hehehehehehe...like most men he had no clue where to start...
He looked around, not knowing which way to turn, and as his eyes adjusted to the gloom, he saw an open area up ahead, and within that open area, a small body of water, and in that small body of water, a man in a boat.
Realizing it wasnt just water but an actual swamp,he pulled his shirt over his mouth to soften the stench of the bogs aroma and plunged towards the ferryman.
Hoping that the ferryman would save him, he boarded the boat and to his relief, he took a deep breath.
But the ferryman gave him a strange look, wondering why he'd come.
His determination rapidly deflating,he turned back towards shore to find a place to take a nap.
The boat had already started to cross the fetid swamp, however, so he turned to ask the ferryman a question.
He steadied his nerve,looked the ferry man squarely in the eye and asked"We're not taking the south passage,are we?"
The ferryman looked stunned by the question and replied, "What are you talking about?"
With a puzzled look he asked "You know. Is this a one-way river?.....Ummm,is it exit only?".
And to that the FerryMan replied.."yeah, but I can show you an easier access".
At that moment the boat rocked violently,dumping our hero to his knees,and with more than a little hesitation he replied"Well.....I guess I'm all ears".
And the Ferryman Steered and Steered, tugging heroically pulling them over the edge. There was no turning back now, they had hit the climax of thier journey to neverland.
The fairyman... er... ferryman... handed Gabe a satchel as he stepped out of the boat and said, "you were a real Thriller."
Standing on the shore,watching the diminishing figure of the fairyman, wondering where this journey of self-discovery would take him next, he noticed how much better his shirt would look with sequins.
Accordingly, Gabe waded into the water and attempted to catch a fish so that he could use the scales to decorate his blouse.
Submerging in the water he paddled deeper and deeper,where near the bottom,he spied a chest resting in the mud.
And as he approached the chest, a giant squid embraced him, filling the water surrounding him with with dark fluid...Gabe couldn't breathe....
Summoning his last reserves of srtength,Gabe pulled out the knife his non-touching uncle had given him and began slashing widly at the mass of tentacles.