Wed 24 Nov, 2004 07:27 pm
What would be your ideal "God", both in ideas and in personality. You don't have to be a theist to answer this one, just have a vision of goodness(or evil, if that's your style.)
Courtesy of Taliesin
The ideal god would be not to have a god at all!
If there has to be one: She would advocate peace, harmony & goodwill .... Right throughout the whole universe!
Tall order!
What would I consider an Ideal God?
1) If the God wanted us to know It would do so in an unambiguous way... rather than depending on people to write Its words down for future interpretation.
2) It would keep out of our face...and never get involved in any way with anything we do or want to do. If we want to make our world a Hell...It would allow us to do so without interference.
It would not set up rules for matter how compelling the reasons for doing so. And under no circumstances would It ever set up any rules for us based primarily on what "offends" or "pleases" It...because that makes no sense at all.
If that "offends" or "pleases" nonsense is important enough to the God make a big thing out of it...It will knock off this "free will" bullshyt...and make it impossible for us to do anything that offends It. That way...there are no problems.
3) If it has a paradise prepared for us....let us at it. This "earning admission" is for the birds...because some people simply will never be able to earn it. And since the God will have plenty of room in this makes no sense to deny anyone admission.
4) It would keep out of our face...and never get involved in any way with anything we do or want to do. If we want to make our world a Hell...It would allow us to do so without interference.
It would not set up rules for matter how compelling the reasons for doing so. And under no circumstances would It ever set up any rules for us based primarily on what "offends" or "pleases" It, because that makes no sense at all.
If that "offends" or "pleases" nonsense is important enough to the God make a big thing out of it...It will knock off this "free will" bullshyt...and make it impossible for us to do anything that offends It. That way...there are no problems.
(If I have repeated is because this is a very important aspect of any God I would consider ideal.)
Well she would have to have kylie minogue's face, nicole kidman's body, and generally be a sweet heart. I'd worship her alright
straightforward and unisex for me!
i would want God to be as human as possible... i want him to feel what i feel when i am suffering or happy...
i want god to be this way because i want him to understand man as man understands himself.
in a way i am saying god is not capable of feeling..
here comes another idea, if God is perfect, how can he be compassionate at all?
Just come into existance...
I'd have to hate any god who already existed and allowed the terrible things in human history to have occured.
Re: What would your ideal god be?
Etruscia wrote:What would be your ideal "God", both in ideas and in personality. You don't have to be a theist to answer this one, just have a vision of goodness(or evil, if that's your style.)
Nature is the perfect God; the only thing innocent enough and yet powerful enough to be worthy of the title.
To me nature has no innocence, because there is nothing for it to be innocent of, and as for power, it has no more power than those which exist. For that, we are nature, a part of nature, not seperate of it. For all those people who say they want to get back to nature, i say you have never left nature. And you never can.