im sitll here gus... they cant take us both on... at least i hope not
You better start wearing protective gear around here Seed
Joahaeyo wrote:paulaj, this was my favorite part.
What he had to promise his dad before he died. His dad giving him advice on how to pick the perfect woman.
1.) "No matter what you do in life, you will never ever settle for average."
2.) "Don't be satisfied with routine poontang. I married for love and your mother Betty has been a nightmare." (By the way, Hal informs us his mom's name is Marian.)
3) and find yourself a classic beauty, with a perfect can, and great totties. That will put you in good stead with The Lord. It's all in here. *points to bible*
That was hilarious. The part that stands out in my mind is when Hal's friend turns down an invitation to a -Beatles reunion!- from a beautiful, nice and caring girl because he noticed one of her toes is a bit longer than the others!
Smart men can get anything they want out of life. The same is NOT true for women.
Attractive women can get anything they want out of life. Intelligence is completely unnecessary. Want proof? Three words: Anna Nicole Smith.
I was going to say, if I was a woman, I'd rather be incredibly hot and dumb.
But as a guy, I guess I'd rather be incredibly smart. Then I would be smart enough to develop enough game to attract good looking chicks anyway.
Unless I looked like a complete moron who plays D&D online all day.
Dungeons and Dragons. Apparently people still play this stuff.
Don't try to hide it Paula.
Oh you caught me.
BTW, why did my post (the one you questioned me one earlier today, other thread) about not having intercourse make you laugh? Just curious.
Just the fact that a guy, or guys proposed to you, and you weren't having sex.
Has this been bugging you all day?
Did you drive to the store, and totally forget what you were going to buy, because the whole time you were muttering "that damn whippersnapper and his snobby laughing at me!" as you waved your fist out your window?
Slappy, you are killing me. Stop it!
Caught me again! <wonders where Slappy get's his intuitiveness from>
I was having sex, just not intercourse.
Ok Paula, you don't have to explain.
Haha...I'd say "sorry," but you know me...had to do it.
Why did you edit your post, what did you originally write?
I changed "Youu are killing me" to "You are killing me".
Paula, stop asking so many damn questions.
Youu killing me.
kickycan wrote:I changed "Youu are killing me" to "You are killing me".
Do you have a "peech inspediment?"
Definitely smart. Smart is attractive if you are looking to impress the right men. But you can't flaunt it or its very intimidating. What's wrong with having both?
How many times has this question been posed throughout history? And what do the answers say about human nature? Preferring to be attractive isn't totally superficial--- physical attraction is biological, it's about survival of the species. But someone invented the wheel, someone discovered how to use fire.
I am smart and physically attractive, but if you held a gun to my head and forced me to choose, I'm pretty sure I'd keep my intelligence.