have a hard time understanding that...and I suspect you are talking out of your hat on this issue.

This thread is about not understanding the beliefs of others Frank. I am surprised you didn't realize that. People fear other people's beliefs when they do not run parallel to their own. You demonstrate that all the time with your insistance in not knowing.


And how does one demonstrate that one "fears" someone else's guesses when the person is simply asserting "I do not know?"

I see no difference between any extremist trying to hold their beliefs as the only "true" one, whether they are theist, atheist, or agnostic.

No agnostic worthy of the name would have "beliefs" in the sense you are using that word here, McG. We agnostics simply do not belong in that sentence.

As for the "true" perspective...well...insofar as the agnostic simply asserts: "I do not know the answers to Ultimate Questions"...

...the agnostic is being "true."

No, the agnostic is merely straddling the fence not able or afraid to make a decision one way or the other.

Oh, nonsense.

The agnostic is not fence straddling...nor afraid to "make a decision"...the agnostic is simply acknowledging what people like you have so much trouble acknowledging....that he/she simply does not know the answers to the questions you are guessing about...and pretending to "be making a decision."

There's nothing wrong with not having conviction, but one who shows no conviction really has no place trying to explain their personal lack of conviction to those that do.

Well then...stop doing it.

Since I have plenty in the way of "convictions"...I have no problem in this regard...and truly cannot properly appreciate the problem you have with it.

But just stop doing it.

Theists believe in a God or Gods. Atheists do not believe in God or Gods.

Oh really. Being exceptionally simplistic today, aren't you, McG.

Some atheists go much further than simply not believing in gods....they assert there are no gods.

I am an agnostic...I do not "believe in" gods. I simply am unwilling to "believe in" there being no gods.

Agnostics just can't make up their mind in what they believe.

They don't have to "believe"...since their take on the issue is simply an acknowledgement that they do not know...and do not have enough unambiguous evidence upon which to make an informed guess.

But I understand that people like you who really don't care about truth and ethical behavior...want to think that your uninformed guesses are somehow philosophically superior to that plain acknowledgement.

You are wrong.

But then again, McG...you are wrong so often...you might not even notice.

All are belief systems.

No they are not...except to someone who is stone-headed about it.

Pretty sure we've been through these hoops in the past.

Yes we have...and please re-read my last previous comment.

No one knows now nor will they ever know who is right and belittling each other about it is as usefull as pissing into the wind.

No one is "belittling" anyone else in this discussion, McG...so you comment is inappropriate in this thread.

And quite honestly, until you came along with this grating, inappropriately judgemental post, it has been a fairly civil and interesting discussion.

The only one I see being uncivil is you Frank. It's typical and expected of you.

No, McG...it is you who was being uncivil...and I am merely accomodating you.

I thought...considering the name of the thread...you might be looking for a little fun...and fight...so I responded.

But I can see you actually are just being your usual pig-headed self.

How ya been, by the way?

Haven't seen you around.

I've missed you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 03:00 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

But I can see you actually are just being your usual pig-headed self.

How ya been, by the way?

Haven't seen you around.

I've missed you.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 06:14 pm
Frank, my defs are legit. I even double checked them just now. I cut out the defs that didn't apply, and chose the closest one to our situation from the rest. If you insist, I'll waste an hour or two copying every definition of faith and reason, but you could have done the same just to show everyone how wrong I was.

I don't like quoting because
1. It's boring to read
2. It's condescending
3. It often addresses the specific wording of a thought rather than the thought itself. I tend to believe both parties can get a lot farther if they just open up and say what they mean rather than having a trench battle of words.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Gods are usually thought of as omnipotent, and I think omnipotence is impossible. e.g., an omnipotent god would be able to make a wall so strong that even he himself couldn't break it down

Okay...so maybe people are wrong about the omnipotent part! Maybe there are gods...but they cannot do things that are definitionally impossible.

This SEEMS (just as I said) to suggest that you'd rather offer an alternate interpretation of the power of gods, as opposed to saying, no, binny, you've got it wrong... gods can be omnipotent. As SOMEbody said before, I can only go on what you say, since I don't know what you really think. But that's not some general property of people on these threads though. You can tell what some people are getting at because they use clear language that also happens to be uncluttered by a bunch of quotes.

And YES, I am, as they say, serious as a heart attack about the tail. Please blow off my doors. In fact, if you would be so kind, let's just have a short discussion in the following way: I'll post after this, a separate post, and make it very short. Please do not quote it, but rather post a short reply that addresses it separate from whatever you have to say about anything else.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 06:17 pm
Do you have an invisible, incorporeal tail that fades in and out of corporeality every 90 years?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 07:24 pm
binnyboy wrote:
Frank, my defs are legit. I even double checked them just now. I cut out the defs that didn't apply, and chose the closest one to our situation from the rest.

Bin, gimme a break, willl ya. You cut out anything that didn't fit neatly into what you wanted to end up with...and that is distortion.

In any case...even with the distortions...you never did substantiate you over-reaching, gratuitously insulting nonsense about: "Many god-pushers advocate an appeal to faith over reason, and that is the definition of a fool! Look it up! "

If you insist, I'll waste an hour or two copying every definition of faith and reason, but you could have done the same just to show everyone how wrong I was.

Do what you want...I'm not going to waste time proving that you are wet in suggesting that "an appeal to faith over reason" is the definition of a fool.

I don't like quoting because
1. It's boring to read
2. It's condescending
3. It often addresses the specific wording of a thought rather than the thought itself. I tend to believe both parties can get a lot farther if they just open up and say what they mean rather than having a trench battle of words.

All that may be true...but quoting has the advantage of being exactly what the person said...rather than your interpretation of what was said.

I'm very careful in my wording...often revising comments several times before posting them.


