Quote:Over the centuries different groups have ruled over different regions. As a matter of fact, even what you like to refer to as Western Culture was in no small part crafted by invasive forces from other places.
A human persons culture needs to grow, sometimes it is met with resistance and succumbs. Other times the growth process flourishes. All of it comes together in the final product found in the Petrie dish we call Earth.
Sturgis, your short post represents the greatest intellectual challenge to my argument.
If I may rephrase the "Petri Dish" metaphor (please correct me if I am misrepresenting what you said); the challenge is that humanity is advancing. What am calling "Modern Western culture" has a better understanding of morality than the cultures that came before it.
Do you feel I am stating this fairly (I would for us to agree on the metaphor)?
There are a few ways I would question this idea. One is simply the historical narrative... how did we get to a modern world that favors Western ideas and people. White people today control the majority of the World's resources.
History hasn't favored morality as I understand morality. Guns and Steel were behind Colonialism that brought Western ideas to most of the world, and it is hard to argue that morality was behind Western expansion. You are correct that there were other conquerors. I would like to hear how this changes the basic argument.
The real question is what would have happened had the period of European colonization never happened. If African and American indigenous cultures been allowed to develop on their own would they have converged on the system of morality we have in Western Countries today?
I rather doubt it. Part of the reason is because the system of morality we have today isn't very logical... even in a mathematical sense. We have property ownership, national borders, capitalism... all of these are European inventions that to this day favor Western countries leaving cultures and communities forever locked out. And we fixate on certain practices (such as female circumcision) and accept others (such as poverty and starvation) as a matter of course, it is hard to imagine that people whose children are dying of starvation would care more about eliminating circumcision of any sort.
Modern Western Culture comes with a set of biases that many people confuse with absolute truth. These biases favor a group of people and cause hardship to other humans.
The Petri dish is working fine for those of us living in privilege in Western countries. There are many people for whom it isn't going so well. We should be asking the question; why is the petri dish the way it is? who does it benefit? whom does it hurt or leave out?