I've got a TV tuner for my laptop, which seems to work remarkably well. It came with a small, hi-gain antenna, which ostensibly can be adhered to flat surface or hooked over the edge of the laptop, to pick-up digital signals when the tuner is in use.
The signal reception from the antenna is usually quite good, but for a couple of the local broadcast channel signals, I sometimes find that I need to get the antenna "up" just a little higher, and typically higher than than the limited length of wire that came with the antenna will allow.
I've found that I can use a section of standard, shielded, coaxial cable, which will match the connectors on the antenna and the TV tuner. The only problem is that shielded, coaxial cable has all the flexibility of popsicle stick - which is stark contrast to the thin profile, highly-flexible type of wire that is used on the antenna. The problem is that I've not been able to ascertain what this type of wire is, since I've got to believe that 15-25' extensions, with the standard F-type connectors, are probably already available from some supplier somewhere.
In supreme bit of irony (and more than a little bit of irritation), I thought the easiest route was to simply go back to the orignal supplier of the TV tuner and just ask them for the "spec" on the antenna wire for their own product. To my surprise, they claimed that they were not knowledgeable about the specification of the wiring on the antenna. Really?
Consequently, since I've had good luck on this forum in the past (both getting and giving solutions), I thought I would give this a try. Best case I get someone to suggest a source for this thin-profile wire, with the F-type connectors already installed. Worst case, someone is at least able to provide a suggestion on the wire type, in which case I'm probably adept enough to buy the wire, and adapt the F-type connectors myself. Here are couple of other high-resolution pictures that may help with the problem diagnosis. Follow-up questions on any of this, just let me know. Thanks!