Re: Differences between Methodist, Presbyterian, and Luthera
gemini08 wrote:Hi everyone, first post on these boards and I come here asking for some help. As a child, I was never raised with faith and until recently, I have yet to learn about the demoninations of Christianity and what each believes. I come here asking for some simple explanations for these three demoninations, Im approaching my 30's and I feel it's time for me to do something that I have wanted to for a while now, I just want to make the right decision that is right for me. The explanation requested will hopefully help me understand this a little better. I look forward to your replies and thank you in advance.
I wish you luck on your quest.
You ought really to factor "agnostic" into your considerations. It fits your question almost begs.
Each denomination...each religion...each individual...
...has "beliefs"...which essentially are guesses about the unknown.
Now you can adopt a particular set of beliefs from a particular denomination...or you can decide yourself what your individual guesses about the unknown should be...
...but you also are free to simply choose to acknowledge that questions of great moment...such as "Is there a God?" and "If there is a God...what pleases that God and what offends the God?" or "If there is a God...what does that God expect of me?"...
...are not readily answerable based on the evidence available.
But whether you choose to factor in agnosticism or not...once again "Good luck!"