tibbleinparadise wrote:
The black folks I know are genuinely embarrassed by the BLM movement. There are obviously some really noisy folks on the extremes, but I don't know that they come close to representing the majority.
What exactly does this mean, to be embarrassed by the BLM movement.
1. I believe very strongly that the BLM movement is addressing a real problem. Black people are being unfairly targeted by law enforcement, and the number of Black people being killed in police custody is unacceptable.
2. I believe in protests, including angry protests. This is part of being an American and part of our Constitution. The fact that I believe this movement is correct add to my support.
3. I accept that some of the examples in BLM are questionable or run counter to the facts. I have no problem admitting this. I don't believe that this changes the overall truth of the problem.
4. I believe that arson, looting and violence are unacceptable.
5. There is a blanket, knee-jerk denial of the basic problem coming from the political right. This is a big problem and one of the reasons that the protests are escalating. When they try to sweep a real problem under the rug, the people being affected have no choice but to become louder.
So where does that put me in the political spectrum?