I'm going to keep pounding on this here on A2K to try and inform as many as possible about the HSUS PAC. Again, this is not your neighborhood animal shelter, as they'd like you to believe.
Humane Society of the U.S. and C.U.B.B Lied to Alaskans
Citizens United Against Bear Baiting received $25,000 from the Humane Society of the U.S. and purposely deceived Alaskans to the very end about their financial support for the effort to ban hunting.
For Immediate Release November 8, 2004
Contact: Jerod Broadfoot, Campaign Manager
Anchorage, AK- In a not so surprising discovery today Alaskans for Professional Wildlife Management (APWM), the coalition responsible for defeating an attempted ban on bear baiting, learned that the Humane Society of the U.S. contributed $25,000 to Citizens United Against Bear Baiting (C.U.B.B.) just five days before the election. On October 28, 2004 C.U.B.B. deposited the check from the nation's largest anti-hunting group, two days after the seven-day public report was due which discloses individuals and organization who contribute to campaigns.
Even though members of APWM knew and expected that national groups like the Humane Society were supporting the effort they have been left scratching their heads as to the blatant deception by both Paul Joslin of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance/Co-Chair of C.U.B.B. and Wayne Pacelle, newly appointed CEO for the Humane Society of the U.S.
"Wayne Pacelle and Paul Joslin lied to Alaskans about the financial support for Measure 3. On the same day that C.U.B.B. deposited the check from the Humane Society its CEO, Wayne Pacelle, stated that they had not contributed." stated Jerod Broadfoot, Campaign Manager for APWM. "C.U.B.B.'s Co-Chair, Paul Joslin, was quoted in the Fairbanks paper on October 31st saying our claims that they were supported by the Humane Society were �'absolutely bogus'. From the moment the anti-hunters started circulating Measure 3 we knew who was behind it and it's too bad that they lied about it to the public."
Why did the proponents of Measure 3 and the Humane Society of the U.S. repeatedly lie to Alaskans and to the rest of the nation about their support? The answer is simple. The anti-hunting movement doesn't want the public to know that they are actually behind the continuous attacks on hunting and wildlife management through the ballot box. Once the public learns that these "citizen initiatives" aren't being proposed by "citizens," but rather patsies for the animal rights and environmental extremists they are quick to reject them just as they have done in Alaska and in Maine.
"Alaskans can't trust the Paul Joslin's, John Toppnberg's, Joel Bennett's and Wayne Pacelle's of the world. For over a year these animal rights extremists have lied to the entire nation about their agenda and financial details in support of Measure 3" stated Kurt Norby, APWM Chairman. "After all of the years of deception and political rhetoric the Humane Society, Alaska Wildlife Alliance and C.U.B.B. have showed us their true intentions. They want to ban all hunting in the United States and they will lie, steal and cheat to accomplish that goal."
Members of APWM are publicly calling for Letters to the Editor, calls to radio shows and interviews with television stations condemning the actions of the radical anti-hunting groups who purposely deceived Alaskans. According to Jennifer Yuhas of the Alaska Outdoor Council "the public should be appalled at their actions and we must demand that the anti-hunting movement not be allowed to continue their assault on way of life. The best thing to do is to join one of the many pro-hunting and pro-gun organizations that have supported wildlife management in and out of Alaska for years."
Alaskans for Professional Wildlife Management encourages individuals and organizations to contact them for more information on how to stop the anti-hunting movement.