Well im back on my nastalgia kick...
Things I remember most. Paloma Ave and the Krishas (good food). Walking/skating to either pier. Hinano Burgers. Pinball. Flamming Diamond (windance) ... The Canaligators. Huge parties on the Pennisula ... the Nude Beach (early 70's) ClubHouse ave we lived back house....Windance guys lived in the front house....lots of fun there. Used to room with janie and harlan before clubhouse I think.
My friends were Uly Hall, Sean, Christian and Aaron, Shauna (hooks step daughter), Diana and Sarah Hahn (sheila hahns daughters)... and many more...
Pinball at Buffalo chips and hinano....uly and I would live on the machine... singing at the bar next door to hinano (or across the street)...maybe sunset something.... I had to sing Puff the Magic dragon....not sure if this was Windance or Canaligators....it was scary

getting Flaming diamond and Puff the magic Dragon banned from Hinano for playing it too much.
Hanging on Dell while the mural went up.... Don Unziker.... helping build the park. The festivals and the parades each year.... parties on the canals... the Hahns .....
Playing Army at the destroyed POP.... watching it burn on last time (the night King Kong was on TV).... going to Grandview and taking the city bus home... Area D school (for a year).... the Pavilion ... Zippys pizza.
Doc who would give all us kids tennis balls he collected from the beach each morning.. woudl throw us them fromthe balcony (second floor) on his house on the boardwalk.
the guy who used to drive up and down on his piano and play music...
Skateboarding in the big parking lot halfway to SM Pier. Getting Cashews from the store on the boardwalk.
Selling painted rocks and snails and trying to make raisins out of grapes found in the empty lot (still empty) on Paloma and two up from speedway.
getting to stay out until the street lights came on. And roof top jumping instead of walking ont he boardwalk...
the boat place next to the comeback inn... the cool mural on the side of the wall that had the mirror in it so it would go on and on and on... (tripped me out then

wow much much more.... I lived there from 72-77 or so.