maxdancona wrote:Obstruction of Justice
Setting aside for a moment the question of whether such a crime has even been committed by Trump, since the Democrats were OK with Bill Clinton committing obstruction of justice, who cares if a different president does the same thing?
maxdancona wrote:Apparently Comey wrote memos (before he was fired) after he was concerned about Trump's behavior. Trump apparently told the FBI director to "shut it down" referring to the investigation of the Michael Flynn.
What I'm hearing is a claim that Trump
asked him to shut it down
if he didn't have a major objection to doing so.
Presuming for a moment that this claim is true, how would this in any way be obstruction of justice?
maxdancona wrote:This is a level of stupidity, combined with disregard for law or respect for the office, that has never been seen before.
To me it looks like the Democrats are completely out of touch with reality.
If Democratic leaders start passing out Kool Aid, don't drink any.
maxdancona wrote:I have been hoping that Trump can last 4 years. I now rather doubt it.
Here is a sample of reality for you to get your bearings:
Trump will be president for eight years.
History will regard Trump as the equal of Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.
The Republicans will hold the White House for a minimum of 20 years.
When the Democratic Party does eventually, one day in the distant future, retake the White House, it will only be after Democratic moderates purge their party of all the liberal extremists and nominate a "Trump-lite" to be their standard bearer.