Frank Apisa wrote:
Gods are usually thought of as omnipotent, and I think omnipotence is impossible. e.g., an omnipotent god would be able to make a wall so strong that even he himself couldn't break it down

Okay...so maybe people are wrong about the omnipotent part! Maybe there are gods...but they cannot do things that are definitionally impossible.

This SEEMS (just as I said) to suggest that you'd rather offer an alternate interpretation of the power of gods, as opposed to saying, no, binny, you've got it wrong... gods can be omnipotent.

But that is not what you said at all, Bin.

You said:
So you seem to agree. An omnipotent god is impossible (though you conject about a "god" that can do things that are not definitionally impossible).

And I called you on this, by writing:

No I don't...and I did not say, nor intimate that I agree.

I merely pointed out that humans may be wrong about that item.

I have no idea if omnipotence is impossible...and I suspect neither do you. But...it is alright with me if you want to assert stuff you do not know.

Do you understand my position on this "Can God make a rock so big he cannot lift it" nonsense?

And quite honestly....I do not agree with you at all that omnipotence requires that a god do the definitionally impossible.

Look...this is not something unique with me...not by a long shot. This seeming paradox to omnipotence is something that has been argued by legions over the years. Bottom line: There is no paradox. This is a game being played by people pretending to be able to show logical reasons for atheism.

You might try this: Go to Google and type in a search parameter of: "Can God make a rock..." ... and take a look at the results. It will be in the millions. You could spend the rest of your life reading discussions of this item...and for the most part, even intellectual atheists show contempt for it.

As SOMEbody said before, I can only go on what you say, since I don't know what you really think. But that's not some general property of people on these threads though. You can tell what some people are getting at because they use clear language that also happens to be uncluttered by a bunch of quotes.

Well, Bin, I am me...and I am quite capable of putting my thoughts into words that can be clearly and easily understood. I do not need you paraphrasing what I say...because on the few occasions you have done that, you have distorted what I've said. In fact, that is a major problem in what we are discussing here...the fact that your paraphrasing of what I have said, distorts what I actually said.

Use quotes.

And YES, I am, as they say, serious as a heart attack about the tail. Please blow off my doors. In fact, if you would be so kind, let's just have a short discussion in the following way: I'll post after this, a separate post, and make it very short. Please do not quote it, but rather post a short reply that addresses it separate from whatever you have to say about anything else.

Okay...I will be delighted to blow your doors off.

Let start at the beginning.

Here is what you originally wrote:

You also have implied that you believe anyone who believes anything particular about a god will have some logical point wrong. But you believe that thinking there is NO god is equally fallable.

Well, Frank, let me ask you this:
Do you don't have a tail?
Hint: according to your previous argument, your answer, for consistence to apply to your answers, should be "I don't know".
After all, just because there's no evidence you have a tail doesn't mean you don't have one.

So...suppose you provide quotes from me which support the premise upon which this...thing...is based.

I'll take it from there.

Keep in mind...you are going to provide quotes from me which imply that I believe something.


You don't even have to stick to the stuff you say I inferred "I believe."

And so that I do not unnecessarily limit you...please feel free to use quotes from any of the thousands that I have posted in any of the hundreds of threads here on A2K...and if you have access to any Abuzz records...please feel free to use any of the 5 times that many posts I had over there.

Provide anything that substantiates your initial premise.

And then we will debate.

Oh, by the way, Bin...don't lean against the doors. Ya never know when they're gonna fly off.

One other thing (seriously, my new friend)...I hope you aced your tests yesterday.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 07:35 pm
As usual, long boring post that says very little.
And you can't bring yourself to post a short answer to my simple question.
And I don't even know what you expect me to do here:
So...suppose you provide quotes from me which support the premise upon which this...thing...is based.

Confusing language. I'm not being obstinate... I really think that is confusing language.
And I did okay on the tests considering I kept thinking about this thread when I was studying and kept getting off course.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 07:50 pm
btw, my question, in case you have forgotton or misunderstood:

Do you have an invisible, incorporeal tail that fades in and out of corporeality every 90 years?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 07:54 pm
OOOOoooohhhhh Maybe by premise you mean that I've assumed you exist, and that I'm talking to you? Or some similar garbage? Please help me out here. And in a very short and to the point way (I won't pick what you say apart).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 08:02 pm
I'd be more than happy to carry this forward with somebody that "wants to play".

(to anyone at all:)
Do you have an invisible, incorporeal tail that fades in and out of corporeality every 90 years?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 09:17 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Not necessarily so!

If a parent, for instance, is able to correct evil in his/her child (let's say by chaining the kid in the basement for the rest of its life)...but doesn't do it...

...can the parent properly be called malevolent for not doing so?

The riddle is cute...and contains some gems...but it has simplistic and illogical aspects also. And this is one of 'em. And unfortunately for Epicurus, it destroys the thrust of the rest of the riddle.

Don't forget that Epicurus was using malevolent in context of omnipotency, something that your analogy leaves out.

No analogy is an exact duplicate of what it is analogizing...otherwise it would not be an analogy.

In any case, Epicurus assumes that if a God is able, but not willing to stop evil...the God is perforce malevolent.

He is wrong in that assumption.

That was the point of my analogy.

C'mon Frank, your analogy didn't prevent evil, it just changed the recipient (chaining the kid in the basement for the rest of his life). I see nothing wrong with Epicurus claiming an omnipotent god to be malevolent for not preventing evil. The key here is prevention, not transference or substitution.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 10:09 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Keep in mind...you are going to provide quotes from me which imply that I believe something.


I know that I shouldn't butt in here, but it should be easy to find some quotes where you at least infer that you believe George Bush is a goddam moron. Yeah, I know that you have plenty of unambiguous evidence to take it beyond a belief in your mind, but does that really make it true?
0 Replies

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