Etruscia wrote:It is not meaningful because it does not work. Give me one instance where the 'eye for an eye' methodology works. Rapists should be raped. Murderers killed. Decapitators decapitated. Does this stop Rapists? Does it stop Murderers? Does it stop Decapitators?
To go from the specific to the general is poor reasoning.
Your examples of violent behavior towards convicted criminals is useless, exaggerated analogy.
Murder is a crime where the victim is powerless to judge or pardon the murderer.
Therefore, a civilized society must judge the damage done.
As the United States has one of the most evolved and civilized justice systems ever invented by secular society, the US has experimented, through trial and error, what the penalties for murder should be.
It has found it just, in certain cases, to eliminate the murderer.
Big whoop.
The US system of justice tends to work from the general and go to the specific, which is sound logic.
Your analogy of an eye for an eye is a Christian invention of what they do not believe, but that they believed Jews believed.
It is a worthless and false analogy as Judaism never believed in "an eye for an eye" as stated by Christian apologists.
And, why should a mother have the right to kill another person just because that person is living inside the mother's body?
We do not extend that kind of decision making to someone that owns the house you live in.
We do not even extend that kind of decision making to someone who owns and controls life support systems.
It is a ridiculous premise that a mother should be able to murder her unborn infant just because he or she is inside of her.
Unless, of course, that person inside of the mother is trying to kill the mother. Then, terminating that life would be both permissible and logical.