Farmerman - your comment is very, very far from nitpicking in math circles! Pharmaceutical and insurance companies desperately want to know if the new drugs will work on those who can pay for them. Take a look, tell me if this doesn't look like Kofi Annan >>
>> and then read the link, this guy isn't related to those of us who populate the usual market for pharmaceuticals:
Whether we had any connection to the Indonesian hobbits I've no idea, but as far as Asiatics go we're closer to the Japanese than to the Chinese for some reason. Each 10,000-year increment in DNA distance means something concrete in terms of drug effectiveness, depending on the drug, and many of the newest AIDS drugs simply won't work in Africa no matter if they're given out for free. It's over a million-and-a-half DNA years distance.
OK, no more math, but one observation on those hobbits: how far were they from Australian aborigines? How about those Amazon tribes? Going by looks alone here, and I don't know the answer, but if Indonesia's "little people" - widely reported to still live in mountain caves when Dutch and Portuguese navigators arrived - were to appear in real life, would we consider them human?
Please no political correctness, this is a fundamental question to folks struggling daily with petabyte-size databases!