The black folks I know are genuinely embarrassed by the BLM movement. There are obviously some really noisy folks on the extremes, but I don't know that they come close to representing the majority.
I accept that as true.
The issue, as I see it, it whether or not they feel comfortable expressing that embarrassment to more than a few trusted friends.
This is clearly bullshit. You can simply look at the polling. The vast majority of African-Americans support the Black Lives Matter movement and consider it a non-violent protest movement.
I wish White People, including White People pretending to be Nigerian princes would shut up about what Black people think.
0 Replies
Wed 3 Jun, 2020 09:32 pm
maxdancona wrote:
I honestly want to see if anyone else will stand up for your bullshit.
Note your inability to point out a single untrue statement in my posts.
Appeals to the crowd are a logical fallacy by the way.
0 Replies
mark noble
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 08:29 am
Racism/patriotism is the same thing.
Why? - Control. (Divide & Conquer) (Control).
Have a Lovely Day
0 Replies
Real Music
Sun 23 May, 2021 11:41 pm
Rachel Maddow shares newly public details on the brutal beating and tasering by police of Ronald Greene, who ultimately died in police custody. After police repeatedly resisted releasing body camera footage of the of the deadly arrest, the AP was able to obtain one such video, shedding new light on the circumstances surrounding Greene's death.